Fan Sample Clauses

Fan. The evaporator fan shall be inline type with direct drive multi speed motor. The fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced with permanently lubricated bearings. The fan discharge shall be provided with adjustable guide vanes to change air flow direction from side to side. The fan discharge shall be provided with motorized damper to change direction of airflow from up and down.
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Fan. The condenser unit shall be upward air flow and shall be furnished with either one or two direct drive propeller type fans. The fan shall be provided with raised guard to prevent contact with moving parts. The fan motor shall be mounted for quite operation.

Related to Fan

  • KITCHEN  Discard all leftover food in large trash receptacle in kitchen and empty any smaller trash receptacles if used into large trash can in kitchen.  Empty large trash bin into the dumpster, (if feasible). If not, please notify front desk.  Flatware is to be pre-soaked, washed in dishwasher, dried, returned to drawers and placed facing in the same direction.  Dishes, glassware, chopping boards, cooking utensils, pots/pans, baking sheets etc. should be washed in accordance with the instructions on the dish washing machine and returned DRY to dish carts and cupboards. Please check for lipstick/chap stick marks and clean those off accordingly before putting glasses/cups away.  Wipe down outside of dishwasher, empty dishwasher food trap into trash and wash out.  Counters and sinks wiped down with the water and bleach solution.  If used, please wipe inside and out microwave oven; wall/warming ovens, inside the refrigerator and refrigerator door.  Run garbage disposal in large double sink by dishwashing machine to clear food waste (Please do not put any food waste in small sinks).  Wipe out Alto-Shaam (Warming Ovens) and clean food trays if used.  Rinse out any Dish Tubs.  Empty any tubs of excess ice outside, if used.  Sweep floor of food debris.  Empty large trash bin into the dumpster (if feasible). If not please notify front desk. B BQ’s:  Make sure propane is turned off after use  Clean grill racks with wire brush and wipe up any spills /food debris from the BBQ  Leave outside to cool.  Please check with Front Desk regarding storage of cold and cleaned BBQ’s PATIO:  Return outdoor umbrellas and furniture to original positions.  Wipe down outdoor furniture if spills have occurred.  Dispose of trash/food waste and cigarette butts in trash receptacles. The following applies if any food and/or beverages have been served in these rooms: GREAT ROOM:  Wipe down tables with bleach /water solution. (Located under the sink in the kitchen next to the coffee maker).  If linens have been used or rented, please shake off any food debris in trash receptacles and place linens in mesh bags provided. Sorting by color or type is not necessary.  Notify front desk of any beverage spills as soon as they occur.  Empty any trash receptacles into large trash can in kitchen and then empty that into the dumpster (if feasible). If not please notify front desk.  Sweep/Vacuum carpet of any food debris. (These items are located in the cupboard next to Men’s restroom.

  • Brakes Master cylinder, wheel cylinders, hydraulic lines and fittings, power booster and brake callipers. Excludes linings, pads, drums and discs.

  • Moonlighting 24.01 The Company and the Union agree in principle to eliminate the practice commonly referred to as moonlighting.

  • Ventilation Where noxious or poisonous gases may accumulate, the City shall provide proper protection and ventilation. Proper lighting and ventilation shall be provided for all enclosed working spaces. All work in enclosed and confined spaces shall be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local regulations. Spray painting shall be done only by qualified painters.

  • Pendahuluan Semakin tahun semakin besar kebutuhan akan tanah, baik untuk kepentingan pembangunan perumahan atau gedung maupun untuk pelaksanaan usaha, termasuk usaha pertanian, sedangkan tanah 1 Xxxxx Xxxxxx,XX.XX. adalah Xxxxx Xxxxx III Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi xxx Xxxxx Tetap PS. Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi. kosong yang tersedia sudah semakin sedikit xxx tidak pula memiliki tanah sendiri. Dikarenakan tanah sendiri tidak ada atau sangat kecil sedangkan kebutuhan untuk usaha sangat besar, maka diperlukan pihak xxxx xxxx memiliki lahan tanah yang luas untuk menggunakan tanahnya. Pihak yang membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas untuk usahanya tidak hanya orang perorangan melainkan juga suatu badan usaha. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan lahan tanah yang cukup luas untuk usahanya di kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama. Perusahaan ini membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas guna usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dari usaha yang dilakukan, akhirnya PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama mendapatkan lahan tanah yang diinginkannya dengan menggunakan tanah xxxxx masyarakat kecamatan Xxxx Xxxx. Penggunaan tanah masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx untuk keperluan usaha perkebunan PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama bukanlah terjadi dengan sendirinya xxx penguasaan semena-mena, melainkan diawali dengan suatu perjanjian kepada xxxxx masyarakat pemilik tanah tersebut. Perjanjian yang diadakan antara PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dengan masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx adalah perjanjian penggunaan tanah untuk keperluan usaha, yang dituangkan dalam surat perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian yang diadakan, ditentukan xxx xxx kewajiban masing-masing pihak, umumnya hak dari pihak PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dapat menggunakan tanah milik masyrakat adat untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunannya hingga jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan kewajiban membayar sejumlah harga dari hasil perkebunan yang dilakukan xxx mengembalikan pengelolaan tanah tersebut kepada xxxxx masyarakat adat pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu perjanjian. Sedangkan hak masyarakat adat selaku pemilik tanah selain mendapatkan bagian hasil perkebunan juga mendapatkan tanahnya kembali setelah berakhirnya perjanjian. Dikarenakan penggunaan tanah untuk usaha perkebunan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, maka banyak terjadi perubahan- perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kadangkala tidak diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat, sehingga merugikan xxxxx masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian tanpa diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx, timbulah berbagai permasalahan berupa :

  • Wash all machine-washable bedding, drapes, and clothing, on the hottest water temperature and dry on the highest heat setting. Items that cannot be washed must be taken to a dry cleaner who MUST be informed of the issue. You must safely discard ALL items that cannot be decontaminated.

  • Lighting A system of fixtures providing or controlling the light sources used on or near the airport or within the airport buildings. The field lighting includes all luminous signals, markers, floodlights, and illuminating devices used on or near the airport or to aid in the operation of aircraft landing at, taking off from, or taxiing on the airport surface.

  • Rooms Room number (serves as the room tag) Dimensions (length, width, height)

  • Pruning Nondestructive thinning of lateral branches to enhance views or trimming, shaping, thinning or pruning of a tree necessary to its health and growth is allowed, consistent with the following standards:

  • Science The content in the sequence of BSC 1010C and BSC 1011C is comparable to the standards for Biology 1 and therefore if both are completed may be used as preparation for the associated EOC. NFCC Course Course Title High School credit awarded AST 1002 Introduction to Astronomy 0.5 AST 1002/AST 1002L Introduction to Astronomy + Introduction to Astronomy Lab 1.0 BOT 2010C General Botany 1.0 BSC 1005C Introduction to Biology (non- majors course) 1.0 BSC 1010C Principles of Biology I 1.0 BSC 1011 Principles of Biology II 1.0 BSC 1050 Man & Environment 0.5 BSC 2084C Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 1.0 BSC 2085C Anatomy & Physiology I 1.0 BSC 2086C Anatomy & Physiology II 1.0 CHM 1033C Survey of Chemistry 1.0 CHM 1045/CHM 1045L General Chemistry I + General Chemistry I Lab 1.0 CHM 1046/CHM 1046L General Chemistry II + General Chemistry II Lab 1.0 CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I 0.5 CHM 2210/CHM2210L Organic Chemistry I + Organic Chemistry I Lab 1.0 CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II CHM 2211/CHM2211L Organic Chemistry II + Organic Chemistry I Lab 1.0 EVR 1001 Introduction to Environmental Science 0.5 MCB 2010C Microbiology 1.0 PHY 1020C Fundamentals of Physics 1.0 PHY 2048/PHY2048L Physics I with Calculus + Physics I with Calculus Lab 1.0 PHY 2049/PHY2049L Physics II with Calculus + Physics II with Calculus Lab 1.0 PHY 1053/PHY 1053L General Physics I + General Physics I Lab 1.0 PHY 1054/PHY 1054L General Physics II + General Physics II Lab 1.0 PSC 1341C Physical Science I 1.0 ZOO 2010C General Zoology 1.0 SOCIAL STUDIES The content of the sequence of AMH 2010 and AMH 2020 is comparable to the standard for United States History and therefore if both are completed may be used as preparation for the EOC assessment. NFCC Course Course Title High School credit awarded AMH 2010 American History I 0.5 AMH 2020 American History II 0.5 POS 2041 American National Government 0.5 WOH 1012 World History to 1600 0.5 WOH 1022 World History Since 1600 0.5 ECO 2013 Macroeconomics 0.5 ECO 2023 Microeconomics 0.5 ELECTIVES Three credit hour (or equivalent) postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment offered at NFCC not listed in previous subject area lists shall be awarded at least 0.5 high school elective credits. For those listed below that are part of a postsecondary career/technical program of study at NFCC (Technical Certificate (CCC), AS, or ATD) the designated HS credit is at least 0.5 elective credit for those courses that are 3 or more credit hours. Only NFCC programs have been listed for courses that are either AA General Education options or where that course is a program requirement. Courses that are fewer than 3 credit hours are not listed. NFCC course NFCC program (s) Course Title High School credit awarded XXX 0000 XX General Education/Social Science History of Florida 0.5 XXX 0000 XX General Education/Social Science African-American History & Culture 0.5 ACG 2021 AA Business Emphasis, AS Business Administration, AS Accounting TechnologyManagement, CCC Business Operations, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist Introduction to Financial Accounting 0.5 ACG 2071 AA Business Emphasis; AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations: Accounting/Budgeting Operations; CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Management Introduction to Managerial Accounting 0.5 ACG 2104 AS Accounting Technology Management Intermediate Accounting I 0.5 ACG 2114 AS Accounting Technology Management Intermediate Accounting II 0.5 ACG 2450 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator; CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist Microcomputers in Accounting 0.5 APA 2501 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Payroll accounting 0.5 TAX 2000 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Individual Income Tax 0.5 BUL 2241 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations; CCC Human Resource Administrator Legal Environment of Business 0.5 CCJ 1020 AA General Education/Social Sciences; AS Criminal Justice Technology Introduction to Criminal Justice 0.5 CCJ 2010 CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Nature of Crime 0.5 CCJ 2022 AS Criminal Justice Technology; CCJ Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Concepts & Issues in Criminal Justice 0.5 CCJ 2350 Correctional Facility Organization/Operations 0.5 CCJ 2053 AS Criminal Justice Technology Criminal Justice Ethics 0.5 CET 1171C CCC Network Security IT Essentials 0.5 CET 1600C CCC Network Security Cisco Introduction to Networks 0.5 CET 1610C CCC Network Security Cisco Routing and Switching Essentials 0.5 CET 2615C CCC Network Security Cisco Scaling Networks 0.5 CET 2620C CCC Network Security Cisco Connecting Networks 0.5 CGS 1100C AA Business Emphasis; AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations, CCC Human Resources Administrator, AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Computer Applications I 0.5 CGS 1520 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Multimedia Programming 0.5 CGS 1930C CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Computer Science Special Topics 0.5 CGS 2515 AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Management Spreadsheet Applications for Business 0.5 CGS 2571C AS Business Administration Computer Applications II 0.5 CHD 2220 Child Growth and Development 0.5 CIS 2381C CCC Network Security Computer Forensics and Investigations 0.5 CIS 2352C CCC Network Security Ethical Hacking I 0.5 CJE 1301 Police Patrol Operations 0.5 CJE 2300 Police Administration and Operations 0.5 CJL 1100 AS Criminal Justice Technology Criminal Law 0.5 CJL 2062 AS Criminal Justice Technology Constitutional Law 0.5 CJL 2500 AS Criminal Justice Technology America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System 0.5 CJE 1600 ; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Criminal Investigations 0.5 CTS 1120C CCC Network Security Security+ 0.5 CTS 1387C CCC Network Security Linux/Unix Fundamentals 0.5 CTS 2664C CCC Network Security CCNA Security 0.5 CLP 1140 Abnormal Psychology 0.5 DEP 2004 AA General Education/Social Science Human Development 0.5 ECO 2013 AA General Education Business Emphasis, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Macroeconomics 0.5 ECO 2023 AA General Education Business Emphasis; AS Accounting Technology Management; AS Business Administration; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Microeconomics 0.5 EDF 2005 AA Education Emphasis Introduction to the Teaching Profession 0.5 EDF 2085 AA Education Emphasis Introduction to Diversity for Educators 0.5 EDP 2002 Educational Psychology 0.5 EME 2040 AA Education Emphasis, CCC Digital Media/Multimedia Instructional Technology Specialization Introduction to Technology for Educators 0.5 EMS 1119 ATD Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician I 1.0 EMS 1119L ATD Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician I Lab 0.5 ENT 1000 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship; AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Introduction to Entrepreneurship 0.5 FIN 1100 Personal Finance 0.5 FIN 2000 AS Accounting Technology Management, AS Business Administration Principles of Finance 0.5 GEB 1011 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations, AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology; CCC Accounting Technology Management; CCC Accounting Technology Operations; CCC Accounting Technology Specialist; Introduction to Business 0.5 GEB 1136 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Introduction to e-Business 0.5 GEB 2430 Business Ethics GEB 2930 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Business Administration Capstone 0.5 GRA1213 Basic Electronic Imaging 0.5 GRA 1952 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Portfolio Review 0.5 GRA 2117C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC’s Authoring, Production, and Web Specializations Computer Assisted Graphic Design 0.5 GRA 2121C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Publication Design 0.5 GRA 2131C AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s Electronic Imaging 0.5 GRA 2140C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Interactive Media 0.5 GRA 2143C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC Web Production Specialization Advanced Web Design 0.5 GRA 2144C AS Digital Media/Multimedia and related CCC’s Fundamentals of Web Design 0.5 GRA 2160C AS Digital Media/Multimedia, CCC’s Production and Web Production Specializations Computer Animation 0.5 GRA 2207C AS Digital Media/Multimedia Advanced Electronic Imaging HSC 1531 Medical Terminology for Allied Health 0.5 HUM 1020 AA General Education Introduction to Humanities 0.5 HUM 2210 AA General Education Humanities General Humanities I 0.5 HUM 2230 AA General Education Humanities General Humanities II 0.5 HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 0.5 LIT 2020 AA General Education Humanities/Literature Short Story 0.5 MAN 2021 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Human Resources Administrator, CCC Business Operations Management Specialization Principles of Management 0.5 MAR 2011 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Principles of Marketing 0.5 MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra 0.5 MNA 2100 AS Business Administration, CCC Human Resources Administrator; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Human Resources Relations in Management 0.5 OST 2335 AS Business Administration, AS Accounting Technology Management, CCC Business Operations, CCC Human Resources Administrator, AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology, CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship, CCC Accounting Technology Management, CCC Accounting Technology Operations, CCC Accounting Technology Specialist; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Business Communication 0.5 PGY 2401 AS Digital Media/Multimedia Technology Introduction to Photography 0.5 PHI 2010 AA General Education Humanities Introduction to Philosophy 0.5 PSY 2012 AA General Education /Social Sciences/Education/Business emphasis AA Nursing Emphasis, AS Criminal Justice Technology, AS Digital Media/Multimedia General Psychology 0.5 REL 2300 AA General Education Humanities Introduction to World Religion 0.5 SBM 2000 AS Business Administration, CCC Business Operations Small Business Management; CCC Business Development and Entrepreneurship Small Business Management 0.5 SYG 1000 AA General Education /Social Sciences; AS Criminal Justice Technology Introductory Sociology 0.5 SYG 2010 AA General Education /Social Sciences, Social Problems 0.5 SYG 2322 AS Criminal Justice Technology; CCC Criminal Justice Technology Specialist Juvenile Delinquency 0.5 SYG 2323 AS Criminal Justice Technology Introduction to Criminology 0.5 SYG 2430 Marriage and the Family 0.5 WOH 2040 AA General Education History/Social Sciences World History in the 20th Century 0.5 SLS 1103 Strategies for Academic Success 0.5 Appendix D 2016 – 2017 Academic Calendar TRADITIONAL TERM 2016 Term I Comments August 22 & 23 Faculty Planning Days August 24 Classes Begin Sept. 5 LABOR DAY Holiday Nov. 11 VETERANS DAY Holiday Nov. 24 & 25 THANKSGIVING Holidays Dec. 2 Classes End Dec. 5 – 8 Final Exams Dec. 12 Grades Due Dec. 9, 12, 13 Faculty Planning Days Dec. 13 Term Ends. Commencement, 7 pm 2017 Term II Comments Jan. 2 & 3 Faculty Planning Days Jan. 4 Classes Begin Jan. 16 XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX Holiday Feb. 20 PRESIDENTS DAY Holiday March 13 – 17 SPRING BREAK Apr. 20 Classes End Apr. 21 – 26 Final Exams Apr 28 Grades Due Apr. 27, 28, May 1, 2 Faculty Planning Days May 2 Term Ends. Commencement, 7 pm 2017 Term III Comments May 8 Classes Begin May 29 MEMORIAL DAY Holiday July 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Holiday July 18 Classes End July 19 & 20 Final Exams July 25 Grades Due. Term Ends NON-TRADITIONAL TERMS (e.g. Weekend College, Mini-mesters) NONE APPENDIX E 2016 -2017 Academic Year North Florida Community College Dual Enrolled Cost per Credit Hour Taught on NFCC Campus by NFCC Instructor $71.98/credit hour/vocational credit hour Video Conference Delivery from NFCC Campus to High School Campus Instructional Cost Less Public School Instructional Cost for Facilitator 71.98 - (($17.04 * 15 weeks)/13)*$1.0765) $21.16 Total Cost $50.82 Consumable Materials for EMT Background check and fingerprinting $60.00 Materials $215.41 Total $275.41 Consumable Materials for ECPC Background check and fingerprinting $60.00 Course pack $24.00 Total $84.00

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