transferable paper definition

transferable paper means a ballot paper on which, following a first preference, a second or subsequent preference is recorded in consecutive numerical order for a continuing candidate,
transferable paper means a voting-paper on which a next available preference for a continuing candidate is legibly and unambiguously expressed;
transferable paper means a ballot paper on which, following a first

More Definitions of transferable paper

transferable paper means a ballot paper on which a next available preference is given.
transferable paper means a ballot paper on which, following a first preference, a second or subsequent preference is recorded in consecutive numerical order for a continuing candidate, “transferred vote” means a vote derived from a ballot paper on which a second or subsequent preference is recorded for the candidate to whom that paper has been transferred, and “transfer value” means the value of a transferred vote calculated in accordance with paragraph(4) or (7) of rule 42 below. 37. Arrangements for counting of the votesThe returning officer is to make arrangements for counting the votes as soon as is practicable after the close of the poll. 38. The count

Related to transferable paper

  • transferable securities means those classes of securities which are negotiable on the capital market, with the exception of instruments of payment, such as:

  • Transferable interest means the right, as originally associated with a person’s capacity as a member, to receive distributions from a limited liability company in accordance with the operating agreement, whether or not the person remains a member or continues to own any part of the right.

  • Transferable means an obligation that is transferable to institutional investors without any contractual, statutory or regulatory restriction, provided that none of the following shall be considered contractual, statutory or regulatory restrictions:

  • Permitted Transfer has the meaning set forth in Section 10.02.

  • Permitted Securities means any of the following:

  • Non-U.S. Person means a Person who is not a U.S. Person.

  • Electronic File Transfer means any system or process that utilizes an electronic format and protocol to send or receive data files.

  • Transfer Restricted Securities means securities that bear or are required to bear the legend set forth in Section 2.06 hereof.

  • Permitted Transfers has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.17(d).

  • Permitted Transferee Any Transferee of a Residual Certificate other than a Disqualified Organization or Non-United States Person.

  • Designated Securities means securities issued by an Insured, or by any Affiliated Entity, or by any Fund to which such Insured or any Affiliated Entity provides any services.

  • Designated Security Consultant means an employee of a security firm under contract with Us or Our assistance provider who is experienced in security and measures necessary to ensure the safety of the Covered Person(s) in his or her care.

  • Exempted Securities means:

  • Permitted Transferees means any person or entity to whom a Holder of Registrable Securities is permitted to transfer such Registrable Securities prior to the expiration of the Founder Shares Lock-up Period or Private Placement Lock-up Period, as the case may be, under the Insider Letter, this Agreement and any other applicable agreement between such Holder and the Company, and to any transferee thereafter.