Applicable Cost definition

Applicable Cost means the rate for support applicable to a resident as specified in this section.
Applicable Cost means (x) the respective direct and indirect costs and expenses, including overhead and sales, general and administrative expenses, incurred by B/E in performing its obligations under this Agreement, which, except to the extent that such costs and expenses are adjusted for comparability, will be equal to or less than those usually charged by B/E for similar work under like conditions of service, plus (y) 10%.
Applicable Cost means for any period, --------------- with respect to an Interest Rate Agreement, that portion of the up-front cost of such Interest Rate Agreement attributable to such period, assuming such up-front cost were amortized equally over the term of such Interest Rate Agreement.

Examples of Applicable Cost in a sentence

  • Reasonable fees or profit to cost- type contractors but not any fee or profit (or other increment above allow- able costs) to the grantee or sub- grantee.(b) Applicable cost principles.

  • Applicable cost principles shall be referenced in each contractual docu- ment.

  • Reasonable fees or profit to cost-type contractors but not any fee or profit (or other increment above allowable costs) to the grantee or subgrantee.(b) Applicable cost principles.

  • R e a so n a ble fees o r p r ofi t t o cos t - t y pe co n t r a c t o r s b u t n o t a ny fee o r p r ofi t ( o r o t h e r i n c r e m e n t a bove a llow- a ble cos t s) t o t h e g r a n t ee o r s u b- g r a n t ee.( b) Applicable cost principles.

  • Reasonable fees or profit to cost- type contractors but not any fee or profit (or other increment above allow-able costs) to the grantee or sub- grantee.(b) Applicable cost principles.

  • Applicable cost principles and Grant terms shall be followed in determining the reasonableness and allowability of costs.

  • Applicable cost principles are contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Subpart 31.2 and Subpart 31.105).

  • Applicable cost sharing contributions that are collected by the state from enrollees under the demonstration must be reported to CMS each quarter on Form CMS-64 Summary Sheet line 9.D, columns A and B.

  • Applicable cost and charges Spread A spread is the difference between the Sell (“Bid”) price and the Buy (“Ask”) price of an asset and is considered as the cost for opening a trade.

  • Applicable cost principles depend upon the type of organization, as described in section .27 of OMB Circular A-110.

More Definitions of Applicable Cost

Applicable Cost has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(b).

Related to Applicable Cost

  • Reasonable cost means a cost for a service or item that is consistent with the market standards for comparable services or items.

  • Allowable Cost means a cost that complies with all legal requirements that apply to a particular federal education program, including statutes, regulations, guidance, applications, and approved grant awards.

  • Eligible cost means as applied to a qualified project to be financed from the federal accounts, the costs that are permitted under applicable federal laws, requirements, procedures, and guidelines in regard to establishing, operating, and providing assistance from the bank. As applied to a qualified project to be financed from the state highway account, these costs include the costs of preliminary engineering, traffic and revenue studies, environmental studies, right‑of‑way acquisition, legal and financial services associated with the development of the qualified project, construction, construction management, facilities, and other costs necessary for the qualified project. As applied to any qualified project to be financed from the state transit account, eligible project costs are limited to capital expenditures for transit equipment and facilities.

  • Base Cost means base cost as defined in paragraph 1 of the Eighth Schedule;

  • Maximum allowable cost means the maximum amount that a pharmacy benefit manager will reimburse a pharmacy for the cost of a drug.

  • Allocable Costs means costs allocable to a particular cost objective if the goods or services involved are chargeable or assignable to such cost objective in accordance with relative benefits received or other equitable relationship. Costs allocable to a specific Program may not be shifted to other Programs in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by the terms of this Agreement, or for other reasons of convenience.

  • Direct Cost means a cost not to exceed the cost of labor, material, travel and other expenditures to the extent the costs are directly incurred to provide the relevant assistance or service. “Direct Cost” to the Acquirer for its use of any of a Respondent’s employees’ labor shall not exceed the average hourly wage rate for such employee;

  • Maximum allowable cost list means a list of drugs for

  • Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a multifamily development once the project is placed in service.

  • Applicable Commitment Fee Rate means:

  • Life-cycle cost means the expected total cost of ownership during the life of a product, including disposal costs.

  • Trip Cost means the dollar amount of Trip payments or deposits paid by the Insured prior the Insured’s Trip Departure Date and shown on any required application which is subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions. Trip cost will also include the cost of any subsequent pre-paid payments or deposits paid by the Insured for the same Trip, after application for coverage under this plan provided the Insured amends the Application to add such subsequent payments or deposits and pays any required additional plan cost prior to the Insured’s Departure Date.

  • FTE Cost means, for any period, the FTE Rate multiplied by the number of FTEs in such period.

  • Net cost means the Contractor’s actual cost after deducting all permitted cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, sales taxes, commissions, and refunds (whether or not any or all of the same shall have been taken by the Contractor) of all parts and materials purchased by the Contractor solely for the use in performing its obligation hereunder provided, where such purchase has received the prior written approval of the Manager as required herein. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the Manager such bills of sale and other instruments as the Manger may require, executed, acknowledged and delivered, assuring to the Manager title to such materials, supplies, equipment, parts, and tools free of encumbrances.

  • Applicable Commitment Fee Percentage means, as at any date of determination, the rate per annum then applicable in the determination of the amount payable under Section 2.14(C)(i) hereof determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.14(D)(ii) hereof.

  • Applicable Commitment Fee Margin means, for each Pricing Period, the margin set forth below (expressed in basis points per annum) opposite the Applicable Pricing Level for that Pricing Period: Applicable Pricing Level Margin II 10.0 V 17.5

  • Applicable Commitment Fee Rate shall mean the percentage rate per annum based on the Leverage Ratio then in effect according to the pricing grid on Schedule 1.1(A) below the heading “Commitment Fee.”

  • Reasonable Costs means the reasonable actual costs and expenses incurred by us in carrying out any further Audit under this Contract, including, but not limited to, reasonable travel and subsistence costs;

  • Cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contract means a contract under which the contractor is paid a percentage of the total actual expenses or costs in addition to the contractor's actual expenses or costs.

  • Total cost means the total annual cost of benefits and related costs including but not limited to claims, administration expenses, insurance premiums, consulting, auditing and advisory fees and all other costs and taxes, as reported on the insurance carrier’s most recent yearly statement, and if any, premium costs on other district school area board or public school authority statements, for the year ending no later than August 31, 2015. The aforementioned statements are to be provided to the Ministry of Education. Total Cost excludes retiree costs. The average number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions in the bargaining unit as at October 31st and March 31st for the period consistent with this clause.

  • Equipment Cost means, for any Item of Equipment, the gross amount paid by the Company to the manufacturer thereof, including all applicable sales taxes, and delivery charges as invoiced by such manufacturer to the Company.

  • Support Cost Rate means the flat rate at which the Partner will be reimbursed by UN Women for its Support Costs, as set forth in the Partner Project Document and not exceeding a rate of 8% or the rate set forth in the Donor Specific Conditions, if that is lower. The flat rate is calculated on the eligible Direct Costs.

  • Carrying Cost means book value of the assets and interest accrued thereon but not received;

  • Allowable Costs means the costs defined as allowable in 42 CFR, Chapter IV, Part 413, as amended to October 1, 2007, except for the purposes of calculating direct medical education costs, where only the reported costs of the interns and residents are allowed. Further, costs are allowable only to the extent that they relate to patient care; are reasonable, ordinary, and necessary; and are not in excess of what a prudent and cost-conscious buyer would pay for the given service or item.

  • Eligible Costs means the actual costs reasonably incurred by the Recipient:

  • Applicable Wages means the basic straight time wages for all hours worked, including: