AMV definition

AMV shall have the meaning specified in the recitals.
AMV has the meaning set forth in the preamble.
AMV means Access Midstream Ventures, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and the sole member of the ACMP General Partner.

Examples of AMV in a sentence

  • Ve t e ran s’ Affa i r s T o h old joi n t h e ar i n gs wi t h t h e Ho u se Co mm i tt ee o n Ve t e ran s’ Affa i r s t o r e- view t h e legisl a t ive r eco mm e n d a t io n s of t h e A m e r ic an E x- P r iso n e r s of War , AMV ETS , Vie t na m Ve t e ran s of A m e r - ic a , an d t h e R e t i r ed Office r s Associ a- t io n .

  • A n au t o m a t ic m ar i t i m e co mm un ic a t io n s s y s t e m .Au tomated mutual-assistance vessel res- cue system ( AMV E R).

  • Copies of t h e AMV ER B u lle t i n ar e a v a il a ble a t : AMV ER M ar i t i m e R el a t io n s ( G– N RS–3/AM R), U.

  • Ve t e r a n s’ Affa i r s T o h old joi n t h e a r i n gs wi t h t h e Ho u se Co mm i tt ee o n Ve t e r a n s’ Affa i r s t o r e- view t h e legisl a t ive r eco mm e n d a t io n s of t h e A m e r ic a n E x- P r i so n e r s of Wa r , AMV ETS , Vie t n a m Ve t e r a n s of A m e r - ic a , a n d t h e R e t i r ed Office r s Associ a- t io n .

  • Visser , A.M.V and McIntosh .A (1998) A Short Review Of The Historical Critique Of Usury (Riba).

  • Compensation Calculation Each month, the Contractor shall calculate the net compensation due to either the Contractor or Municipality as follows:If the AMV per Ton is less than the PF/Ton, then the Municipality’s payment to the Contractor shall equal: (PF/Ton - AMV per Ton) x Tons of Recyclables.

  • Ve t e r a n s’ Affa i r s T o h old joi n t h e a r i n gs wi t h t h e Ho u se Co mm i tt ee o n Ve t e r a n s’ Affa i r s t o r e- view t h e legisl a t ive r eco mm e n d a t io n s of t h e Ve t e r a n s of Wo r ld Wa r I , AMV ETS , t h e A m e r ic a n E x- P r i so n e r s of Wa r , t h e Vie t n a m Ve t e r a n s of A m e r - ic a , a n d t h e Mili t a ry Or de r of t h e P ur- ple He a r t .

  • EXHIBIT 2 CONTINUED: SAMPLE AVERAGE MARKET VALUE CALCULATION FOR PROGRAM RECYCLABLES‌ Material Index Description Index Value (Feb 2021) Market Value ($/ton) Material % AMV ($/ton) Mixed Paper1 PS 54 Mixed Paper (MP) ($/ton) $27.50/ton $27.50 14.1% $3.88 Newspaper1 PS 56 Sorted Residential Papers (SRNP) ($/ton) $52.50/ton $52.50 5.0% $2.63 OCC PS 11 Corrugated Containers ($/ton) $82.50/ton $82.50 23.6% $19.47 Glass - Mixed* SMP Glass 3 Mix ($/ton del.

  • If the AMV is less than the PF, then the Municipality’s payment to the Contractor shall equal: (PF - AMV) x Tons of Recyclables.

  • Ve t e ran s’ Affa i r s T o h old joi n t h e ar i n gs wi t h t h e Ho u se Co mm i tt ee o n Ve t e ran s’ Affa i r s o n t h e L egisl a t ive r eco mm e n d a t io n of t h e Vie t na m Ve t e ran s of A m e r ic a , t h e R e- t i r ed Office r s Associ a t io n , A m e r ic an E x- P r iso n e r s of War , AMV ETS , an d t h e N a t io na l Associ a t io n of S t a t e Di r ec- t o r s of Ve t e ran s Affa i r s.

More Definitions of AMV

AMV means Adjusted Monetary Value.
AMV. ‟ means Africa Mining Vision; “AU” means the African Union;
AMV means Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxx.
AMV means aggregate Market Value calculated as follows: AMV = {AMV(n) x 80%} + {AMV(r) x 65%} + {AMV(a) x 80%} + {AMV(ar) x 55%} AMV(a) = aggregate Market Value for Eligible Accounts owned by the Borrower relating to New Home Sales Accounts that are Adjustable Rate Accounts AMV(n) = aggregate Market Value for Eligible Accounts owned by the Borrower relating to New Home Sales Accounts that are Fixed Rate Accounts AMV(r) = aggregate Market Value for Eligible Accounts owned by the Borrower relating to Resale Accounts that are Fixed Rate Accounts AMV(ar) = aggregate Market Value for Eligible Accounts owned by the Borrower relating to Resale Accounts that are Adjustable Rate Accounts.
AMV means Access Midstream Ventures, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company and the sole member of the ACMP General Partner. “Book-Entry WPZ Common Units” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(c)(ii).

Related to AMV

  • Consortium Members means the members of the Consortium, formed by the Bidder for purposes of the Transaction in accordance with this RFP and shall include members who have submitted the Format for Consortium Agreement (Annexure 5) specified in the RFP.

  • Pooled fund group means an internally created fund of a district in which one or more institutional accounts of a district are in- vested.

  • Consortium Member means a company specified in Recital (B) as a member of the Consortium;}

  • Founders means all Members immediately prior to the consummation of the IPO.

  • CEP (7) means "Circular Error Probable" - In a circular normal distribution, the radius of the circle containing 50% of the individual measurements being made, or the radius of the circle within which there is a 50% probability of being located.

  • SBI means State Bank of India (Client) having its Corporate Centre at Madame Cama Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021 and its representative Local Head Offices/Administrative Offices/Regional Business Offices/Branches at various places across India and includes the client’s representatives, successors and assigns.

  • MSC means Xxxxxx Shopping Centre Pty. Limited, its successors and permitted assigns;

  • IBC means Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and the related rules and regulations issued there under, as amended from time to time.

  • Target Company means each of the Company and its direct and indirect Subsidiaries.

  • Equity Member means (a) each entity with a direct interest in the Proposer (whether as a member, partner, joint venture member, or otherwise), (b) each entity proposed to have a direct interest in Developer (whether as a member, partner, joint venture member, or otherwise), and (c) each entity that will have an indirect interest in the Proposer or Developer through one or more intermediaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Proposer is a publicly traded company, shareholders with less than a 10% interest in the Proposer shall not be considered Equity Members.

  • OCI means the office of the commissioner of insurance.

  • Contributors has the meaning set forth in the initial paragraph hereof.

  • CEC means the California Energy Commission or its successor agency.

  • BW means the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek);

  • BG means Bank Guarantee

  • AASHTO means American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.