Brunswick Pipeline definition

Brunswick Pipeline means the pipeline delivering re-gasified natural gas from the Canaport LNG gas terminal near Saint John, New Brunswick to markets in the Northeastern United States, which is owned directly by EBPC;
Brunswick Pipeline means the pipeline delivering re-gasified natural gas from the Canaport LNG gas terminal near Saint John, New Brunswick to markets in the Northeastern United States, which is owned directly by EBPC. The pipeline travels through southwest New Brunswick and connects with M&NP at the Canada/US border near Baileyville, Maine;
Brunswick Pipeline means the pipeline beginning at the CanaportTM LNG LP owned liquefied natural gas terminal near Saint John, New Brunswick and connecting with the M&NP near Baileyville, Maine;

Examples of Brunswick Pipeline in a sentence

  • Brunswick Pipeline is a regulated 145-kilometre pipeline delivering re-gasified liquefied natural gas from Saint John, New Brunswick, to markets in the northeastern United States.

  • On May 17, 2019, Emera Brunswick Pipeline amended the maturity date of its $250 million Credit Agreement from February 2022 to May 2023.

  • Gas Utilities and Infrastructure Gas Utilities and Infrastructure includes PGS, NMGC, SeaCoast, Brunswick Pipeline and Emera’s non-consolidated investment in M&NP.

  • The Company manages its risk associated with the residual value of the Brunswick Pipeline lease through proper routine maintenance of the asset.

  • As a regulated Group II pipeline, the tolls of Brunswick Pipeline are regulated by the CER on a complaint basis, as opposed to the regulatory approval process described above.

  • Brunswick Pipeline entered into a 25-year firm service agreement commencing in July 2009 with Repsol Energy Canada.

  • Emera’s net investment in direct financing lease primarily relates to Brunswick Pipeline.

  • As a regulated Group II pipeline, the tolls of Brunswick Pipeline are regulated by the NEB on a complaint basis.

  • EBP On October 31, 2018, Emera Brunswick Pipeline amended its Credit Agreement to extend the maturity from February 2021 to February 2022.

  • The NEB Gas Transportation Tariff is filed by Brunswick Pipeline in compliance with the requirements of the NEB Act and sets forth the terms and conditions of the transportation rendered by Brunswick Pipeline.

Related to Brunswick Pipeline

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Gas company means any person distributing gas within the corporate limits or authorized and proposing to so engage.

  • Pipelines means those pipelines within the Storage Facility that connect the Tanks to one another and to the receiving and delivery flanges of the Storage Facility.

  • Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Renewable energy resource means a resource that naturally replenishes over a human, not a geological, time frame and that is ultimately derived from solar power, water power, or wind power. Renewable energy resource does not include petroleum, nuclear, natural gas, or coal. A renewable energy resource comes from the sun or from thermal inertia of the earth and minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of the energy and includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:

  • Natural Resource or “Natural Resources” shall mean land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies, and other such resources, belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States or the State.

  • Refinery means a facility used to produce motor fuel from crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas liquids, or other hydrocarbons and from which motor fuel may be removed by pipeline, by marine vessel, or at a rack.

  • Renewable energy resources means energy derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectricity. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from these eligible resources is also an eligible electric generation technology. Fossil and nuclear fuels and their derivatives are not eligible resources.

  • Natural resources means land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies, and other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States or the State.

  • Station means a telephone instrument consisting of a connected transmitter, receiver, and associated apparatus to permit sending or receiving telephone messages.

  • PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. or "PJM" means the privately-

  • oil tanker means a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil in bulk in its cargo spaces and includes combination carriers and any “chemical tanker” as defined in Annex II of the present Convention when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk.

  • Renewable energy facility means an electric generation unit or other facility or installation that produces electric energy using a Renewable Energy Source.

  • Hydroelectric energy means water used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;

  • Supply Pipe means any part of a service pipe which a water undertaker could not be, or have been required to lay under section 46 of the Water Industry Act 1991; and

  • energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;

  • Anchorage means the system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure;

  • Renewable energy means energy derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, biomass, sustainable or