Roseton Lease Guaranty Claim definition

Roseton Lease Guaranty Claim means any Claim of a Roseton Lease Guaranty Party arising under the Roseton Lease Guaranty pursuant to section 502 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Related to Roseton Lease Guaranty Claim

  • Lease Guaranty A guaranty of certain obligations of Tenant under this Lease executed and delivered by each Guarantor substantially in the form of Exhibit G annexed hereto.

  • Seller Guaranty has the meaning set forth in Section 3.01.

  • Ground Lease means a lease creating a leasehold estate in real property where the fee owner as the ground lessor conveys for a term or terms of years its entire interest in the land and buildings and other improvements, if any, comprising the premises demised under such lease to the ground lessee (who may, in certain circumstances, own the building and improvements on the land), subject to the reversionary interest of the ground lessor as fee owner. With respect to any Mortgage Loan where the Mortgage Loan is secured by a Ground Leasehold estate in whole or in part, and the related Mortgage does not also encumber the related lessor’s fee interest in such Mortgaged Property, based upon the terms of the Ground Lease and any estoppel or other agreement received from the ground lessor in favor of Mortgage Loan Seller, its successors and assigns (collectively, the “Ground Lease and Related Documents”), Mortgage Loan Seller represents and warrants that:

  • Tax Indemnity Agreement means the Tax Indemnity Agreement, dated as of even date with the Participation Agreement, between Lessee and Owner Participant.

  • Co-op Lease With respect to a Co-op Loan, the lease with respect to a dwelling unit occupied by the Mortgagor and relating to the stock allocated to the related dwelling unit.

  • Seller Guarantor has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph to this Agreement.

  • Ground Leases Those certain leases with respect to real property that is a portion of the Leased Property, pursuant to which Landlord is a tenant and which leases have either been approved by Tenant or are in existence as of the date hereof and listed on Schedule A hereto.

  • Mortgage guaranty insurance means surety insurance under which a mortgagee or other creditor is indemnified against losses caused by the default of a debtor.

  • VA Loan Guaranty Agreement means the obligation of the United States to pay a specific percentage of a Mortgage Loan (subject to a maximum amount) upon default of the Mortgagor pursuant to the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, as amended.

  • Guaranty Obligations means, with respect to any Person, without duplication, any obligations of such Person (other than endorsements in the ordinary course of business of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection) guaranteeing or intended to guarantee any Indebtedness of any other Person in any manner, whether direct or indirect, and including without limitation any obligation, whether or not contingent, (a) to purchase any such Indebtedness or any property constituting security therefor, (b) to advance or provide funds or other support for the payment or purchase of any such Indebtedness or to maintain working capital, solvency or other balance sheet condition of such other Person (including without limitation keep well agreements, maintenance agreements, comfort letters or similar agreements or arrangements) for the benefit of any holder of Indebtedness of such other Person, (c) to lease or purchase property, securities or services primarily for the purpose of assuring the holder of such Indebtedness, or (d) to otherwise assure or hold harmless the holder of such Indebtedness against loss in respect thereof. The amount of any Guaranty Obligation hereunder shall (subject to any limitations set forth therein) be deemed to be an amount equal to the outstanding principal amount (or maximum principal amount, if larger) of the Indebtedness in respect of which such Guaranty Obligation is made.

  • Guaranteed Cash Management Agreement means any Cash Management Agreement that is entered into by and between any Loan Party and any Cash Management Bank.

  • Ground Lessor means, as to any Site, the “lessor,” “sublessor,” “landlord,” “licensor,” “sublicensor” or similar Person under the related Ground Lease.

  • Guaranty Obligation has the meaning specified in the definition of "Contingent Obligation."

  • Completion Guaranty means the Completion Guaranty of even date herewith executed by Guarantor in favor of Lender in connection with the Capital Improvement Work and the Loan, as amended from time to time.

  • Permitted Non-Recourse Guarantees means customary completion or budget guarantees or indemnities (including by means of separate indemnification agreements and carve-out guarantees) provided under Non-Recourse Indebtedness in the ordinary course of business by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company in financing transactions that are directly or indirectly secured by real estate assets or other real estate-related assets (including equity interests) of a Subsidiary of the Company (or entity in which the Company is the general partner or managing member), in each case that is the borrower in such financing, but is non-recourse to the Company or any of the Company’s other Subsidiaries, except for customary completion or budget guarantees or indemnities (including by means of separate indemnification agreements or carve-out guarantees) as are consistent with customary industry practice (such as environmental indemnities and recourse triggers based on violation of transfer restrictions and other customary exceptions to nonrecourse liability).

  • Operating Lease Obligations means all obligations for the payment of rent for any real or personal property under leases or agreements to lease, other than Capitalized Lease Obligations.

  • Guaranty Agreements means, collectively, the Parent Guaranty Agreements and the Subsidiary Guaranty Agreements.

  • Guaranty Agreement means a supplemental indenture, in a form satisfactory to the Trustee, pursuant to which a Subsidiary Guarantor guarantees the Company’s obligations with respect to the Securities on the terms provided for in this Indenture.

  • Holdings Guaranty means the Holdings Guaranty made by Holdings in favor of the Collateral Agent on behalf of the Secured Parties, substantially in the form of Exhibit F-1.

  • Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement means each unconditional guaranty agreement executed by the Subsidiary Guarantors in favor of the Administrative Agent for the ratable benefit of the Secured Parties, substantially in the form of Exhibit H, as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Pre-Petition Credit Agreement has the meaning assigned to such term in the Recitals.

  • Guaranty fund means the fund established by a local entity under Section 11-42-701.

  • Guaranteed energy savings contract means a contract that includes all of the following:

  • Guaranteed asset protection waiver means that term as defined in section 3 of the guaranteed asset protection waiver act.

  • Space Lease The space or occupancy lease pursuant to which any Borrower holds a leasehold interest in the related Mortgaged Property, together with any estoppels or other agreements executed and delivered by the lessor in favor of the lender under the related Mortgage Loan(s).

  • Eligible Ground Lease means a ground lease containing terms and conditions customarily required by mortgagees making a loan secured by the interest of the holder of the leasehold estate demised pursuant to a ground lease, and shall include the following: (a) a remaining term (exclusive of any unexercised extension options) of 30 years or more from the date the applicable Property first becomes an Eligible Property; (b) the right of the lessee to mortgage and encumber its interest in the leased property without the consent of the lessor; (c) the obligation of the lessor to give the holder of any mortgage Lien on such leased property written notice of any defaults on the part of the lessee and agreement of such lessor that such lease will not be terminated until such holder has had a reasonable opportunity to cure or complete foreclosures, and fails to do so; (d) reasonable transferability of the lessee’s interest under such lease, including ability to sublease; and (e) clearly determinable rental payment terms which in no event contain profit participation rights.