Strongly definition

Strongly means that the statement is correct or incorrect in more than 50% of times.

Examples of Strongly in a sentence

  • Strongly discourage its employees or other personnel having sexual relationships with IOM beneficiaries.

  • Strongly encourage the complainant to reduce his or her concerns to writing.

  • Strongly Constrained and Appropriately Normed Semilocal Density Functional.

  • Strongly disagree.......................................................................................

  • It is the Group’s policy to hold limited amounts in foreign currency in order to reduce exposure to currency risk.

  • Table 3: Parent opinion survey Percentage of parents/caregivers who agree# that:Percentage of parents/caregivers who agree# that:* Nationally agreed student and parent/caregiver items.# ‘Agree’ represents the percentage of respondents who Somewhat Agree, Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement.

  • Accumulating 8 or more absences during asemester will result in a “loss of credit” status for the semester.

  • Table 4: Student opinion survey Percentage of students who agree# that:* Nationally agreed student and parent/caregiver items.# ‘Agree’ represents the percentage of respondents who Somewhat Agree, Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement.

  • Strongly consider a psychological evaluation, if not previously provided, as well as initiating interdisciplinary rehabilitation treatment and vocational goal setting, for those patients who are failing to make expected progress 6 to 12 weeks after an injury.

  • Table 5: Staff opinion survey Percentage of school staff who agree# that:Percentage of school staff who agree# that:* Nationally agreed student and parent/caregiver items.# ‘Agree’ represents the percentage of respondents who Somewhat Agree, Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement.

Related to Strongly

  • Viability means that stage of human development when the life of the unborn child may be continued by natural or life-supportive systems outside the womb of the mother;

  • Consult or "Consultation" means to provide:

  • Team means a team affiliated to a Club, including where a Club provides more than one team in the Competition in accordance with the Rules.

  • DBE means the Diocesan Board of Education for the diocese within which the Academy is situated;

  • Scrutineer means an individual, appointed in writing by a certified candidate, to represent him or her during the voting process.

  • We "us" and "our" means Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company.

  • lawyer means, in the Province of Quebec, an advocate or a notary and, in any other province, a barrister or solicitor;

  • DOER means the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources and its successors.

  • Scrutinized company means any company not described in subsection (10) that has business operations that involve contracts with or provision of supplies or services to the government of Iran; companies in which the government of Iran has any direct or indirect equity share, consortiums, or projects commissioned by the government of Iran; or companies involved in consortiums and projects commissioned by the government of Iran and 1 or more of the following:

  • Informed choice means that the consumer is presented with complete and unbiased information on his or her long-term care options, including, but not limited to, the benefits, shortcomings, and potential consequences of those options, upon which he or she can base his or her decision.

  • Discriminate means distinctions in treatment because of race, sex, color, religion, handicap, familial status or national origin of any person.

  • Population means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published;

  • Economically disadvantaged individual means an individual who is either: (1) eligible for services under the Workforce Investment Act of 1988 (WIA) (29 U.S.C.A 2801 et seq.), as determined by the San Francisco Private Industry Council; or (2) designated “economically disadvantaged” for the First Source Hiring Administration, as an individual who is at risk of relying upon, or returning to, public assistance.

  • Counselor means an educator who provides full-time counseling and guidance services and holds the relevant certificate from SBEC.

  • Rewards means any Merchandise Reward, Travel Reward, Gift Card Reward or Account Credit Reward that is available in this Program; and

  • Success means that the Client’s claim is finally decided in his or her favour, whether by a court decision or an agreement to pay damages or in any way that results in the Client deriving a benefit from pursuing the Claim.

  • Moderate means violations that result in negative outcome and actual or potential harm for a resident.

  • Outcome means a job/training or placement outcome after the Start Date; and a Participant has been in employment/training/placement and Off-Benefit each week; and there has been an either continuous or cumulative individual period of employment/training/placement (Outcome payment trigger point) as detailed in the Specification for each Participant Group].

  • input means any goods other than capital goods used or intended to be used by a supplier in the course or furtherance of business;

  • Nudity means the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, or buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering, the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple, or the showing of the covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.

  • Socially and economically disadvantaged individual means any individual who is a citizen (or lawfully admitted permanent resident) of the United States and who is —

  • Stable means that a rating is not likely to change

  • Neutral ’ means an individual who, with respect to an issue in controversy, functions specifically to aid the parties in resolving the controversy;

  • Assist means to act, or offer or agree to act, in such a way as to help, represent, aid, advise, furnish information to, or otherwise provide assistance to a person or business entity, believing that such action is of help, aid, advice, or assistance to such person or business entity and with the intent to assist such person or business entity.

  • Contactless means a payment feature that provides You with a way to pay by tapping the Card on a point–of–sale terminal reader for transactions of up to a specified limit.

  • Workforce means employees, volunteers, trainees or other persons whose performance of work is under the direct control of a party, whether or not they are paid by that party.