Psychopharmacologic drug definition

Psychopharmacologic drug means any medication prescribed with the intent of controlling mood, mental status, or behavior.
Psychopharmacologic drug means any drug prescribed or administered with the intent of controlling mood, mental status, or behavior. Psychopharmacologic drugs include not only the obvious drug classes, such as antipsychotic, antidepressants, and the antianxiety/hypnotic class, but any drug that is prescribed or administered with the intent of controlling mood, mental status, or behavior, regardless of the manner in which it is marketed by the manufacturers and regardless of labeling or other approvals by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Psychopharmacologic drug means any drug prescribed or administered with the intent

More Definitions of Psychopharmacologic drug

Psychopharmacologic drug means any drug prescribed or administered with the intent of controlling mood, mental status or behavior. Psychopharmacologic drugs include not only the obvious drug classes, such as antipsychotic, antidepressants, and the

Related to Psychopharmacologic drug

  • Opioid antidote means any drug, regardless of dosage amount or method of administration, which has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of an opioid overdose. “Opioid antidote” includes, but is not limited to, naloxone hydrochloride, in any dosage amount, which is administered through nasal spray or any other FDA-approved means or methods.

  • Clinical means having a significant relationship, whether real or potential, direct or indirect, to the actual rendering or outcome of dental care, the practice of dentistry, or the quality of dental care being rendered to a patient;

  • Drug means (i) articles or substances recognized in the official United States Pharmacopoeia

  • Biological agent shall mean any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesized toxins) which cause illness and/or death in humans, animals or plants.

  • Therapeutic diet means meals served that are soft, low-fat, low-sodium or controlled calorie.

  • Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.

  • Drug abuse means any pattern of pathological use of drugs that causes impairment in social or occupational functioning, or that produces physiological dependency evidenced by physical tolerance or by physical symptoms when it is withdrawn.

  • Diagnosis means the definition of the nature of the Client's disorder. When formulating the Diagnosis of Client, CONTRACTOR shall use the diagnostic codes and axes as specified in the most current edition of the DSM published by the American Psychiatric Association. DSM diagnoses will be recorded on all IRIS documents, as appropriate.

  • COVID-19 symptoms means fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, unless a licensed health care professional determines the person’s symptoms were caused by a known condition other than COVID-19.

  • Clinical laboratory means a facility for the microbiological, serological, chemical, hematological, radiobioassay, cytological, immunohematological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease or assessment of a medical condition.

  • Psychotherapy or "Therapy" means a goal directed process using generally accepted clinical approaches provided face-to-face by a qualified service provider with consumers in individual, group or family settings to promote positive emotional or behavioral change.

  • Assay means a laboratory analysis of Crude Petroleum to include the following: A.P.I. Gravity, Reid vapor pressure, composition, pour point, water and sediment content, sulfur content, viscosity, distillation, hydrogen sulfide, flash/boiling point and other characteristics as may be required by Carrier.

  • Antipsychotic medications means that class of drugs

  • Psychotropic medication means medication the prescribed intent of which is to affect or alter thought processes, mood, or behavior including but not limited to anti-psychotic, antidepressant, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and behavior medications. The classification of a medication depends upon its stated, intended effect when prescribed.

  • Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity and, specifically for the purposes of this rule, shall mean influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

  • Infectious Disease means an illness that is capable of being spread from one individual to another.

  • Clinical psychologist means a person who practices clinical psychology as defined in § 54.1-3600.

  • Disease means an alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness or physical or mental disorder and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

  • Animal means any nonhuman animate being endowed with the power of voluntary action.

  • inherited metabolic disease means a disease caused by an inherited abnormality of body chemistry for which testing is mandated by law;

  • Bioassay means the determination of kinds, quantities or concentrations and, in some cases, the locations of radioactive material in the human body, whether by direct measurement, in vivo counting, or by analysis and evaluation of materials excreted or removed from the human body. For purposes of these rules, “radiobioassay” is an equivalent term.

  • Phase III Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial in any country, the results of which could be used to establish safety and efficacy of a Product as a basis for an NDA or would otherwise satisfy requirements of 21 CFR 312.21(c), or its foreign equivalent.