AASF definition

AASF the "Funds") is a diversified, open-end management investment company registered as such under the 1940 Act; and
AASF means the Agricultural Advisory Services Fund to be established and maintained by the Borrower for the purpose of financing agricultural advisory services pursuant to guidelines acceptable to the Association;
AASF means debt obligations of very strong credit

Examples of AASF in a sentence

  • EXPOSURE CONTROLE/PERSONAL PROTECTIONOCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS:Aliphatic Petroleum Distillates1200 mg/m3 TWA Manufacturer RecommendedPetroleum Base Oil5 mg/m3 TWA ACGIH TLV10 mg/m3 STEL ACGIH TLVNon-Hazardous IngredientsNone EstablishedCarbon Dioxide5000 ppm TWA, 30,000 ppm STEL ACGIH TLV The Following Controls are Recommended for Normal Consumer Use of this Product Engineering Controls: Use in a well-ventilated area.Personal Protection:Eye Protection: Avoid eye contact.

  • Rapid City, SD South Dakota National Guard (Located at Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) Make & Model 2.

  • It is hoped that once the project comes to the conclusion, there will be some kind of coherent criteria and standard in the enforcement of settlement agreements.

  • The State AG may establish a limited CIF at each Army aviation support facility (AASF) and aviation classifica- tion repair activity depot (AVCRAD).

  • Stocks of these items will not be duplicated in unit OCIE stocks.(2) CIFs operate within the property allowances established for the AASF or AVCRAD.

  • For example, aviation fuel samples taken from the AASF flight line are not wastes as long as they can be used as fuel elsewhere.

  • Alkali-activated ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash (AASF), as an example, has attracted increasing academic and commercial interest in last decades due to not only the potential to utilize slag and fly ash but also the good engineering performances of this kind of material, suchHERON Vol.

  • Directly responsible to the commander for the training readiness of the unit; reviews for accuracy MOS qualification status reports, unit status reports and other training related reports required by higher headquarters, prior to submission to the unit commander; supervises the preparation of training charts, schematics, and graphs for use during briefings and/or training; assists the supporting AASF, AAFA, or AAOF, during the preparation of the semi-annual aviator training report (RCS: ARNG-170).

  • However, several disadvantageous properties hamper a wider application of AASF, one of which is the high drying shrinkage (Cartwright, Rajabipour, and Radli 2014; Collins and J.

  • Provide security for 4 VTNG facilities (Ethan Allen Firing Range, Camp Johnson, AASF, and VTANG), and firefighter support to the Burlington International Airport and surrounding communities.

Related to AASF

  • Catalyst means a substance whose presence enhances the reaction between chemical compounds.

  • AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • Boeing is defined as The Boeing Company, its divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees of each, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents.

  • SCI has the meaning set forth with respect thereto in the preamble. ---

  • Firefighter means any regular, paid or volunteer, member of a lawfully constituted fire department of a municipal corporation, township, fire district, or village.

  • Biomethane means biogas that meets pipeline quality natural gas standards.

  • APC means the Ambulatory Payment Classification system under 42 CFR 419.31 used by Medicare for grouping clinically and resource-similar procedures and services.

  • Aerosol coating product means a pressurized coating product containing pigments or resins that dispenses product ingredients by means of a propellant, and is packaged in a disposable can for hand-held application, or for use in specialized equipment for ground traffic/marking applications.

  • Cannabis means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa Linnaeus, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin, whether crude or purified, extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or resin. “Cannabis” also means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis. “Cannabis” does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. For the purpose of this division, “cannabis” does not mean “industrial hemp” as defined by Section 11018.5 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis and the term “marijuana” may be used interchangeably.

  • Pyrophoric material means any liquid that ignites spontaneously in dry or moist air at or below 130° F (54.4° C) or solid, other than one classed as an explosive, which under normal conditions is liable to cause fires through friction, retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious transportation, handling, or disposal hazard. Included are spontaneously combustible and water-reactive materials.

  • Beam axis means a line from the source through the centers of the x-ray fields.

  • Shell (for tanks), means the part of the tank which retains the substance intended for carriage, including openings and their closures, but does not include service equipment or external structural equipment;

  • NPS means nominal pipe size.

  • Apple means Apple Inc., a California corporation with its principal place of business at Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A.

  • Epinephrine auto-injector means a device for immediate self-administration or administration by another trained person of a measured dose of epinephrine to a person at risk of anaphylaxis.

  • Industrial furnace means any of the following enclosed devices that are integral components of manufacturing processes and that use thermal treatment to accomplish recovery of materials or energy:

  • API means American Petroleum Institute.

  • AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act

  • Asphalt means a dark brown to black cement-like material (solid, semisolid, or liquid in consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as such or which are obtained as residue in refining petroleum.

  • Polymer means a substance consisting of molecules characterised by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units. Such molecules must be distributed over a range of molecular weights wherein differences in the molecular weight are primarily attributable to differences in the number of monomer units. A polymer comprises the following:

  • BFE means any equipment which is to be provided by the purchaser of the Aircraft (whether actually provided by LESSOR as buyer-furnished equipment or Manufacturer as seller-purchased equipment).

  • Biofuel means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced from biomass;

  • LSD means lysergic acid diethylamide.

  • BG means Bank Guarantee

  • Depot means a depot in respect of which the Franchisee has entered into a Depot Lease;