Rating Agency Inquiry definition

Rating Agency Inquiry. As defined in Section 4.5(d).
Rating Agency Inquiry shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.7(g).
Rating Agency Inquiry. As defined in Section 3.15(c).

Related to Rating Agency Inquiry

  • Rating Agency Event means that any nationally recognized statistical rating organization within the meaning of Section 3(a)(62) of the Exchange Act that then publishes a rating for the Company (a “rating agency”) amends, clarifies or changes the criteria it uses to assign equity credit to securities such as the Notes, which amendment, clarification or change results in:

  • Rating Agency Confirmation means, with respect to any Securitization, a confirmation in writing (which may be in electronic form) by each of the applicable Rating Agencies for such Securitization that the occurrence of the event with respect to which such Rating Agency Confirmation is sought shall not result in a downgrade, qualification or withdrawal of the applicable rating or ratings ascribed by such Rating Agency to any of the securities issued pursuant to such Securitization that are then outstanding. If no such securities are outstanding with respect to any Securitization, any action that would otherwise require a Rating Agency Confirmation shall instead require the consent of the Controlling Note Holder, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. For the purposes of this Agreement, if any Rating Agency shall waive, decline or refuse to review or otherwise engage any request for Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder, such waiver, declination, or refusal shall be deemed to eliminate, for such request only, the condition that a Rating Agency Confirmation by such Rating Agency (only) be obtained for purposes of this Agreement, and any requirement hereunder to obtain a Rating Agency Confirmation from any Rating Agency may be satisfied or deemed in the same manner that a Rating Agency Confirmation requirement may be satisfied or deemed satisfied under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement. For purposes of clarity, any such waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in any request for a Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in any subsequent request for a Rating Agency Confirmation hereunder and the condition for Rating Agency Confirmation pursuant to this Agreement for any subsequent request shall apply regardless of any previous waiver, declination or refusal to review or otherwise engage in such prior request.

  • Rating Agencies means DBRS, Fitch, KBRA, Xxxxx’x, Morningstar and S&P and their respective successors in interest or, if any of such entities shall for any reason no longer perform the functions of a securities rating agency, any other nationally recognized statistical rating agency reasonably designated by any Note Holder to rate the securities issued in connection with the Securitization of the related Note; provided, however, that, at any time during which the Mortgage Loan is an asset of one or more Securitizations, “Rating Agencies” or “Rating Agency” shall mean only those rating agencies that are engaged from time to time to rate the securities issued in connection with the Securitizations of the Notes.

  • Rating Agency Guidelines means the Fitch Guidelines and any Other Rating Agency Guidelines as they exist from time to time.

  • Companion Loan Rating Agency Confirmation With respect to any matter involving the servicing and administration of a Serviced Companion Loan or any related REO Property as to which any Serviced Companion Loan Securities exist, confirmation in writing (which may be in electronic form) by each applicable Companion Loan Rating Agency that a proposed action, failure to act or other event so specified will not, in and of itself, result in the downgrade, withdrawal or qualification of the then-current rating assigned to any class of such Serviced Companion Loan Securities (if then rated by the Companion Loan Rating Agency); provided that upon receipt of a written waiver or other acknowledgment from the Companion Loan Rating Agency indicating its decision not to review or declining to review the matter for which the Companion Loan Rating Agency Confirmation is sought (such written notice, a “Companion Loan Rating Agency Declination”), or as otherwise provided in Section 3.30 of this Agreement, the requirement for the Companion Loan Rating Agency Confirmation from the applicable Companion Loan Rating Agency with respect to such matter shall not apply.

  • Note Rating Agency means, with respect to any Outstanding Series, Class or Tranche of Notes, each statistical note rating agency selected by the Issuer to rate such Notes.

  • Rating Agency means only those rating agencies that are engaged from time to time to rate the securities issued in connection with the Securitizations of the Notes.

  • Other Rating Agency Guidelines means the guidelines provided by each Other Rating Agency, as may be amended from time to time, in connection with the Other Rating Agency’s rating of the VMTP Shares.

  • Companion Loan Rating Agency With respect to any Serviced Companion Loan, any rating agency that was engaged by a participant in the securitization of such Serviced Companion Loan to assign a rating to the related Serviced Companion Loan Securities.

  • Substitute Rating Agency means a “nationally recognized statistical rating organization” within the meaning of Section 3(a)(62) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, selected by the Company (as certified by a resolution of the Company’s board of directors) as a replacement agency for Moody’s or S&P, or both, as the case may be.

  • Required Special Servicer Rating means with respect to a special servicer (i) in the case of Fitch, a rating of “CSS3”, (ii) in the case of S&P, such special servicer is on S&P’s Select Servicer List as a U.S. Commercial Mortgage Special Servicer, (iii) in the case of Xxxxx’x, such special servicer is acting as special servicer for one or more loans included in a commercial mortgage loan securitization that was rated by Xxxxx’x within the twelve (12) month period prior to the date of determination, and Xxxxx’x has not downgraded or withdrawn the then-current rating on any class of commercial mortgage securities or placed any class of commercial mortgage securities on watch citing the continuation of such special servicer as special servicer of such commercial mortgage loans, (iv) in the case of Morningstar, such special servicer has a ranking by Morningstar equal to or higher than “MOR CS3” as a special servicer, provided that if Morningstar has not issued a ranking with respect to such special servicer, such special servicer is acting as special servicer in a commercial mortgage loan securitization that was rated by a Rating Agency within the twelve (12) month period prior to the date of determination, and Morningstar has not downgraded or withdrawn the then-current rating on any class of commercial mortgage securities or placed any class of commercial mortgage securities on watch citing the continuation of such special servicer as special servicer of such commercial mortgage securities, (v) in the case of KBRA, KBRA has not cited servicing concerns of such special servicer as the sole or material factor in any qualification, downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings (or placement on “watch status” in contemplation of a ratings downgrade or withdrawal) of securities in a transaction serviced by such special servicer prior to the time of determination, and (vi) in the case of DBRS, such special servicer is acting as special servicer in a commercial mortgage loan securitization that was rated by DBRS within the twelve (12) month period prior to the date of determination and DBRS has not downgraded or withdrawn the then-current rating on any class of commercial mortgage securities or placed any class of commercial mortgage securities on watch citing the continuation of such special servicer as special servicer of such commercial mortgage securities as a material reason for such downgrade or withdrawal.

  • Credit Rating Agency means a nationally recognized credit rating agency that evaluates the financial condition of issuers of debt instruments and then assigns a rating that reflects its assessment of the issuer’s ability to make debt payments.

  • Rating Agency Condition means, with respect to any action, that each Rating Agency shall have been given 10 days’ (or such shorter period as shall be acceptable to each Rating Agency) prior notice thereof and that each Rating Agency shall not have notified the Issuer or the Indenture Trustee in writing that such action will result in a reduction, withdrawal or down-grade of the then-current rating of each class of Notes.

  • Rating Agency Communication means, with respect to any action and any Securitization, any written communication intended for a Rating Agency, which shall be delivered at least ten (10) Business Days prior to completing such action, in electronic document format suitable for website posting to the 17g-5 information provider under the applicable Securitization Servicing Agreement.

  • Other Rating Agency means each NRSRO, if any, other than Fitch then providing a rating for the MRP Shares pursuant to the request of the Company.

  • Rating Confirmation means evidence that no Senior Bond rating in effect from a Rating Agency will be withdrawn or reduced solely as a result of an action to be taken under the Indenture.

  • Specified Rating Agencies means each of Moody’s, S&P and DBRS as long as, in each case, it has not ceased to rate the Notes or failed to make a rating of the Notes publicly available for reasons outside of the Issuer’s control; provided that if one or more of Moody’s, S&P or DBRS ceases to rate the Notes or fails to make a rating of the Notes publicly available for reasons outside of the Issuer’s control, the Issuer may select any other “designated rating organization” within the meaning of National Instrument 41-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators as a replacement agency for such one or more of them, as the case may be.

  • (1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means an execu- tive agency, as that term is defined in section 102 of title 31, United States Code.

  • Rating means the operating limits as specified by the component manufacturer.