Independent Study conditions Sample Clauses

Independent Study conditions. 3.12.1 Class size for a given Independent Study teacher shall not exceed thirty students.
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Related to Independent Study conditions

  • Independent Study Independent study is a program of independent study, research, and/or experience directly related to the duties described in the employee’s job description or related classification as determined by the Retraining and Study Committee, which promises professional values equivalent to that derived from formal study at a recognized educational institution.

  • Independent Status The employees, volunteers, or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement will continue to be employees, volunteers, or agents of that party and will not for any purpose be employees, volunteers, or agents of the other party.

  • Feasibility Study Buyer will, at Buyer's expense and within ____ days from Effective Date ("Feasibility Study Period"), determine whether the Property is suitable, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion, for ___________________ use. During the Feasibility Study Period, Buyer may conduct a Phase I environmental assessment and any other tests, analyses, surveys and investigations ("Inspections") that Buyer deems necessary to determine to Buyer's satisfaction the Property's engineering, architectural and environmental properties; zoning and zoning restrictions; subdivision statutes; soil and grade; availability of access public roads, water, and other utilities; consistency with local, state and regional growth management plans, availability of permits, government approvals, and licenses; and other inspections that Buyer deems appropriate to determine the Property's suitability for the Buyer's intended use. If the Property must be rezoned, Buyer will obtain the rezoning from the appropriatx xxxernment agencies. Seller will sign all documents Buyer is required to file in connection with development or rezoning approvals. Seller gives Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns, the right to enter the Property at any time during the Feasibility Study Period for the purpose of conducting inspections; provided, however, that Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns enter the Property and conduct inspections at their own risk. Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from xxxxes, damages, costs, claims and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees, expenses and liability incurred in application for rezoning or related proceedings, and from liability to any person, arising from the conduct of any and all inspections of any work authorized by Buyer. Buyer will not engage in any activity that xxxxx result in a construction lien being filed against the Property without Seller's prior written consent. If this transaction does not close, Buyer will, at Buyer's expense, (1) repair all damages to the Property resulting from the Inspections and return the Property to the condition it was in prior to conduct of the Inspections, and (2) release to Seller all reports and other work generated as a result of the Inspections. Buyer will deliver written notice to Seller prior to the expiration of the Feasibility Study Period of Buyer's determination of whether or not the Properxx xx acceptable. Buyer's failure to comply with this notice requirement will constitute acceptance of the Property as suitable for Buyer's intended use in its "as is" condition. If the Property is unacceptable to Buyer and written notice of this fact is timely delivered to Seller, this Contract will be deemed terminated as of the day after the Feasibility Study period ends and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned after Escrow Axxxx receives proper authorization form all interested parties.

  • Independent Review Contractor shall provide the Secretary of ADS/CIO an independent expert review of any Agency recommendation for any information technology activity when its total cost is $1,000,000.00 or greater or when CIO requires one. The State has identified two sub-categories for Independent Reviews, Standard and Complex. The State will identify in the SOW RFP the sub-category they are seeking. State shall not consider bids greater than the maximum value indicated below for this category. Standard Independent Review $25,000 Maximum Complex Independent Review $50,000 Maximum Per Vermont statute 3 V.S.A. 2222, The Secretary of Administration shall obtain independent expert review of any recommendation for any information technology initiated after July 1, 1996, as information technology activity is defined by subdivision (a) (10), when its total cost is $1,000,000 or greater or when required by the State Chief Information Officer. Documentation of this independent review shall be included when plans are submitted for review pursuant to subdivisions (a)(9) and (10) of this section. The independent review shall include: • An acquisition cost assessment • A technology architecture review • An implementation plan assessment • A cost analysis and model for benefit analysis • A procurement negotiation advisory services contract • An impact analysis on net operating costs for the agency carrying out the activity In addition, from time to time special reviews of the advisability and feasibility of certain types of IT strategies may be required. Following are Requirements and Capabilities for this Service: • Identify acquisition and lifecycle costs; • Assess wide area network (WAN) and/or local area network (LAN) impact; • Assess risks and/or review technical risk assessments of an IT project including security, data classification(s), subsystem designs, architectures, and computer systems in terms of their impact on costs, benefits, schedule and technical performance; • Assess, evaluate and critically review implementation plans, e.g.: • Adequacy of support for conversion and implementation activities • Adequacy of department and partner staff to provide Project Management • Adequacy of planned testing procedures • Acceptance/readiness of staff • Schedule soundness • Adequacy of training pre and post project • Assess proposed technical architecture to validate conformance to the State’s “strategic direction.” • Insure system use toolsets and strategies are consistent with State Chief Information Officer (CIO) policies, including security and digital records management; • Assess the architecture of the proposed hardware and software with regard to security and systems integration with other applications within the Department, and within the Agency, and existing or planned Enterprise Applications; • Perform cost and schedule risk assessments to support various alternatives to meet mission need, recommend alternative courses of action when one or more interdependent segment(s) or phase(s) experience a delay, and recommend opportunities for new technology insertions; • Assess the architecture of the proposed hardware and software with regard to the state of the art in this technology. • Assess a project’s backup/recovery strategy and the project’s disaster recovery plans for adequacy and conformance to State policy. • Evaluate the ability of a proposed solution to meet the needs for which the solution has been proposed, define the ability of the operational and user staff to integrate this solution into their work.

  • INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION 6.1 By signing and submitting this bid, the Bidder certifies that the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Bidder or with any competitor; unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder prior to bid opening directly or indirectly to any other Bidder or to any competitor; no attempt has been made, or will be made, by the Bidder to induce any person or firm to submit, or not to submit, a bid for the purpose of restricting competition.

  • Move-in; Inspection; Delay Before Resident may access or occupy the premises, any required installments or other payments then due (including any Administrative Fee, which is earned and payable upon mutual execution of this Agreement) must be paid in full with cleared funds and guaranty or prepayment requirements satisfied. The application fee (if any) is non-refundable and is not applicable toward any other payments required of Resident under this Agreement. Prior to Resident’s taking possession of the assigned bedroom space (and any re-assigned bedroom space), Resident will conduct an inspection of the assigned bedroom space and apartment and will note on the Check-In/Check-Out Inspection Report (“Inspection Report”) any defects, damage or other conditions observed, if not already identified by Owner on such report; upon completion and approval by Owner, the Inspection Report will become part of this Agreement. At the time of move-out, Resident is encouraged to inspect the bedroom space and apartment with Owner’s representative by making an appointment during business hours at least 48 hours in advance. Within three business days following Resident’s move-out (or, as applicable, following the move-out of all residents of an apartment) at the termination of this Agreement, or within a reasonable time if Resident moves out without notifying Owner, Owner will note the then-present condition of the assigned bedroom space and apartment, including all appliances and fixtures, and any damages incurred and/or extraordinary cleaning deemed necessary by Owner or extraordinary wear as determined by Owner. Resident will promptly pay all costs of restoring the bedroom space and apartment to the same condition upon move-in, less normal wear. Resident acknowledges that except as provided in the Inspection Report, each bedroom space and apartment are being delivered in "as-is" condition, and Resident’s acceptance of the assigned bedroom space and apartment at the beginning of the Term constitutes Resident’s acknowledgment that the bedroom space and apartment and all fixtures are in good repair and condition. Owner will not be responsible for any damages or consequences suffered by Resident as a result of Owner’s inability to timely deliver possession of the apartment or assigned bedroom space to Resident on the anticipated Start Date; in such event, the rent payable will be abated until Owner tenders possession and such delay will not extend or decrease the term or change the End Date. Resident acknowledges that any model apartment at the Property shown to Resident in person, online or through other means is intended to be representative of the general quality and type of construction and materials within apartments. Specific items of décor and furnishings and the actual colors, styles, materials, upholstery and other treatments in the apartment assigned to Resident may vary from those in the model apartment. The actual apartment assigned to Resident may also vary in approximate size, square footage and layout. Resident’s apartment will not include custom lighting, lamps, decorations, linens, unattached appliances or other personal property as may be shown in the model apartment.

  • Independence from Material Breach Determination Except as set forth in Section X.D.1.c, these provisions for payment of Stipulated Penalties shall not affect or otherwise set a standard for OIG’s decision that CHSI has materially breached this CIA, which decision shall be made at OIG’s discretion and shall be governed by the provisions in Section X.D, below.

  • Independent Evaluation Buyer is an experienced and knowledgeable investor in the oil and gas business. Buyer has been advised by and has relied solely on its own expertise and legal, tax, title, reservoir engineering, environmental and other professional counsel concerning this transaction, the Properties, the value thereof and title thereto.

  • Required Confidentiality Claim Form This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. TIPS provides the required TIPS Confidentiality Claim Form in the "Attachments" section of this solicitation. Vendor must execute this form by either signing and waiving any confidentiality claim, or designating portions of Vendor's proposal confidential. If Vendor considers any portion of Vendor's proposal to be confidential and not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 Texas Gov’t Code or other law(s) and orders, Vendor must have identified the claimed confidential materials through proper execution of the Confidentiality Claim Form. If TIPS receives a public information act or similar request, any responsive documentation not deemed confidential by you in this manner will be automatically released. For Vendor documents deemed confidential by you in this manner, TIPS will follow procedures of controlling statute(s) regarding any claim of confidentiality and shall not be liable for any release of information required by law, including Attorney General determination and opinion. Notwithstanding any other Vendor designation of Vendor's proposal as confidential or proprietary, Vendor’s submission of this proposal constitutes Vendor’s agreement that proper execution of the required TIPS Confidentiality Claim Form is the only way to assert any portion of Vendor's proposal as confidential.

  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

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