Certified by the Commission definition

Certified by the Commission means that the Commis- sion has acknowledged receipt of one of the following for an appliance equipped with an intermittent type ignition device; a photostatic copy of the A.G.A. Appliance Cer- tificate or the UL Listing Certificate; a listing of the appliance in the A.G.A. “Directory of Certified Appli- ances and Accessories” or the UL “Gas and Oil Equip- ment List”; or a certified test report from a recognized independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Commis- sion stating that the appliance has been tested and con- forms to the applicable American National Standards as mentioned below.

Examples of Certified by the Commission in a sentence

  • While the timeline of project review and public notice requirements have led the project to be formally Certified by the Commission after the 18 month deadline, Staff and the PA have no concerns with Certifying the project at this time.

  • Bid response shall include three months of menus for youth based on the requirements of Appendixes 1, 2, 3 and 4, and reviewed and certified as to nutritional adequacy and compliance with specifications by a Registered Dietitian (Certified by the Commission on Dietetic Registration).

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (Certified by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification);ANDMust have two (2) years of experience developing and implementing intensive behavioral treatment plans.All agencies that employ two (2) or more Behavioral Specialists, regardless of credentials, must provide supervision by an individual who meets the criteria for PBIS Program Director.

  • Id.Here, the child support magistrate issued its order on July 16, 2018.

  • In order to enroll with Medicaid as an Ambulatory Rehabilitation Center, the facility must meet one of the following requirements:o Certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (Certified by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification);ANDMust have, at a minimum, two (2) years of experience providing adjustment related counseling to seniors and/or individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities and their families to be considered qualifying experience.Include:8.

  • These regulations establish the need for any person discharging waste to do so only under a license (Environmental Protection License or EPL) issued by the CEA, and inaccordance with the gazetted discharge standards and criteria.

  • Bid response shall include menus reviewed and certified as to nutritional adequacy and compliance with specifications by a Registered Dietitian (Certified by the Commission on Dietetic Registration).

  • Do you have any relationships or associations with the insurers who issue the insurance policies or any other material relationships?Coversafe Insurance Brokers is a Steadfast Group Limited (Steadfast) Network Broker.

  • The PRP shall ensure there is a Rehabilitation Specialist who is a licensed mental health professional; Certified by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification or Certified by the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.

Related to Certified by the Commission

  • the Commission means the Charity Commission for England and Wales;

  • Government Agency means any government, or any governmental, semi-governmental or judicial entity or authority, including any self-regulating authority established under any statute.

  • the Commissioners means the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs;

  • Appropriate Commission means as defined in the PPA;

  • Selling Commission means three percent (3%) of the gross proceeds of Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement, or as otherwise agreed between the Company and the Agent with respect to any Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement.

  • Tax Commission means the Oklahoma Tax Commission;

  • Supervised financial organization means a person, other than an insurance company or other organization primarily engaged in an insurance business:

  • Commissioners means the board of county commissioners.

  • Governmental Bar Date means the date established pursuant to the Bar Date Order by which Proofs of Claim of Governmental Units must be Filed.

  • Government Agencies means any court, agency, authority, board (including, without limitation, environmental protection, planning and zoning), bureau, commission, department, office or instrumentality of any nature whatsoever of any governmental or quasi-governmental unit of the United States or any State or any county or any political subdivision of any of the foregoing, whether now or hereafter in existence, having jurisdiction over Tenant or any Property, or any portion thereof, or any Facility operated thereon.

  • Qualified Correspondent Any Person from which the Seller purchased Mortgage Loans, provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (i) such Mortgage Loans were originated pursuant to an agreement between the Seller and such Person that contemplated that such Person would underwrite mortgage loans from time to time, for sale to the Seller, in accordance with underwriting guidelines designated by the Seller ("Designated Guidelines") or guidelines that do not vary materially from such Designated Guidelines; (ii) such Mortgage Loans were in fact underwritten as described in clause (i) above and were acquired by the Seller within 180 days after origination; (iii) either (x) the Designated Guidelines were, at the time such Mortgage Loans were originated, used by the Seller in origination of mortgage loans of the same type as the Mortgage Loans for the Seller's own account or (y) the Designated Guidelines were, at the time such Mortgage Loans were underwritten, designated by the Seller on a consistent basis for use by lenders in originating mortgage loans to be purchased by the Seller; and (iv) the Seller employed, at the time such Mortgage Loans were acquired by the Seller, pre-purchase or post-purchase quality assurance procedures (which may involve, among other things, review of a sample of mortgage loans purchased during a particular time period or through particular channels) designed to ensure that Persons from which it purchased mortgage loans properly applied the underwriting criteria designated by the Seller.

  • Salesperson means any person holding an Iowa real estate salesperson license as defined in Iowa Code section 543B.5(19).

  • Commission means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Government Entity means (a) any federal, state, provincial or similar government, and any body, board, department, commission, court, tribunal, authority, agency or other instrumentality of any such government or otherwise exercising any executive, legislative, judicial, administrative or regulatory functions of such government or (b) any other government entity having jurisdiction over any matter contemplated by the Operative Agreements or relating to the observance or performance of the obligations of any of the parties to the Operative Agreements.

  • Diocesan Schools Commission means the education service provided by the diocese, which may also be known, or referred to, as the Diocesan Education Service.

  • Governmental Body means any government or governmental or regulatory body thereof, or political subdivision thereof, whether federal, state, local or foreign, or any agency, instrumentality or authority thereof, or any court or arbitrator (public or private).

  • Government Entities means collectively, the United States of America or any other nation, any state or other political subdivision thereof, or any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of government, including any court, in each case having jurisdiction over the Company.

  • Health care organization ’ means any person or en-

  • Civil Service Commission means the commission required under Section 5 of Article XI of the Michigan Constitution of 1963.

  • NLRB means the United States National Labor Relations Board.

  • Certified business means a business verified as a minority- or women-owned business enterprise pursuant to Section 314 of the Executive Law.

  • Governmental function means an activity that is expressly or impliedly mandated or authorized by constitution, statute, local charter or ordinance, or other law. Governmental function includes an activity performed on public or private property by a sworn law enforcement officer within the scope of the law enforcement officer's authority, as directed or assigned by his or her public employer for the purpose of public safety.

  • Governmental Instrumentality means any national, state or local government (whether domestic or foreign), any political subdivision thereof or any other governmental, quasi-governmental, judicial, public or statutory instrumentality, authority, body, agency, bureau or entity, (including the Nevada Gaming Authorities, any zoning authority, the FDIC, the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Reserve Board, any central bank or any comparable authority) or any arbitrator with authority to bind a party at law.

  • Officials means the director(s) of the Company and other persons nominated by the Company;

  • Labor organization means any organization of any kind, or any agency or employee representation committee or plan, in which employees participate and that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work.

  • State Commission means any state regulatory agency having jurisdiction over retail electricity sales in any State in the PJM Region.