Section Line definition

Section Line means the boundary line of a land section.‌
Section Line means clearly marked straight lines running between sections.

Examples of Section Line in a sentence

  • Where the boundary is designated as a Township Section Line or a specified distance from a Township Section Line, customers are served in accordance with their location with respect to such boundary line.

  • That this Construction in a Section Line be reviewed in six (6) months to verify that the site has been stabilized.

  • The plat boundary shall be field tied to the nearest Section Line whose corners are shown and described on the plat.

  • A local street with only one outlet having an appropriate terminal for the safe and convenient reversal of traffic movement including emergency vehicles and school buses (F) Rural (Section Line, Paved or Gravel).

  • That prior to Minor Plat submittal, the applicant improve all Section Line Rights-of-Ways to Ordinance 14 Standards or obtain approval of Subdivision Regulations Variance waiving this requirement; 4.

  • Vacation of Section Line Right-Of-Way / VS 21-02: City of Rapid City.

  • In accordance with Cricket Australia’s Junior Formats, a batsman’s innings will cease if dismissed under the laws of cricket, irrespective of the number of balls faced by the batsman.

  • To vacate 1,251.51 feet of Section Line Right-of-Way lying across Sections 24 and 25, T1N, R8E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota (Cont.

  • Note that the Centerline of Highway may, or may not be coincident with the Centerline of the Existing Paving, or with the Section Line.

  • To vacate the Section Line Right-of-Way lying between Sections 21 and 28, T1N, R4E, BHM, Pennington County, South Dakota.

Related to Section Line

  • On-line means transactions through electronic data-interchange whether real time transactions or otherwise, which may be through the internet, intranet networks and the like.

  • Distribution line means any single or multiphase electric power line operating at nominal voltage in either of the following ranges: 2,000 to 26,000 volts between ungrounded conductors or 1,155 to 15,000 volts between grounded and ungrounded conductors, regardless of the functional service provided by the line.

  • Main line means the pressurized pipeline that delivers water from the water source to the valve or outlet.

  • Rear lot line means the lot line that is opposite the front lot line in the case of a lot having four sides, and where the rear portion of a lot is bounded by intersecting side lot lines the point of intersection is deemed the rear lot line;

  • Existing Facility means a facility in existence on any given date, newly constructed or altered.

  • Replacement Revolving Facility has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 9.02(c)(ii).

  • Water Line The water line is the single lateral water service line from the point of the water utility’s connection to the point of the water meter or main shut off line inside the home. The water line also includes well water lines, excluding those exceeding five feet under the surface level of the yard.

  • Energy facility means an energy plant or transmission

  • Initial Term Loan Facility means the Initial Term Loan Commitments and the provisions herein related to the Initial Term Loans.

  • Access line means and be limited to retail billed and collected residential lines; business lines; ISDN lines; PBX trunks and simulated exchange access lines provided by a central office based switching arrangement where all stations served by such simulated exchange access lines are used by a single customer of the provider of such arrangement. Access line may not be construed to include interoffice transport or other transmission media that do not terminate at an end user customer's premises, or to permit duplicate or multiple assessment of access line rates on the provision of a single service or on the multiple communications paths derived from a billed and collected access line. Access line shall not include the following: Wireless telecommunications services, the sale or lease of unbundled loop facilities, special access services, lines providing only data services without voice services processed by a telecommunications local exchange service provider or private line service arrangements.

  • Existing Facilities means all existing buildings and other facilities, the sites for the buildings or facilities, and furnishings or equipment for the buildings or facilities located on real property acquired by the building authority under the terms of this act.

  • Existing Facility Agreement means Existing Facility Agreement A, Existing Facility Agreement B, Existing Facility Agreement C and Existing Facility Agreement D and, in the plural, means all of them;

  • Cogeneration facility means a power plant in which the heat or steam is also used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes and that meets Federal Energy Regulatory Commission standards for qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16

  • Holding facility means a designated area for the retention of

  • Tanning facility means a place that provides access to tanning devices for compensation.

  • Replacement Revolving Facility Effective Date shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.21(l).

  • Common Facility Means a place where tenants utilise the same equipment such as kitchen, laundry meeting room and or car park.

  • LNG facility means a terminal which is used for the liquefaction of natural gas or the importation, offloading, and re-gasification of LNG, and includes ancillary services and temporary storage necessary for the re-gasification process and subsequent delivery to the transmission system, but does not include any part of LNG terminals used for storage;

  • Rehabilitation facility means a non-residential facility that provides therapy and training rehabilitation services at a single location in a coordinated fashion, by or under the supervision of a physician pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction in which treatment is provided. The center may offer occupational therapy, physical therapy, vocational training, and special training such as speech therapy. The facility may be either of the following:

  • Interconnection Facilities means the Transmission Owner Interconnection Facilities and the Customer Interconnection Facilities.

  • City Facilities means City or publicly-owned structures or equipment located within the right of way or public easement used for governmental purposes.

  • Acquisition Facility the Acquisition Facility Commitments and the extensions of credit thereunder.

  • Replacement Revolving Facility Commitments shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.21(l).

  • Service commitment area means a medically underserved Iowa city with a population of less than 26,000 that is located more than 20 miles from a city with a population of 50,000 or more. Each applicant participating in the program must contract with the service commitment area to ensure the service commitment area provides a nonrefundable $2,000 contribution for deposit in the rural Iowa advanced registered nurse practitioner and physician assistant trust fund. Payment of the nonrefundable contribution to the trust fund can be made by, but is not limited to, the following organizations: community agencies, hospitals, medical groups, municipalities, community foundations, local government entities, or other community entities. Locations and distances between cities will be consistently measured and verified by calculating the straight-line distance between main post offices.

  • Initial Term Facility means the Initial Term Loan Commitment and the Initial Term Loans made hereunder.

  • New Term Loan Facility means the facility providing for the Borrowing of New Term Loans.