Qualified Opportunity Zone Business definition

Qualified Opportunity Zone Business means a qualified opportunity zone business as
Qualified Opportunity Zone Business is a trade or business as defined by the Act.
Qualified Opportunity Zone Business has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(a).

Examples of Qualified Opportunity Zone Business in a sentence

  • Gains from Sales to, or Exchanges of Property with, a QOF or Qualified Opportunity Zone Business The October 2018 proposed regulations provided that eligible gain does not include gain from the sale to, or the exchange of property with, a person that is related to the taxpayer within the meaning of section 1400Z-2(e)(2).

  • Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property‌ The QOF-level 90% asset test requires that a QOF “hold[] .

  • A Community Benefits Agreement has been negotiated and agreed to by and between the Qualified Opportunity Zone Business and community groups or strategic industry partnerships, as defined under §11-701 of the Labor and Employment Article, Code of Maryland, within the Qualified Opportunity Zone that specifies a range of community benefits that the Qualified Opportunity Zone Business agrees to provide as part of the development project; and3.

  • Alternatively, the Corporation may give notice to the Members stating that such documents are available at the registered office of the Corporation and any Member may request a copy free of charge at the registered office or by prepaid mail.

  • Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property and Definition of Substantially AllThe proposed regulations establish the threshold for satisfying the substantially all requirements for four out of the five uses of the term in section 1400Z–2.

  • The mammals observed/reported in the study area are Five-striped Palm Squirrel (Funambulus pennantii), Golden Jackal (Canis aureus), Common Grey Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii), Northern Plains Langur (Semnopithecus entellus), Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), House Mouse (Mus musculus), Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) etc.

  • Operating a QOF (Directly or Through a Qualified Opportunity Zone Business) 61 a.

  • Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant, its assignees, and/or successors in any manner necessary in order to preserve qualification of part of or all of the Premises or any Improvements on such Premises as Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property, at no cost or expense to Landlord.

  • The TCJA requires that “substantially all” of a business’ tangible property be Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property, “substantially all” of which is in use in an OZ.

  • Gains From Sales to, or Exchanges of Property With, a QOF or Qualified Opportunity Zone Business The October 2018 proposed regulations provided that eligible gain does not include gain from the sale to, or the exchange of property with, a person that is related to the taxpayer within the meaning of section 1400Z– 2(e)(2).

More Definitions of Qualified Opportunity Zone Business

Qualified Opportunity Zone Business means a trade or business, as defined in Section 1400Z-2(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Qualified Opportunity Zone Business means a business defined in Internal Revenue Code 1400z(2)(a) which issues to the Qualified Opportunity Fund private stock or membership units for investments made into the Qualified Opportunity Zone Business.
Qualified Opportunity Zone Business is a fund as defined by the Act.

Related to Qualified Opportunity Zone Business

  • Qualified business means a for-profit business that obtains services relating to that business from 30 or fewer employees or employees of independent contractors performing services substantially similar to employees during a random week in the year ending on the tax day. If a person is a unified business group as that term is defined in section 117 of the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1117, the number of employees from whom services are obtained includes all employees of the unitary business group and employees of independent contractors of the unitary business group rendering services to the qualified business.

  • Separate Business means each of the activities of the Licensee connected

  • Public business means and includes all matters which relate in any way, directly or indirectly, to the performance of the public body’s functions or the conduct of its business.

  • Eligible business means a business located within the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry or Will in the State of Illinois (the “Six County Region”), and as to which: (1) a majority of the business' fleet is located and used within the Six County Region; and (2) a majority of those vehicles located and used within the Six County Region are alternatively powered vehicles.

  • Qualified Nurse means a person who holds a valid registration from the Nursing Council of India or the Nursing Council of any state in India.

  • Community or broad-based enterprise means an enterprise that has an empowerment shareholder who represents a broad base of members such as a local community or where the benefits support a target group, for example black women, people living with disabilities, the youth and workers. Shares are held via direct equity, non-profit organisations and trusts.

  • Qualified Operator means a Person that has at least five (5) years’ experience operating power generation and storage facilities generally similar to the Facility.

  • Qualified nonprofit organization means, with respect to a Project, an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is not and during the Compliance Period will not be affiliated with or controlled by a for-profit organization, whose exempt purposes include the fostering of low income housing, which owns an interest in the Project, which will materially participate in the development and operation of the Project throughout the Compliance Period, and which is not affiliated with or controlled by a for-profit organization.

  • Qualified business facility means any building, complex of

  • Small Diversity business concern means a small business concern that is at least fifty-one (51) percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically diverse, or a publicly owned business that has at least fifty-one (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically diverse individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least fifty-one (51) percent unconditionally owned by an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has at least fifty-one (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization.

  • Restricted Geographic Area is defined as all countries, territories, parishes, municipalities and states in which Company is doing business or is selling its products at the time of termination of Employee’s employment with Company, including but not limited to every parish and municipality in the state of Louisiana. Employee acknowledges that this geographic scope is reasonable given Employee's position with Company, the international scope of Company's business; and the fact that Employee could compete with Company from anywhere Company does business.

  • Real Estate Business means homebuilding, housing construction, real estate development or construction and related real estate activities, including the provision of mortgage financing or title insurance.

  • Private Business Use means use (directly or indirectly) in a trade or business or activity carried on by any Private Person (other than a Tax-Exempt Organization) other than use as a member of, and on the same basis as, the general public.

  • Qualified local governmental unit means that term as defined in the obsolete property rehabilitation act, 2000 PA 146, MCL 125.2781 to 125.2797.

  • Controlled unaffiliated business means a company:

  • Company IT Assets means all Software, systems, serves, computers, hardware, firmware, middleware, networks, data communications lines, routers, hubs, switches and all other information technology equipment, and all associated documentation owned by or licensed, pursuant to a valid and enforceable license agreements, to the Company and its Subsidiaries.

  • Business Opportunity means any commercial, investment or other business opportunity relating to the Business.

  • Affiliated business entity relationship means a relationship, other than a parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when

  • Target Assets means the types of assets described under “Business— Overview” in the prospectus included in the Registration Statement, subject to, and including any changes to the Company’s Investment Guidelines that may be approved by the Manager and the Company from time to time.

  • School District/Public Entity means the School District/Public Entity that executes the contract.