Acequia definition

Acequia means a community ditch association, as defined by and operated pursuant to XXXX 0000, §§ 73-2-1 et seq. and 73-3-1 et seq. and which is a signatory to this Settlement Agreement.
Acequia means a ditch or irrigation conveyance. Some of the acequias in the Study Area are governed by Acequia Associations.

Examples of Acequia in a sentence

  • To eliminate conveyance losses, flows of the Acequia Madre del Rio Xxxxxx y del Xxxxxx Seco ditch will be conveyed through a 6,500 foot long pipeline through the Taos Pueblo Xxxxxxx Tract, with a capacity of 44.8 cubic feet per second, from the Rio Xxxxxx diversion to the Acequia Madre del Rio Xxxxxx y del Xxxxxx Seco diversion at the Xxxxxx Seco stream.

  • The Acequia also has a point of diversion from Unnamed Watercourse 1 at x=701,436 and y=1,977,185 NM State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone, NAD 1927, as also shown in Attachment 14, which unnamed watercourse collects waters discharged from certain springs arising on Pueblo Lands.

  • The Acequia Madre del Rio Chiquito and Acequia del Monte shall jointly own, operate, and maintain their mitigation well described in Article The Town shall own, operate, and maintain the mitigation well described in Article and may use such well for up to four (4) AFY of additional capacity.

  • In the event that, during the Acequia Madre del Pueblo’s two and one-half (2½) day shortage allocation period, flows at the diversion point of the Acequia Madre del Pueblo are in excess of the PDR of the acequia necessary to serve those acres for Lawful Irrigation or Stock Uses, the Pueblo may increase its upstream diversions equal to the amount of the excess.

  • The Pueblo retains its right to participate in any inter se proceedings on the Acequia del Medio del Xxxxx’x springs claims to the extent necessary to ensure that the agreement in this Article is included in any Subfile Order on the Acequia’s rights.

  • Taos Valley Acequia Association (“TVAA”) is that New Mexico non-profit corporation which represents itself and the fifty-five (55) community Acequias signatory to this Settlement Agreement.

  • The point of diversion for the Acequia del Medio del Xxxxx from the Rio Xxxxxx is x=701,180 and y=1,977,160 NM State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone, NAD 1927, as shown in Attachment 14.

  • The Acequia Madre de la Loma del Ranchito de Abajo diverts water into its acequia and such waters are naturally discharged from springs arising on Pueblo Lands, as shown in Attachment 15.

  • The project includes design, site purchases, permitting, NEPA compliance, construction of surface storage reservoirs, necessary infrastructure to connect the storage reservoirs to the Acequia Madre del Rio Xxxxxx y del Xxxxxx Seco, and the pipeline through the Taos Pueblo Xxxxxxx Tract described below.

  • No Water Rights Owning Party shall protest any application by the Acequia Madre del Rio Xxxxxx y del Xxxxxx Seco to replace, supplement, or deepen the Xxxxxx Seco Arriba ASR Project with a well proposed to be located within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed well locations as depicted on Attachment 10 unless the Settlement Model shows such replacement, supplemental, or deepened well would cause Buffalo Pasture Depletions.

Related to Acequia

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  • Parade means any procession or body of pedestrians, except members of the Armed Forces, numbering more than 30, standing, marching or walking on any street or sidewalk, or any group of vehicles numbering ten or more, except funeral processions, standing or moving on any street;