Delivery of Shared Real Estate Collateral and Proceeds of Shared Real Estate Collateral Sample Clauses

Delivery of Shared Real Estate Collateral and Proceeds of Shared Real Estate Collateral. Following the Discharge of Priority Lien Obligations, the Priority Lien Collateral Agent will, to the extent permitted by applicable law, deliver to (1) the Collateral Agent or (2) such other person as a court of competent jurisdiction may otherwise direct, (a) any Shared Real Estate Collateral held by, or on behalf of, the Priority Lien Collateral Agent or any holder of Priority Lien Obligations (other than cash collateral described in clause (3) of the definition of "Discharge of Priority Lien Obligations", and (b) all proceeds of Shared Real Estate Collateral held by, or on behalf of, the Priority Lien Collateral Agent or any holder of Priority Lien Obligations, whether arising out of an action taken to enforce, collect or realize upon any Shared Real Estate Collateral or otherwise. Such Shared Real Estate Collateral and such proceeds will be delivered without recourse and without any representation or warranty whatsoever as to the enforceability, perfection, priority or sufficiency of any Lien securing or guarantee or other supporting obligation for any Priority Lien Obligations or Notes Obligations, together with any necessary endorsements or as a court of competent jurisdiction may otherwise direct.
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Related to Delivery of Shared Real Estate Collateral and Proceeds of Shared Real Estate Collateral

  • Real Estate Collateral The Borrowers shall, and shall cause their respective Subsidiaries to, deliver to the Collateral Agent as soon as practicable and in any event within 90 calendar days after the Incremental Loan Funding Date (or such longer period as the Collateral Agent may agree in its sole discretion), (a) an amendment to each Mortgage encumbering the Mortgaged Properties in form suitable for recording that shall provide such Mortgage remains in full force and effect and continues to secure the Obligations, as amended by this Incremental Amendment, which mortgage amendment shall be in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Collateral Agent and its counsel in all respects, (b) endorsements to the mortgagee’s title insurance policies reflecting the amendment to the insured Mortgage as well as a date down endorsement in respect of each of the Mortgaged Properties, reflecting that there are no encumbrances affecting the Mortgaged Properties except as permitted under the Credit Agreement, and in each case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Collateral Agent, (c) a customary opinion of local counsel in each jurisdiction in which a Mortgage Property is located for the benefit of the Collateral Agent with respect to the enforceability of the Mortgages as amended, together with such other opinions as the Collateral Agent shall require, and in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Collateral Agent and (d) such further documents, instruments, acts or agreements as the Collateral Agent may reasonably request to affirm, secure, renew or perfect the liens of the Mortgages as amended; provided that if and to the extent that on or prior to the Incremental Loan Funding Date the Borrowers deliver to the Collateral Agent (x) an opinion of local counsel in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Collateral Agent affirming that no amendment to an existing Mortgage is necessary for such Mortgage to remain in full force and effect and to secure the Obligations, as modified by the transactions contemplated by this Incremental Amendment, as well as (y) a title report (or title update) showing no Liens, other than Liens permitted by the applicable Mortgage, have arisen with respect to such property since the date of the latest title policy or date-down endorsement, then the Collateral Agent will accept such deliveries in lieu of the requirements set forth in clauses (a) through (d) of this sentence with respect to such property. All of the actions referenced above shall be taken, and documents referenced above shall be delivered, at the sole expense of the Borrowers, including any recording charges, taxes, or other associated costs related thereto.

  • Title, Management and Disposition of REO Property In the event that title to any Mortgaged Property is acquired in foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, the deed or certificate of sale shall be taken in the name of the Trustee (or MERS, as applicable), or in the event the Trustee is not authorized or permitted to hold title to real property in the state where the REO Property is located, or would be adversely affected under the “doing business” or tax laws of such state by so holding title, the deed or certificate of sale shall be taken in the name of such Person or Persons as shall be consistent with an Opinion of Counsel obtained by the Servicer (with a copy delivered to the Trustee) from any attorney duly licensed to practice law in the state where the REO Property is located. The Person or Persons holding such title other than the Trustee shall acknowledge in writing that such title is being held as nominee for the Trustee. The Servicer shall manage, conserve, protect and operate each REO Property for the Trustee solely for the purpose of its prompt disposition and sale. The Servicer, either itself or through an agent selected by the Servicer, shall manage, conserve, protect and operate the REO Property in the same manner that it manages, conserves, protects and operates other foreclosed property for its own account, and in the same manner that similar property in the same locality as the REO Property is managed. The Servicer shall attempt to sell the same (and may temporarily rent the same for a period not greater than one year, except as otherwise provided below) on such terms and conditions as the Servicer deems to be in the best interest of the Trust Fund. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 3.12, in connection with a foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, in the event the Servicer has reasonable cause to believe that a Mortgaged Property is contaminated by hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, or if the Master Servicer or NIMS Insurer otherwise requests, an environmental inspection or review of such Mortgaged Property to be conducted by a qualified inspector shall be arranged by the Servicer. Upon completion of the inspection, the Servicer shall provide the Master Servicer and NIMS Insurer with a written report of such environmental inspection. In the event that the environmental inspection report indicates that the Mortgaged Property is contaminated by hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, the Servicer shall not proceed with foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. In the event that the environmental inspection report is inconclusive as to the whether or not the Mortgaged Property is contaminated by hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, the Servicer shall not, without the prior approval of both the Master Servicer and the NIMS Insurer proceed with foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. In such instance, the Master Servicer and/or the NIMS Insurer shall be deemed to have approved such foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure unless either notifies the Servicer in writing, within three (3) days after its receipt of written notice of the proposed foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure from the Servicer, that it disapproves of the related foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The Servicer shall be reimbursed for all Servicing Advances made pursuant to this paragraph with respect to the related Mortgaged Property from the Custodial Account. In the event that the Trust Fund acquires any REO Property in connection with a default or imminent default on a Mortgage Loan, the Servicer shall dispose of such REO Property not later than the end of the third taxable year after the year of its acquisition by the Trust Fund unless the Servicer has applied for and received a grant of extension from the Internal Revenue Service (and provided a copy of the same to the NIMS Insurer) to the effect that, under the REMIC Provisions and any relevant proposed legislation and under applicable state law, the applicable Trust REMIC may hold REO Property for a longer period without adversely affecting the REMIC status of such REMIC or causing the imposition of a federal or state tax upon such REMIC. If the Servicer has received such an extension (and provide a copy of the same to the NIMS Insurer), then the Servicer shall continue to attempt to sell the REO Property for its fair market value for such period longer than three years as such extension permits (the “Extended Period”). If the Servicer has not received such an extension and the Servicer is unable to sell REO Property within the period ending 3 months before the end of such third taxable year after its acquisition by the Trust Fund or if the Servicer has received such an extension, and the Servicer is unable to sell the REO Property within the period ending three months before the close of the Extended Period, the Servicer shall, before the end of the three-year period or the Extended Period, as applicable, (i) purchase such REO Property at a price equal to the REO Property’s fair market value, as acceptable to the NIMS Insurer or (ii) auction the REO Property to the highest bidder (which may be the Servicer) in an auction reasonably designed to produce a fair price prior to the expiration of the three-year period or the Extended Period, as the case may be. The Master Servicer shall sign any document or take any other action reasonably requested by the Servicer which would enable the Servicer, on behalf of the Trust Fund, to request such grant of extension. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, no REO Property acquired by the Trust Fund shall be rented (or allowed to continue to be rented) or otherwise used by or on behalf of the Trust Fund in such a manner or pursuant to any terms that would: (i) cause such REO Property to fail to qualify as “foreclosure property” within the meaning of Section 860G(a)(8) of the Code; or (ii) subject any Trust REMIC to the imposition of any federal income taxes on the income earned from such REO Property, including any taxes imposed by reason of Sections 860F or 860G(c) of the Code, unless the Servicer has agreed to indemnify and hold harmless the Trust Fund and the NIMS Insurer with respect to the imposition of any such taxes. The Servicer shall also maintain on each REO Property hazard insurance with extended coverage in an amount which is at least equal to the lesser of (i) the maximum insurable value of the improvements which are a part of such property and (ii) the outstanding Principal Balance of the Mortgage Loan at the time it becomes an REO Property. Each REO Disposition shall be carried out by the Servicer at such price and upon such terms and conditions as the Servicer reasonably determines to be in the best interest of the Certificateholders and provided the sales price and the related terms and conditions are results of arm’s-length negotiation. The proceeds of sale of the REO Property shall be promptly deposited in the Custodial Account. After the expenses of such disposition shall have been paid, the Servicer shall pursuant to Section 3.04 apply any remaining proceeds to payment of any unreimbursed Option One Servicing Fees, Servicing Advances or Monthly Advances or unpaid Seller Remittance Amount incurred with respect to such REO Property. The Servicer shall withdraw from the Custodial Account funds necessary for the proper operation, management and maintenance of the REO Property, including the cost of maintaining any hazard insurance pursuant to the Xxxxxxx Mac or Xxxxxx Mae Guides.

  • Management of Collateral Subject to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, each Priority Secured Creditor shall have the exclusive right to manage, perform and enforce the terms of the applicable Obligation Documents with respect to its Priority Collateral, to exercise and enforce all privileges and rights thereunder according to its sole discretion and the exercise of its sole business judgment, including the exclusive right to take or retake control or possession of such Priority Collateral and to hold, prepare for sale, process, Dispose of, or liquidate such Priority Collateral and to incur expenses in connection with such Disposition and to exercise all the rights and remedies of a secured lender under the UCC of any applicable jurisdiction. In conducting any public or private sale under the UCC of its Priority Collateral, the Priority Secured Creditor shall give the Junior Secured Creditor such notice (a “UCC Notice”) of such sale as may be required by the applicable UCC; provided, however, that 10 days’ notice shall be deemed to be commercially reasonable notice. Except as specifically provided in this Section 3.2 or Section 3.4 below, notwithstanding any rights or remedies available to a Junior Secured Creditor under any of the applicable Obligation Documents, applicable law or otherwise, no Junior Secured Creditor shall, directly or indirectly, take any Enforcement Action with respect to Collateral that, as to such Junior Secured Creditor, is Non-Priority Collateral; provided that, subject at all times to the provisions of Section 2, upon the expiration of the applicable Standstill Period, a Junior Secured Creditor (other than any Existing Notes Creditor) may take any Enforcement Action as to such Collateral (provided that it gives the Priority Secured Creditor at least 10 Business Days written notice prior to taking such Enforcement Action); provided, further, that notwithstanding the expiration of the Standstill Period or anything herein to the contrary, in no event shall any Junior Secured Creditor take any Enforcement Action or exercise or continue to exercise any such rights or remedies, or commence or petition for any such action or proceeding (including any foreclosure action or proceeding or any Insolvency Proceeding) as to its Non-Priority Collateral if either (i) an Insolvency Proceeding occurs and is continuing or (ii) the Priority Secured Creditor shall have commenced the enforcement or exercise of any rights or remedies with respect to more than a de minimis portion of such Non-Priority Collateral, or with respect to any of such Non-Priority Collateral as to which the Junior Secured Creditor has commenced an Enforcement Action, as applicable, or commenced any such action or proceeding (including, without limitation, any of the following (if undertaken and pursued to consummate a Disposition of such Collateral within a commercially reasonable time): the solicitation of bids from third parties to conduct the liquidation of all or any material portion of such Collateral, the engagement or retention of sales brokers, marketing agents, investment bankers, accountants, auctioneers or other third parties for the purpose of valuing, marketing, promoting or selling all or any material portion of such Collateral, the notification of account debtors to make payments to the Priority Secured Creditor or its agents, the initiation of any action to take possession of all or any material portion of such Collateral or the commencement of any legal proceedings or actions against or with respect to the foreclosure and sale of all or any material portion of such Collateral), or the diligent attempt in good faith to vacate any stay prohibiting an Enforcement Action with respect to all or any material portion of such Collateral or diligently attempting in good faith to vacate any stay prohibiting an Enforcement Action.

  • Real Estate Assets In order to create in favor of Collateral Agent, for the benefit of Secured Parties, a valid and, subject to any filing and/or recording referred to herein, perfected First Priority security interest in certain Real Estate Assets, Collateral Agent shall have received from Borrower and each applicable Guarantor:

  • DISPOSITION OF COLLATERAL AND PROCEEDS; TRANSFER OF INDEBTEDNESS In disposing of Collateral hereunder, Bank may disclaim all warranties of title, possession, quiet enjoyment and the like. Any proceeds of any disposition of any Collateral or Proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied by Bank to the payment of expenses incurred by Bank in connection with the foregoing, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and the balance of such proceeds may be applied by Bank toward the payment of the Indebtedness in such order of application as Bank may from time to time elect. Upon the transfer of all or any part of the Indebtedness, Bank may transfer all or any part of the Collateral or Proceeds and shall be fully discharged thereafter from all liability and responsibility with respect to any of the foregoing so transferred, and the transferee shall be vested with all rights and powers of Bank hereunder with respect to any of the foregoing so transferred; but with respect to any Collateral or Proceeds not so transferred, Bank shall retain all rights, powers, privileges and remedies herein given.

  • Management of the Collateral Each Grantor further agrees, that, during the continuance of any Event of Default, (i) at the Collateral Agent’s request, it shall assemble the Collateral and make it available to the Collateral Agent at places that the Collateral Agent shall reasonably select, whether at such Grantor’s premises or elsewhere, (ii) without limiting the foregoing, the Collateral Agent also has the right to require that such Grantor store and keep any Collateral pending further action by the Collateral Agent and, while any such Collateral is so stored or kept, provide such guards and maintenance services as shall be necessary to protect the same and to preserve and maintain such Collateral in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted, (iii) until the Collateral Agent is able to sell, assign, license out, convey or transfer any Collateral, the Collateral Agent shall have the right to hold or use such Collateral to the extent that it deems appropriate for the purpose of preserving the Collateral or its value or for any other purpose deemed appropriate by the Collateral Agent and (iv) the Collateral Agent may, if it so elects, seek the appointment of a receiver or keeper to take possession of any Collateral and to enforce any of the Collateral Agent’s or any Lender’s remedies, with respect to such appointment without prior notice or hearing as to such appointment. The Collateral Agent shall not have any obligation to any Grantor to maintain or preserve the rights of any Grantor as against other Persons with respect to any Collateral while such Collateral is in the possession of the Collateral Agent.

  • After-Acquired Collateral From and after the Issue Date, subject to the Intercreditor Agreement and any other Pari Passu Intercreditor Agreement, if (a) any Subsidiary becomes a Guarantor pursuant to Section 4.16 or (b) the Company or any Guarantor acquires any property or rights which are of a type constituting Collateral under the Notes Security Agreement (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any Excluded Assets or assets expressly not required to be Collateral pursuant to this Indenture or the Security Documents), it will be required to execute and deliver such security instruments, financing statements and certificates as are required under this Indenture and/or the Notes Security Agreement (for avoidance of doubt, after taking into account any exclusions or exceptions to the Collateral and/or the requirements to perfect a security interest in the Collateral pursuant to the Notes Security Agreement or other applicable Security Document) to vest in the Notes Collateral Agent a security interest (subject to Permitted Liens) in such after-acquired collateral and to take such actions to add such after-acquired collateral to the Collateral, and thereupon all provisions of this Indenture and the Security Documents relating to the Collateral shall be deemed to relate to such after-acquired collateral to the same extent and with the same force and effect.

  • Insurance of Collateral; Condemnation Proceeds Subject to the Intercreditor Agreement, each Obligor shall maintain insurance with respect to the Collateral, covering casualty, hazard, theft, malicious mischief, flood and other risks, in amounts, with endorsements and with insurers (with a Best rating of at least A+, unless otherwise approved by Agent in its reasonable discretion) satisfactory to Agent. Subject to the terms of the Intercreditor Agreement, all proceeds under each policy shall be payable to Agent. From time to time upon request, Obligors shall deliver to Agent copies of its insurance policies and updated flood plain searches. Subject to Section 10.1.13 and except as provided in the Intercreditor Agreement, each policy shall include endorsements satisfactory to Agent (i) showing Agent as lender's loss payee (as its interests may appear in accordance with the Intercreditor Agreement); (ii) requiring 30 days' prior written notice to Agent of cancellation of the policy for any reason whatsoever; and (iii) specifying that the interest of Agent shall not be impaired or invalidated by any act or neglect of any Obligor or the owner of the Property, nor by the occupation of the premises for purposes more hazardous than are permitted by the policy. If any Obligor fails to provide and pay for any insurance, Agent may, in its discretion, procure the insurance and charge Obligors therefor. Each Obligor agrees to deliver to Agent, promptly as rendered, copies of all reports made to insurance companies. While no Event of Default exists, Obligors may settle, adjust or compromise any insurance claim, provided the proceeds are delivered to Agent. If an Event of Default exists, only Agent may settle, adjust and compromise such claims.

  • Condemnation Awards and Insurance Proceeds Mortgagor assigns all awards and compensation to which it is entitled for any condemnation or other taking, or any purchase in lieu thereof, to Mortgagee and authorizes Mortgagee to collect and receive such awards and compensation and to give proper receipts and acquittances therefor, subject to the terms of the Credit Agreement. Mortgagor assigns to Mortgagee all proceeds of any insurance policies insuring against loss or damage to the Mortgaged Property, subject to the terms of the Credit Agreement. Mortgagor authorizes Mortgagee to collect and receive such proceeds and authorizes and directs the issuer of each of such insurance policies to make payment for all such losses directly to Mortgagee, instead of to Mortgagor and Mortgagee jointly, subject to the terms of the Credit Agreement.

  • Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds (a) Subject to Landlord's rights under this Paragraph 4, and so long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, Tenant shall be entitled to use all casualty insurance and condemnation proceeds payable with respect to the Leased Property during the Term for the restoration and repair of the Leased Property or any remaining portion thereof. Except as provided in the last sentence of subparagraph 9.(r) and the last sentence of subparagraph 9.(s), all insurance and condemnation proceeds received with respect to the Leased Property (including proceeds payable under any insurance policy covering the Leased Property which is maintained by Tenant) shall be paid to Landlord and applied as follows: (i) First, such proceeds shall be used to reimburse Landlord for any costs and expenses, including Attorneys' Fees, incurred in connection with the collection of such proceeds. (ii) Second, the remainder of such proceeds (the "Remaining Proceeds"), shall be held by Landlord as Escrowed Proceeds and applied to reimburse Tenant for the actual cost of the repair, restoration or replacement of the Leased Property. However, any Remaining Proceeds not needed for such purpose shall be applied by Landlord as Qualified Payments after Tenant notifies Landlord that they are not needed for repairs, restoration or replacement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, then Landlord shall be entitled to receive and collect insurance or condemnation proceeds payable with respect to the Leased Property, and either, at the discretion of Landlord, (A) hold such proceeds as Escrowed Proceeds until paid to Tenant as reimbursement for the actual and reasonable cost of repairing, restoring or replacing the Leased Property when Tenant has completed such repair, restoration or replacement, or (B) apply such proceeds (net of the deductions described in clause (i) above) as Qualified Payments.

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