Inconvenience to Tenant Sample Clauses

Inconvenience to Tenant. Landlord may, during the progress of any work on the Premises, keep and store upon the Premises all necessary materials, tools and equipment. Provided that Landlord has taken all reasonable steps so as not to interfere with Tenant's business, Landlord shall not be liable for inconvenience, annoyance, disturbance, loss of business or quiet enjoyment, or other damage or loss to Tenant by reason of making any such repairs or performing any such work upon the Premises, or on account of bringing materials, supplies and equipment into, upon or through the Premises during the course thereof, and the obligations of Tenant under this Lease shall not thereby be affected in any manner whatsoever. Landlord shall, however, in connection with the performance of such work, cause as little inconvenience, disturbance or other damage or loss to Tenant as may be reasonably possible under the circumstances.
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Inconvenience to Tenant. Landlord may, during the progress of any work on the Leased Property, keep and store upon the Leased Property all necessary materials, tools and equipment and may erect scaffolding and other similar structures. Landlord shall not in any event be liable for inconvenience, annoyance, disturbance, loss of business or quiet enjoyment, or other damage or loss to Tenant by reason of making any such repairs or performing any such work upon the Leased Property, or on account of bringing materials, supplies and equipment into, upon or through the Leased Property during the course thereof or erecting such structures, and the obligations of Tenant under this Lease shall not thereby be affected in any manner whatsoever. Landlord shall, however, in connection with the performance of such work, cause as little inconvenience, disturbance or other damage or loss to Tenant as may be reasonably possible under the circumstances.
Inconvenience to Tenant. Landlord may, during the progress of any work on tile Premises, keep and store upon the Premises all necessary materials, tools and equipment. Subject to the provisions of Article 13, Landlord shall not in any event be liable for inconvenience, annoyance, disturbance, loss of business or quiet enjoyment, or other damage or loss to Tenant

Related to Inconvenience to Tenant

  • LANDLORD’S NONLIABILITY Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, shall not be liable to Tenant, its employees, agents and/or invitees, and Tenant hereby waives all claims against Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, for and knowingly assumes the risk of loss of or damage to any property, or loss or interruption of business or income, or any other loss, cost, damage, injury or liability whatsoever (including without limitation any consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs), resulting from, but not limited to, Acts of God, acts of civil disobedience or insurrection, acts or omissions of third parties and/or of other tenants within the Project or their agents, employees, contractors, guests or invitees, fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water or rain which may leak or flow from or into any part of the Premises, mold, or from the breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of the pipes, sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning, electrical works, roof, windows or other fixtures in the Building (whether the damage or injury results from conditions arising in the Premises or in other portions of the Building), regardless of the negligence of Landlord, its agents or any and all affiliates of Landlord in connection with any of the foregoing. It is understood that any such condition may require the temporary evacuation or closure of all or a portion of the Building. Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever (including without limitation consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs) and, except as provided in Sections 11.1 and 12.1 below, there shall be no abatement of rent, by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant’s business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or improvements to any portion of the Building, including repairs to the Premises, nor shall any related activity by Landlord constitute an actual or constructive eviction. In making repairs, alterations or improvements, however, Landlord shall interfere as little as reasonably practicable with the conduct of Tenant’s business in the Premises. Should Tenant elect to receive any service or products from a concessionaire, licensee or third party tenant of Landlord, Landlord shall have no liability for any services or products so provided or for any breach of contract by such third party provider. Neither Landlord nor its agents shall be liable for interference with light or other similar intangible interests. Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord in case of fire or accident in the Premises, the Building or the Project and of defects in any improvements or equipment.

  • Exemption of Landlord from Liability Landlord shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the person, business (or any loss of income therefrom), goods, wares, merchandise or other property of Tenant, Tenant's employees, invitees, customers or any other person in or about the Property, whether such damage or injury is caused by or results from: (a) fire, steam, electricity, water, gas or rain; (b) the breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of pipes, sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning or lighting fixtures or any other cause; (c) conditions arising in or about the Property or upon other portions of the Project, or from other sources or places; or (d) any act or omission of any other tenant of the Project. Landlord shall not be liable for any such damage or injury even though the cause of or the means of repairing such damage or injury are not accessible to Tenant. The provisions of this Section 6.02 shall not, however, exempt Landlord from liability for Landlord's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

  • Landlord’s Damages In the event of any condemnation or taking, whether whole or partial, the Tenant shall not be entitled to any part of the award paid for such condemnation and Landlord is to receive the full amount of such award, the Tenant hereby expressly waiving any rights or claim to any part thereof.

  • Landlord Liability Tenant, its successors, and assigns shall not assert nor seek to enforce any claim for breach of this Lease against any of Landlord’s assets other than Landlord’s interest in the Industrial Center. Tenant agrees to look solely to such interest for the satisfaction of any liability or claim against Landlord under this Lease. In no event whatsoever shall Landlord (which term shall include, without limitation, any general or limited partner, trustees, beneficiaries, officers, directors, or stockholders of Landlord) ever be personally liable for any such liability.

  • TENANT'S USE OF PREMISES Tenant agrees that the Premises shall be used and occupied only for the Permitted Uses specified in the Basic Provisions, and for no other use. Tenant shall not use or permit the Premises to be used for any other purpose or purposes or under any other trade name whatsoever without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld or granted at Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. Tenant’s use of the Premises shall be in compliance with and subject to all applicable governmental laws, ordinances, statutes, orders and regulations and any CC&R’s (including payments thereunder, if any) or any supplement thereto recorded in any official or public records with respect to the Project or any portion thereof. In the event Landlord desires to record CC&R’s against the Project after the date of full execution of this Lease, Landlord shall, at its option, either (i) obtain Tenant’s consent thereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld (provided Tenant’s material rights and obligations under the Lease are not impaired, but provided that any provisions of such CC&R’s which require Tenant to pay reasonable assessments such as for common area maintenance and landscaping shall not be deemed to impair Tenant’s material rights and obligations under this Lease), conditioned or delayed or (ii) elect not to obtain Tenant’s consent thereto, in which event the provisions of this Lease shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of the CC&R’s. Tenant further covenants and agrees that it will not use or suffer or permit any person or persons to use the Premises or any part thereof for conducting therein a second-hand store, auction, distress or fire sale or bankruptcy or going-out-of- business sale, or for any use or purpose in violation of the laws of the United States of America or the laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of the State, County and City wherein the Premises are situated, including in violation of any of the permitted use restrictions outlined in Exhibit N. Tenant, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, shall comply with the rules and regulations attached hereto as Attachment 1, together with such additional rules and regulations as Landlord may from time to time prescribe. Tenant shall not commit waste; overload the floors or structure of the Building in which the Premises are located; subject the Premises, the Building, the Common Area or the Project to any use which would damage the same or increase the risk of loss or violate any insurance coverage; permit any unreasonable odors, smoke, dust, gas, substances, noise or vibrations to emanate from the Premises, take any action which would constitute a nuisance or would disturb, obstruct or endanger any other tenants, take any action which would abrogate any warranties; or use or allow the Premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. Tenant shall promptly comply with the reasonable require- Landlord’s Initials CZ Tenant’s Initials HZ ments of any board of fire insurance underwriters or other similar body now or hereafter constituted. Tenant shall not do any act which shall in any way encumber the title of Landlord in and to the Premises, the Building or the Project. Tenant further covenants and agrees that during the term hereof the Premises, and every part thereof, shall be kept by Tenant in a first-class, clean and wholesome condition, free of any objectionable noises, odors or nuisances, and that all fire, safety, health and police regulations shall, in all respects and at all times, be fully complied with by Tenant.

  • LANDLORD'S SERVICES Provided Tenant is not in default hereunder, Landlord shall, at Landlord's expense, except as provided to the contrary in this Lease, furnish to Tenant the following services:

  • Repair of Damage to Premises by Landlord Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of any damage to the Premises resulting from fire or any other casualty. If the Premises or any Common Areas serving or providing access to the Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall promptly and diligently, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustment or other matters beyond Landlord’s reasonable control, and subject to all other terms of this Article 11, restore the Base Building and such Common Areas. Such restoration shall be to substantially the same condition of the Base Building and the Common Areas prior to the casualty, except for modifications required by zoning and building codes and other laws or by the holder of a mortgage on the Building or Project or any other modifications to the Common Areas deemed desirable by Landlord, which are consistent with the character of the Project, provided that access to the Premises and any common restrooms serving the Premises shall not be materially impaired. Upon the occurrence of any damage to the Premises, upon notice (the “Landlord Repair Notice”) to Tenant from Landlord, Tenant shall assign to Landlord (or to any party designated by Landlord) all insurance proceeds payable to Tenant under Tenant’s insurance required under Section 10.3 of this Lease, and Landlord shall repair any injury or damage to the Tenant Improvements and the Original Improvements installed in the Premises and shall return such Tenant Improvements and Original Improvements to their original condition; provided that if the cost of such repair by Landlord exceeds the amount of insurance proceeds received by Landlord from Tenant’s insurance carrier, as assigned by Tenant, the cost of such repairs shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord prior to Landlord’s commencement of repair of the damage. In the event that Landlord does not deliver the Landlord Repair Notice within sixty (60) days following the date the casualty becomes known to Landlord, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, repair any injury or damage to the Tenant Improvements and the Original Improvements installed in the Premises and shall return such Tenant Improvements and Original Improvements to their original condition. Whether or not Landlord delivers a Landlord Repair Notice, prior to the commencement of construction, Tenant shall submit to Landlord, for Landlord’s review and approval, all plans, specifications and working drawings relating thereto, and Landlord shall select the contractors to perform such improvement work. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or its visitors, or injury to Tenant’s business resulting in any way from such damage or the repair thereof; provided however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or Common Areas necessary to Tenant’s occupancy, and the Premises are not occupied by Tenant as a result thereof, then during the time and to the extent the Premises are unfit for occupancy, the Rent shall be abated in proportion to the ratio that the amount of rentable square feet of the Premises which is unfit for occupancy for the purposes permitted under this Lease bears to the total rentable square feet of the Premises. In the event that Landlord shall not deliver the Landlord Repair Notice, Tenant’s right to rent abatement pursuant to the preceding sentence shall terminate as of the date which is reasonably determined by Landlord to be the date Tenant should have completed repairs to the Premises assuming Tenant used reasonable due diligence in connection therewith.

  • Landlord’s Indemnification of Tenant Landlord shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claims, actions, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defending against the same ("Claims") asserted by any third party against Tenant for loss, injury or damage, to the extent such loss, injury or damage is caused by the willful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions of Landlord or its authorized representatives.

  • DAMAGE TO TENANT'S PROPERTY Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Landlord or its agents shall not be liable for (a) any damage to any property entrusted to employees of the Building or its property managers, (b) loss or damage to any property by theft or otherwise, (c) any injury or damage to persons or property resulting from fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water or rain which may leak from any part of the Building or from the pipes, appliances or plumbing work therein or from the roof, street or sub-surface or from any other place or resulting from dampness or any other cause whatsoever, or (d) any damage or loss to the business or occupation of Tenant arising from the acts or neglect of other tenants or occupants of, or invitees to, the Building. Tenant shall give prompt notice to Landlord in case of fire or accident in the Premises or in the Building or of defects therein or in the fixtures or equipment.

  • Removal of Tenant Property by Tenant Upon the expiration of the Lease Term, or upon any earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall, subject to the provisions of this Article 15, quit and surrender possession of the Premises to Landlord in as good order and condition as when Tenant took possession and as thereafter improved by Landlord and/or Tenant, reasonable wear and tear and repairs which are specifically made the responsibility of Landlord hereunder excepted. Upon such expiration or termination, Tenant shall, without expense to Landlord, remove or cause to be removed from the Premises all debris and rubbish, and such items of furniture, equipment, business and trade fixtures, free-standing cabinet work, movable partitions and other articles of personal property owned by Tenant or installed or placed by Tenant at its expense in the Premises, and such similar articles of any other persons claiming under Tenant, as Landlord may, in its sole discretion, require to be removed, and Tenant shall repair at its own expense all damage to the Premises and Building resulting from such removal.

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