Substitutable definition

Substitutable in relation to Content means that a derivative of original Content serves substantially the same purpose as the original Content, has not been changed to something different and is effectively imparting the same or substantially the same knowledge.
Substitutable means, for a given formulation of ADV that is not a Licensed Product, or that is a Licensed Product but is used for an Other Indication, that such formulation [ * ]. Substitutability shall be determined without regard to [ * ] For example and without limitation, an Other Formulation that differs from the Current Product only because it [ * ] is Substitutable for the Current Product, because [ * ] the Current Product.
Substitutable in relation to Information means that a derivative of original Information serves substantially the same purpose as the original Information, has not been changed to something different and is effectively imparting the same or substantially the same knowledge.

Examples of Substitutable in a sentence

  • Unless otherwise agreed by the QCA, an Expansion with no Substitutable TSEs and that is not a Consensus Expansion will be treated as an Endorsed Expansion.

  • For each NTS Exit Point the quantity of Substitutable Capacity will be the lowest value, determined in accordance with this paragraph, for any Day from the proposed date for the substitution to be effective, i.e. the date of release of the relevant Incremental Obligated Exit Capacity.

  • Where the Reserved Exit Capacity is at a different NTS Exit Point to where the PARCA has indicated the need for additional capacity (i.e. capacity is reserved pending substitution), the Reserved Exit Capacity will become Substitutable Capacity at the donor NTS Exit Point.

  • This “allocated” capacity will become Substitutable Capacity if the reduction request is accepted.

  • Under no circumstances will capacity be substituted from an NTS Exit Point in quantities greater than the Substitutable Capacity.

  • This ensures that any capacity requested, but not allocated (or reserved) at the time of the substitution analysis, is not considered as Substitutable Capacity if it is required to satisfy applications for capacity at that NTS Exit Point at that time.

  • After all Substitutable Capacity has been used, any unsatisfied Incremental Obligated Exit Capacity will be considered with the next donor NTS Exit Point.

  • In respect of Interconnection Points (as identified as such in Table 8 of Special Condition 5G of the Licence) the Technical Interconnection Point Capacity of the downstream connected system at the Interconnection Point shall not be Substitutable Capacity.

  • Because substitution of capacity is indefinite, capacity that has already been substituted from a donor NTS Exit Point will not be available as Substitutable Capacity in respect of that donor NTS Exit Point on subsequent occasions.

  • Substitutions from individual donor NTS Exit Points will commence by reducing the capacity at the most favourable NTS Exit Point that has Substitutable Capacity.

Related to Substitutable

  • Replacement Product means electric generating capacity, capacity-related benefits, environmental attributes, Energy or other electric products from a generation resource other than the Facility that are provided or delivered to replace or substitute for Contract Capacity or Storage Capacity (or any Capacity-Related Benefit, Environmental Attribute, Other Electric Product, Contract Energy, or Storage Energy associated therewith), in each case, in whole or in part, pursuant to Section 4.6.

  • Therapeutically equivalent drug products means drug products that contain the same active ingredients and are identical in strength or concentration, dosage form, and route of administration and that are classified as being therapeutically equivalent by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration pursuant to the definition of "therapeutically equivalent drug products" set forth in the most recent edition of the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, otherwise known as the "Orange Book."

  • Therapeutically equivalent means a drug product with the same efficacy and toxicity when administered to an individual as the originally prescribed drug as provided for in Section 39‑24‑40.

  • ingredient means any substance, including a food additive used in the manufacture or preparation of food and present in the final product, possibly in a modified form;

  • Additives means non-hydrocarbon compounds added to or blended with a product to modify its properties;

  • Biosimilar means a biological product that is highly similar to a specific reference biological

  • Biodegradable means degradable through a process by which fungi or bacteria secrete enzymes to convert a complex molecular structure to simple gasses and organic compounds.

  • Substrate means the surface onto which a coating is applied or into which a coating is impregnated.

  • Diluent means liquid light hydrocarbons with an API gravity at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit of forty-five (45) degrees or higher which are naturally occurring petroleum or atmospherically stable products of refining and fractionation, gas well condensates or gas plant condensates (natural gas liquids), or any material acceptable for delivery to BP Pipelines (North America) Inc. pipeline at Black Oak Junction in Gary, Indiana.

  • Combination Product means (a) a product containing a Licensed Product together with one or more other active ingredients that have independent biologic or chemical activity when present alone that are sold as a single unit, or (b) a Licensed Product together with one or more products, devices, pieces of equipment or components thereof, that are sold as a single package at a single price.

  • Additive means any substance in gasoline other than gasoline but does not include approved blending components, other than lead, sodium, and phosphate components, introduced at refineries or terminals as octane or product quality enhancers in quantities of less than 1% of volume.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.

  • Adaptable means constructed in compliance with the technical design standards of the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.

  • Combination Products means any product containing both a pharmaceutically active agent or ingredient which constitutes a Licensed Product and one or more other pharmaceutically active agents or ingredients which do not constitute Licensed Products.

  • Aerosol coating product means a pressurized coating product containing pigments or resins that dispenses product ingredients by means of a propellant, and is packaged in a disposable can for hand-held application, or for use in specialized equipment for ground traffic/marking applications.

  • Therapeutic Equivalent means that a Covered Drug can be expected to produce essentially the same therapeutic outcome and toxicity.

  • Non-surgically implanted prostheses means a replacement body part not surgically implanted.

  • Nicotine product means a product that contains nicotine and is not any of the following:

  • Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by:

  • Accessories means all fixtures, equipment, systems, machinery, furniture, furnishings, appliances, inventory, goods, building and construction materials, supplies and other articles of personal property, of every kind and character, tangible and intangible (including software embedded therein), now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor, which are now or hereafter attached to or situated in, on or about the Land or Improvements, or used in or necessary to the complete and proper planning, development, use, occupancy or operation thereof, or acquired (whether delivered to the Land or stored elsewhere) for use or installation in or on the Land or Improvements, and all Additions to the foregoing, all of which are hereby declared to be permanent accessions to the Land.

  • Alternative nicotine product means any vaping product, whether or not it includes nicotine, including electronic smoking devices, that can be ingested into the body by chewing, smoking, absorbing, dissolving, inhaling, or by any other means. ‘Alternative nicotine product’ does not include:

  • Intensity means the number of Program Unique Supervised Hours divided by the Duration for a course or qualification, being a measure of the concentration of training and assessment delivered from the Eligible Individual’s perspective.

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient or “API” shall mean one or more of the following active pharmaceutical ingredients: tenofovir alafenamide (“TAF”), tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (“TDF”), elvitegravir (“EVG”), and cobicistat (“COBI”).

  • Accelerator-produced material means any material made radioactive by a particle accelerator.

  • Reagent means any product other than fuel that is stored on-board the vehicle and is provided to the exhaust after-treatment system upon request of the emission control system.