RMS Geotechnical Data definition

RMS Geotechnical Data means raw factual data:

Related to RMS Geotechnical Data

  • Technical data means recorded information, regardless of the form or method of the recording, of a scientific or technical nature (including computer software documentation). The term does not include computer software or data incidental to contract administration, such as financial and/or management information.

  • Clinical Data means the information concerning the safety or performance that is generated from the use of a device and that are sourced from the following:

  • Geotechnical engineer means a professional engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories and whose principal field of specialization is the design and construction of earthworks in a permafrost environment;

  • Geotechnical report or "geotechnical analysis" means a scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology, the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting, erosion, and other geologic hazards or processes, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions, the adequacy of the site to be developed, the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development, and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical reports shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes.

  • Information Technology Resources means agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, disposition, and transformation, or other activity related to the lifecycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants to third parties which establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. (0MB M-15-14)

  • Information technology services means services designed to do any of the following:

  • Forensic analysis means the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes in a manner that maintains the integrity of the data.

  • Teacher Data is defined as at least the following: Social security number. Date of birth. Personal street address. Personal email address. Personal telephone number Performance evaluations. Other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific teacher, paraprofessional, principal, or administrator that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify any with reasonable certainty. Information requested by a person who the department reasonably believes or knows the identity of the teacher, paraprofessional, principal, or administrator to whom the education record relates.

  • Systems Engineering means preparing specifications, identifying and resolving interface problems, developing test requirements, evaluating test data, and supervising design.

  • Dataset means the data specified in Appendix 1 (Environmental Information) to Schedule 11.2 (Management Information) as the same may be amended from time to time by the Secretary of State (acting reasonably);

  • Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.

  • Radiation safety officer means an individual who has the knowledge and responsibility to apply appropriate radiation protection regulations and has been assigned such responsibility by the licensee or registrant.

  • Information Technology (IT means data processing, telecommunications, and office systems technologies and services:

  • Technical Documentation means designs, reports, photographs, drawings, plans, specifications, computer software, surveys, calculations and other data, information and material collected, computed, drawn or produced, including computer print-outs.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Technical Information means technical data or computer software, as those terms are defined in the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data-Noncommercial Items, regardless of whether or not the clause is incorporated in this solicitation or contract. Examples of technical information include research and engineering data, engineering drawings, and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, technical orders, catalog-item identifications, data sets, studies and analyses and related information, and computer software executable code and source code.

  • Engineering means the application of scientific knowledge for the design, control, or use of building structures, equipment, or apparatus.

  • Environmental Information Regulations means the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to such regulations.

  • UNICEF Data means any and all information or data in digital form or processed or held in digital form that

  • Peer-reviewed medical literature means a published scientific study in a journal or other publication in which original manuscripts have been published only after having been critically reviewed for scientific accuracy, validity and reliability by unbiased independent experts, and that has been determined by the international committee of medical journal editors to have met the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Peer-reviewed medical literature does not include publications or supplements to publications that are sponsored to a significant extent by a pharmaceutical manufacturing company or health carrier.

  • Training Materials means any and all materials, documentation, notebooks, forms, diagrams, manuals and other written materials and tangible objects, describing how to maintain the Facilities, including any corrections, improvements and enhancements thereto to the Bloom Systems which are delivered by Operator to Owner, but excluding any data and reports delivered to Owner.

  • Historical data means data collected more than five years before the department’s date of listing or other determination under section 455B.194, subsection 1.

  • Information Technology Systems means all information technology systems, Software, computers, workstations, databases, routers, hubs, switches, networks and other information technology equipment used or held for use in, or otherwise relating to, the Business.

  • Technical safeguards means the technology and the policy and procedures for its use that 27 protect electronic PHI and control access to it.

  • Information Technology (IT) System means the combination of hardware components, software, and other equipment to make a system whose core purpose is to accomplish a data processing need such as the automatic acquisition, storage, analysis, evaluation, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission or reception of data. IT systems include ground systems in support of flight hardware. IT systems do not include—

  • Public area means any portion of a state or municipal building that is open to and accessible by the public or which is otherwise designated as a public area by the governing body or the chief administrative officer, if no governing body exists, of such building.