State elected official definition

State elected official means the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer of state, and auditor of state.
State elected official means the following officials of the State: the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the State Comptroller, the State Treasurer and each member of the General Assembly.

Examples of State elected official in a sentence

  • A letter from a State elected official that does not directly indicate support by the official, but expresses support on behalf of the official's constituents or community (i.e., "My constituents support the Development and I am relaying their support") counts as a support letter.

  • The Grantee must seek the Commonwealth Minister’s prior agreement to invite any other Commonwealth or State elected official or other officials to attend the event.

  • A State elected official opposed the rescission of the incident report elements added under the Amendments rule.

  • Rescission of Providing Other Relevant Chemical Hazard Information at Public MeetingsA State elected official commented that no evidence demonstrates that chemical hazard disclosure will increase the risk of a terrorist attack or other intentional harm.

  • A few commenters, including an industry trade association and a State elected official, opposed the requirement to consult with local response officials regarding exercise frequency and planning.

  • A State elected official opposed the alternative because the commenter stated that EPA has not provided an explanation for why previous reasons for rejecting the elimination of exercise requirements provided in the Amendments rule are no longer valid.

  • Claims That Rescinding Prevention Provisions Will Increase Security RisksA joint submission from multiple advocacy groups and other commenters and a State elected official stated that while EPA cites national security as a risk of the 2017 Amendments rule and a rationale to rescind the information sharing provisions, EPA does not weigh security concerns as a reason to retain the prevention measures.

  • A State elected official stated that the alternative would not guarantee the prepared and coordinated responses to catastrophic releases necessary to protect public health and safety (1633).

  • A letter from a State elected official that does not directly indicate support by the of- ficial, but expresses support on behalf of the official's constituents or community (i.e., "My constituents support the Development and I am relaying their support") counts as a support letter.

  • These commenters also stated that during an incident, operations should be conducted through the incident command structure established under NIMS, rather than by creating an ‘‘uncoordinated overlay’’ to the existing incident command structure, as the RMP Amendments rule does.Several commenters, including a State elected official, industry trade associations, and a Tribal government, opposed the alternative to fully rescind field and tabletop exercise provisions.

Related to State elected official

  • Elected official means any person elected at a general or

  • elected Office means the national Office of or acting for the State elected by the applicant under Chapter II of this Treaty;

  • Chief elected official means a chairperson of a county board of commissioners, a county executive, a city mayor, a township supervisor, a village president, or his or her designee.

  • Elected Officer means any member of the City Council. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "City Managerial Employee" shall mean the City Manager, the Assistant City Manager, the City Clerk, and any City department head or director. In the event CONTRACTOR violates the provisions of this paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay damages to OWNER in an amount equal to any and all compensation which is received by the former Elected Officer or City Managerial Employee of OWNER from or on behalf of the contracting person or entity, or an amount equal to the former Elected Officer's or City Managerial Employee's last two (2) years of gross compensation from OWNER, whichever is greater.

  • Designated Official The agent authorized to act for the Agency.

  • State elective position means any position held by any

  • designated office means the office of the authority designated by it for the receipt of applications—

  • Election official means any election officer, election judge, or poll worker.

  • Applicable Public Official or State Employee means any public official or state employee described in

  • Designated Office(s) as to a Party, means the office or offices specified in Part II of the Schedule.

  • Board office means the office of the administrative staff of each professional licensing board.

  • State entity means the department, division, office, bureau, agency, or other organization identified on the Contract Signature Page(s).

  • School District Official For the purposes of this Agreement and pursuant to 34 CFR 99.31 (B) and Wis. Stat. § 118.125(2)(d), a School District Official is a contractor that: (1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; and (3) Is subject to 34 CFR 99.33(a) and Wis. Stat. § 118.125(2) governing the use and re-disclosure of personally identifiable information from student records. Student Data: Student Data includes any data, whether gathered by Provider or provided by LEA or its users, students, or students’ parents/guardians, that is descriptive of the student including, but not limited to, information in the student’s educational record or email, first and last name, home address, telephone number, email address, or other information allowing online contact, discipline records, videos, test results, special education data, juvenile dependency records, grades, evaluations, criminal records, medical records, health records, social security numbers, biometric information, disabilities, socioeconomic information, food purchases, political affiliations, religious information text messages, documents, student identifies, search activity, photos, voice recordings or geolocation information. Student Data shall constitute Pupil Records for the purposes of this Agreement, and for the purposes of Wisconsin and federal laws and regulations. Student Data as specified in Exhibit “B” is confirmed to be collected or processed by the Provider pursuant to the Services. Student Data shall not constitute that information that has been anonymized or deidentified, or anonymous usage data regarding a student’s use of Provider’s services. SDPC (The Student Data Privacy Consortium): Refers to the national collaborative of schools, districts, regional, territories and state agencies, policy makers, trade organizations and marketplace providers addressing real-world, adaptable, and implementable solutions to growing data privacy concerns.

  • Designated Officer means, with respect to Company, any Person with the title of Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer or General Counsel.

  • SEF Official means any Director or Officer of, or individual employed directly by, BSEF, the Regulatory Services Provider or any individual rendering similar services to BSEF under an administrative or similar agreement.

  • Domestic limited liability company means an entity that is an unincorporated association having one or more members and that is organized under ORS chapter 63.

  • Designated Officers means and includes, individually or jointly, the President, the Vice President, the Business Administrator, and the Secretary of the Board of School Directors (and their appropriate successors acting by reason of absence or other incapacity), being those duly elected or appointed and acting officials of the Local Government Unit hereby authorized to undertake and perform the actions herein specified, which are necessary and proper to the issuance of the Bonds and compliance with the Debt Act.

  • Statewide popular election means a general election in

  • Elective office means an office regularly filled by vote of the people.

  • Foreign limited liability partnership means a partnership that:

  • State official means a person who holds a state office.

  • Filed with the secretary of state means, except as otherwise permitted by law or rule:

  • State employee means state employee as defined in § 51.1-124.3, employee as defined in