enemy definition

enemy means soldiers of a foreign military force engaged in armed conflict with the Defence Force, and includes any armed rebels or mutineers;
enemy means any country, armed force, authority or government controlling any such force with which Fiji, or any force acting in co-operation with any part of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, is at war or is engaged in armed combat operations, and includes—
enemy means all persons engaged in operations against the Defence Forces; and includes armed mutineers, rebels, armed rioters and pirates;

More Definitions of enemy

enemy means any enemy of His Majesty in 15
enemy means any person or force which by means of armed opposition is hostile to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the
enemy means an armed mutineer, armed person who committed treason, armed person involved in disorder or armed dacoit and any armed person who is subject to action by a person to whom this Act is applicable.
enemy means any State or Sovereign of a State which is at war with His Britannic Majesty ;
enemy means anyone who is or declares himself to be a belligerent party or maintaining a state of war against Israel, whether or not war has been declared, whether or not armed hostilities are in progress, and it also means a terrorist organization;
enemy means, those foreign nationals who commit acts detrimental to the independence and sovereignty of the Maldives. Citizens are not included in the meaning of "enemies";
enemy s armed forces, etc." means armed forces of foreign state and other similar organizations engaging in armed attacks in armed attack situations;