Centurion Pipeline definition

Centurion Pipeline means that certain 10” pipeline system operated by Centurion Pipeline L.P. and originating from Centurion’s Artesia Station located within Township 18S and Range 27E, approximately 1 mile south of HEP Operating’s Abo Station.

Examples of Centurion Pipeline in a sentence

  • For applicable rates on gathering services performed by Centurion Pipeline L.P. into points of origin listed above, see Centurion Pipeline L.P.’s Texas Local Gathering Tariff No. 17, supplements thereto or reissues thereof.

  • OFFERS IN EXCESS OF FACILITIES:If Crude Petroleum is nominated to Carrier for transportation in excess of the amount that can be immediately transported, Carrier shall apportion capacity among all Shippers in accordance with Carrier’s Proration Policy titled Centurion Pipeline L.P. Cline Shale Pipeline System Pipeline Proration Policy dated October 21, 2014.

  • PatelCenturion Pipeline L.P.3600 West Sam Houston Pkwy SouthWestchase Park II Suite 500 Houston, Texas 77042Telephone: 346-803-2692Fax: (713) 215-7455 TABLE OF RATES TABLE OF COMBINED RATES (Note 10) Note 1: In the table of rates, Midland Tank Farm refers to Centurion Pipeline L.P.’s Midland Tank Farm in Midland County, Texas.Note 2: This rate will apply to all movements on the Mabee trunk line, which is located in Martin and Midland Counties.

  • PatelCenturion Pipeline L.P.3600 West Sam Houston Pkwy South Westchase Park II Suite 500 Houston, Texas 77042Telephone: 346-803-2692Fax: (713) 215-7455 Table of Rates Table of Rates (Continued) Table of Combined Rates (Note 10) Note 1: In the table of rates, Midland Tank Farm refers to Centurion Pipeline L.P.’s Midland Tank Farm in Midland County, Texas.

  • With respect to the Malaga Pipeline System, the foregoing shall apply regardless of whether the Product shipped in such manner reaches an injection point for the Centurion Pipeline or Plains Pipeline.

  • If Crude Petroleum is nominated to Carrier for transportation in excess of the amount that can be immediately transported, Carrier shall apportion capacity among all Shippers in accordance with Carrier’s Proration Policy titled Centurion Pipeline L.P. Midland to Crane Proration Policy (Dated December 1, 2020).

  • OFFERS IN EXCESS OF FACILITIES: If Crude Petroleum is nominated to Carrier for transportation in excess of the amount that can be immediately transported, Carrier shall apportion capacity among all Shippers in accordance with Carrier’s Proration Policy titled Centurion Pipeline L.P. Proration Policy (1 July 2015).

  • Prior to the first Day of the Month in service of the Delivery Point at Plains Midland South Facility, Midland County, Texas, the Committed Shipper Rate for Deliveries of nominated Crude Petroleum at Centurion Pipeline L.P., Mabee Ranch Station, Martin County, Texas shall be [U] $0.48 cents per barrel of 42 U.S. gallons.

  • Note 3: The Priority Committed Shipper Rates named in this Table 2 are inclusive of all charges other than Pipeline Loss Allowance for redelivery from the System into either Centurion Pipeline or BridgeTex Pipeline at the Colorado City Station.

  • To Conduct a Public Hearing in consideration of a request by Tim Warren on behalf of Centurion Pipeline for a Conditional Use Permit and change in zoning from Rural Agricultural District (A-1) to Heavy Industrial District (I-3): part of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Seven (7) west of the Indian Meridian, Canadian County, Oklahoma; approximately 29 acres.

Related to Centurion Pipeline

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Pipelines means those pipelines within the Storage Facility that connect the Tanks to one another and to the receiving and delivery flanges of the Storage Facility.

  • Transmission pipeline means any high pressure transmission pipeline connected to, but excluding the Maui Pipeline, that is used for the open access transportation of Gas, and includes all items of plant, equipment, fixtures and fittings directly appurtenanced to that pipeline, but excluding any item which is controlled by a party other than that pipeline’s TP Welded Party and any low pressure distribution system.

  • connection pipe means a pipe, the ownership of which is vested in the municipality and installed by it for the purpose of conveying water from a main to a water installation, and includes a “communication pipe” referred to in SANS 0252 Part I;

  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

  • PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. or "PJM" means the privately-

  • TRS means a taxable REIT subsidiary (as defined in Section 856(l) of the Code) of the General Partner.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Gathering System means that portion of Gatherer’s pipeline system, including all appurtenances thereto, related to the provision of gathering and transportation services provided by Gatherer pursuant to this tariff.

  • Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Station means a telephone instrument consisting of a connected transmitter, receiver, and associated apparatus to permit sending or receiving telephone messages.

  • PJM Interchange Energy Market means the regional competitive market administered by the Office of the Interconnection for the purchase and sale of spot electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce and related services established pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K - Appendix. PJM Interchange Export:

  • Asphalt means a dark brown to black cement-like material (solid, semisolid, or liquid in consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as such or which are obtained as residue in refining petroleum.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • CPN is a Common Channel Interoffice Signaling ("CCIS") parameter which refers to the number transmitted through a network identifying the calling party.

  • Net energy metering means the difference between the kilowatt-hours consumed by a customer-generator and the kilowatt-hours generated by the customer- generator's facility over any time period determined as if measured by a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions.

  • Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.

  • Refinery means a facility used to produce motor fuel from crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas liquids, or other hydrocarbons and from which motor fuel may be removed by pipeline, by marine vessel, or at a rack.

  • Fossil fuel-fired means, with regard to a unit:

  • Renewable energy resources means energy derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectricity. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from these eligible resources is also an eligible electric generation technology. Fossil and nuclear fuels and their derivatives are not eligible resources.

  • EXCO means EXCO Resources, Inc., a Texas corporation.

  • Energy Storage Resource means a resource capable of receiving electric energy from the grid and storing it for later injection to the grid that participates in the PJM Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services markets as a Market Participant. Facilities Study:

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per

  • Renewable energy resource means a resource that naturally replenishes over a human, not a geological, time frame and that is ultimately derived from solar power, water power, or wind power. Renewable energy resource does not include petroleum, nuclear, natural gas, or coal. A renewable energy resource comes from the sun or from thermal inertia of the earth and minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of the energy and includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:

  • Operating Company has the meaning set forth in the preamble.