Bequest definition

Bequest means a gift of real or personal property made at death, by a will, or a trust.
Bequest means gifts that are made as part of a will, trust, beneficiary designation or other planned giving vehicle.
Bequest means funds received from the Estate of deceased supporter of Lung Foundation

Examples of Bequest in a sentence

  • Requester has submitted a proposal, dated  , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (“Proposal”), to the University of Minnesota Anatomy Bequest Proposal Review Committee.

  • Human anatomical material received from the Anatomy Bequest Program shall not be disposed of as medical waste.

  • Additionally, the Anatomy Bequest Program will not be able to support requests for the retention of any unused specimens.

  • All human anatomical material, including any histological slides prepared from human anatomical material received from the Anatomy Bequest Program, must be returned to the Anatomy Bequest Program as soon as the studies have been completed.

  • Bequest Investors may choose to donate the principal of their loan, along with all accrued and unpaid interest, to Reinvestment Fund in the event of their death(s) prior to the maturity date of the loan.

More Definitions of Bequest

Bequest. CAS suggests that Owner bequest a planned gift at a minimum of $5,000 for the lifetime care of the Pet. Evidence of that gift in the form of a codicil or will is attached to this agreement.
Bequest means and includes a legacy or a devise or other benefit passing under a testamentary document;
Bequest means a gift of any amount or property to be given to the University in a donor’s will after his/ her death.
Bequest means all gifts, trusts, bequests, pledges, devises, and grants of real or personal property or of the income or proceeds therefrom expressed by a person in a deed, will, or other document.
Bequest means the gift of items and/or funds to the UCT on a permanent basis by means of a will, after consultation with the Registrar.
Bequest means a gift by will of personal property as opposed to devise, (see below).
Bequest means a gift (usually of personal property) made by a will.