Examples of MDF in a sentence
Refers to an End Office Switch connection that is connected to an ordinary telephone station set, including the connection between a loop termination at, for example, a main distribution frame (MDF) and a switch line card.
SPFL is responsible from the MDF for paging distribution within the facility, including permanently affixed outside paging speakers.
KSC will provide the existing fire alarm reporting copper pairs on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) in each SPFL facility.
Paging & Area Warning KSC will provide the all area warning-paging signal (low-level analog audio signal on copper twisted pair) on the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) at the SLF Property.
A service order-generated connection of one or more Collocator’s equipment cables using patch cords or jumpers that attach to connecting equipment hardware at the Main Distribution Frame (MDF), Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) or Fiber Distribution Frame (FDF).