Trizec Canada Support Agreement definition

Trizec Canada Support Agreement means the support agreement dated as of June 5, 2006 entered into between Parent and Trizec Canada, pursuant to which Trizec Canada has agreed to vote or cause to be voted all shares of Trizec Properties owned by it and its subsidiaries for the Trizec Properties Merger, as described under the heading “Related Agreements — Trizec Canada Support Agreement” in this Circular;

Related to Trizec Canada Support Agreement

  • Support Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Program Support Agreement means and includes any Liquidity Agreement and any other agreement entered into by any Program Support Provider providing for: (a) the issuance of one or more letters of credit for the account of any Conduit Purchaser, (b) the issuance of one or more surety bonds for which the such Conduit Purchaser is obligated to reimburse the applicable Program Support Provider for any drawings thereunder, (c) the sale by such Conduit Purchaser to any Program Support Provider of the Purchased Interest (or portions thereof) maintained by such Conduit Purchaser and/or (d) the making of loans and/or other extensions of credit to any Conduit Purchaser in connection with such Conduit Purchaser’s securitization program contemplated in this Agreement, together with any letter of credit, surety bond or other instrument issued thereunder.

  • Support Agreements has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Sponsor Support Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Restructuring Support Agreement means that certain Restructuring Support Agreement, dated as of August 18, 2020, by and among the Debtors and the Consenting Noteholders, and the other parties who signed the signature pages thereto, including all exhibits and attachments thereto.

  • Plan Support Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Arrangement Agreement means the arrangement agreement dated as of April 18, 2019 between the Purchaser and the Company, including the schedules and exhibits thereto, providing for, among other things, the Arrangement, as the same may be amended, supplemented or restated.

  • Acquisition Agreements means the Nexstar Acquisition Agreement and the Mission Acquisition Agreement, and “Acquisition Agreement” means the applicable agreement in the context used.

  • Parent Agreement has the meaning given to it in Clause 12;

  • Acquisition Agreement means a letter of intent, agreement in principle, merger agreement, acquisition agreement, option agreement or other similar agreement.

  • Transaction Support Agreement means that certain Transaction Support Agreement, together with all exhibits, annexes, and schedules thereto, dated as of March 15, 2019, and as amended on April 10, 2019, by and among NMG, Inc. and its subsidiaries, the Consenting Sponsors, an ad hoc committee of holders of 2013 Term Loans, an ad hoc committee of holders of Cash Pay Notes and PIK Toggle Notes, and each of the additional parties who delivered a joinder thereto.

  • Transaction Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Sponsor Management Agreement means the management agreement between certain of the management companies associated with the Sponsor Group or their advisors and the Borrower.

  • Backstop Agreement means that certain backstop commitment agreement by and among the Backstop Parties, Valaris, and the other Debtor parties thereto, as amended by that certain amended backstop commitment agreement, dated February 5, 2021, by and among the Backstop Parties, Valaris, and the other Debtor parties thereto, as may be further amended, supplemented, or modified from time to time, setting forth, among other things, the terms and conditions of the Rights Offering and the Backstop Commitments, attached as Exhibit 2 to the Restructuring Term Sheet.

  • Replacement Management Agreement means, collectively, (a) either (i) a management agreement with a Qualified Manager substantially in the same form and substance as the Management Agreement, or (ii) a management agreement with a Qualified Manager, which management agreement shall be reasonably acceptable to Lender in form and substance, provided, with respect to this subclause (ii), Lender, at its option, may require that Borrower shall have obtained prior written confirmation from the applicable Rating Agencies that such management agreement will not cause a downgrade, withdrawal or qualification of the then current rating of the Securities or any class thereof and (b) an assignment of management agreement and subordination of management fees substantially in the form then used by Lender (or of such other form and substance reasonably acceptable to Lender), executed and delivered to Lender by Borrower and such Qualified Manager at Borrower’s expense.

  • New Management Agreement means the management agreement to be entered into between Buyer and the Manager for the operation and management of the Hotel on and after the Closing Date.

  • Investment Management Agreement means the Investment Management Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and between the Investment Manager and the Borrower.

  • Restructuring Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Alternative Acquisition Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.5(c).

  • Framework Agreement means the Clauses of this Framework Agreement together with the Framework Schedules and annexes to it;

  • Asset Management Agreement means, as the context requires, any agreement entered into between a Series and an Asset Manager pursuant to which such Asset Manager is appointed as manager of the relevant Series Assets, as amended from time to time.

  • Existing Management Agreement means that certain management agreement between the Seller and the Existing Manager for the operation and management of the Hotel.

  • Replacement Agreement means an agreement entered into as a replacement for any Relevant Agreement;

  • Backstop Commitment Agreement means that certain Backstop Commitment Agreement, by and between CEOC and the PropCo Preferred Backstop Investors party thereto from time to time, as the same may be amended, amended and restated, supplemented, or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with its terms, the form of which shall be included in the Plan Supplement.

  • Acquisition Agreement Representations means the representations and warranties with respect to the Companies made by the Seller in the Acquisition Agreement to the extent a breach of such representations and warranties is material to the interests of the Lenders, but only to the extent that the Borrower or its Affiliates have the right to terminate its or their obligations under the Acquisition Agreement (or decline to consummate the Rockwood Acquisition) as a result of a breach of such representations in the Acquisition Agreement.

  • Marketing Agreement means an agreement entered into, with the director, by producers, distributors, processors, or handlers pursuant to this act and binding only on those signing the agreement.