Subsequent Reset Period definition

Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the Second Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Subsequent Reset Date, and each successive period from (and including) a Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Subsequent Reset Date; and
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the first Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Subsequent Reset Date (or, if none, the Maturity Date), and each successive period from (and including) a Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Subsequent Reset Date (or, if none, the Maturity Date);
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the Second Resettable Note Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Resettable Note Reset Date, and each successive period from (and including) a Resettable Note Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Resettable Note Reset Date;

Examples of Subsequent Reset Period in a sentence

  • For each Interest Period falling in any Subsequent Reset Period therafter, the Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest in respect of the relevant Subsequent Reset Period.

  • If no quotations are provided, the Mid-Swap Rate will be the Mid-Swap Rate for the immediately preceding Reset Period or, if none, the Initial Mid-Swap Rate as specified in the applicable Final Terms; and Subsequent Reset Rate means, in respect of any Subsequent Reset Period, the sum of the Reset Margin and the Mid-Swap Rate for the relevant Subsequent Reset Period.

  • If no quotations are provided, the relevant Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the Mid-Swap Rate for the immediately preceding Reset Period or, if none, the Initial Mid- Swap Rate as specified in the applicable Final Terms; and Subsequent Reset Rate means, in respect of any Subsequent Reset Period, the sum of the Reset Margin and the Mid-Swap Rate for the relevant Subsequent Reset Period.

  • Allowing the United States suit to proceed simultaneously with the suits in Ireland and the United Kingdom does not allow or encourage piecemeal litigation.

  • Each Reset Note bears interest on its Outstanding Principal Amount: (a) from (and including) the Interest Commencement Date to (but excluding) the First Reset Date, at the Initial Rate of Interest; (b) for the First Reset Period, at the First Reset Rate of Interest; and (c) for each Subsequent Reset Period thereafter (if any), at the relevant Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest, such interest being payable, in each case, in arrear on each Interest Payment Date.

More Definitions of Subsequent Reset Period

Subsequent Reset Period means each successive period, other than the First Reset Period, from (and including) a Reset Note Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Reset Note Reset Date or, if no such Subsequent Reset Date, the Maturity Date.
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the second Optional Redemption Date to (but excluding) the next subsequent Optional Redemption Date and each successive period from (and including) a subsequent Optional Redemption Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Optional Redemption Date; and
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from, and including, the first subsequent reset date to, but excluding, the next subsequent reset date or, if no additional subsequent reset dates are specified in the applicable supplement, the maturity date or earlier redemption date, as applicable, and each successive period from, and including, to, but excluding, the next subsequent reset date or maturity date or earlier redemption date, as applicable.
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the first Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Subsequent Reset Date (or, if none, the Maturity Date), and each successive period from (and including) a Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Subsequent Reset Date (or, if none, the Maturity Date); and
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the Second Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Subsequent Reset Date (or, if no such Subsequent Reset Date is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Maturity Date), and each successive period from (and including) a Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Subsequent Reset Date (or, if no such Subsequent Reset Date is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Maturity Date); and
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the Second Reset Date to (but
Subsequent Reset Period means the period from (and including) the Second Reset Date to (but excluding) the next Subsequent Reset Date, and each successive period from (and including) a Subsequent Reset Date to (but excluding) the next succeeding Subsequent Reset Date or the Maturity Date, as the case may be; Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest means, in respect of any Subsequent Reset Period and subject to Condition 5.3(b) and Condition 5.3(c), the rate of interest determined by the Calculation Agent on the relevant Reset Determination Date as the sum of the relevant Reset Reference Rate and the relevant Subsequent Reset Margin; Subsidiary has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 1-3 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Xxx 0000; sub-unit means, with respect to any currency other than euro, the lowest amount of such currency that is available as legal tender in the country of such currency and, with respect to euro, one cent; Successor Reference Rate means the rate that the Issuer, following consultation with the Independent Adviser, determines is a successor to or replacement of the relevant Original Reference Rate which is formally recommended by any Relevant Nominating Body; Tier 2 Capital means Tier 2 capital as defined in the CRR as incorporated in Norway through Section 2 of the Norwegian regulation of 22 August 2014 no. 1097 on CRR/CRD IV (Nw. Forskrift 22. august 2014 nr. 1097 om kapitalkrav og nasjonal tilpasning av CRR/CRD IV); and