Examples of Averaging Date in a sentence
The arithmetic average of the VWAP Prices for all Settlement Valuation Dates, subject to Averaging Date Disruption, determined as if each Settlement Valuation Date were an Averaging Date (with Averaging Date Disruption applying as if the last Settlement Valuation Date were the Final Averaging Date and the Settlement Valuation Price were the Settlement Price).
The fifth calendar day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) following the final Averaging Date or if such day is not an Exchange Business Day on which the INR/USD exchange markets are open for business in Mumbai, then the immediately following Exchange Business Day on which the INR/USD exchange markets are open for business in Mumbai.
Applicable in respect of each Averaging Date – as specified in Index Linked Condition 1.2.
The fifth calendar day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) following the final Averaging Date or if such day is not an Exchange Business Day on which the CNY/USD exchange markets are open for business in Shanghai, then the immediately following Exchange Business Day on which the CNY/USD exchange markets are open for business in Shanghai.
If Averaging is specified as applying in the applicable Final Terms the applicable Final Terms will state the relevant Averaging Dates and, if an Averaging Date is a Disrupted Day, whether Omission, Postponement or Modified Postponement (each as defined in Condition 4 below) applies.