Professional event definition

Professional event means an event organised exclusively for professional, scientific or educational purposes for healthcare professionals. Such event can be accompanied in a reasonable measure by activities whose time range will not exceed 20% of the scheduled event time and cannot be contrary to the Advertising Act. Time necessary for travelling and accommodation shall not be counted into the scheduled professional event time.
Professional event means an Event in which at least one of the Contestants is a Professional; however, Professional Event does not include Elimination Contests.
Professional event means a series of unarmed combat bouts in which only professional bouts occur.

Examples of Professional event in a sentence

  • All Professionals must maintain a professional appearance with the dress code and personal grooming while participating in an ADA Championship or other Professional event.

  • Professional event capture.High profile sports, music concerts& entertainment.

  • Australians who are not members of the AWWF must join the AWWF as a full member when wishing to compete in an AWWF sanctioned Professional event where prize money is paid.

  • Would like to start working with Oshkosh Conference earlier in the process.President: Scott Solverson; President-Elect: Mary Dziewiontkoski; Vice-President: Robert Givens; Secretary: Holly Powell; Treasurer: Lee Igl; Director: Scott Brandmeier and Eric Dundee; Past President: James Hessling; Council of Chapters Delegates: Mike Dailey and Paul WoodardYoung Professional Chapter Liaison (Becca Alonge)No report as Becca is at the chapters Young Professional event that is current in progress.

  • The appropriate event outcome will be determined by personnel that may include but is not limited to: Designated Licensed Medical Professional, event Jury President, USA Climbing CEO, USA Climbing VP of Sport, Host Facility, and the local health department.

  • Protect eroded areas with rock or clay.2. Regrade crest to provide proper drainage of surface run-off.3. If gully was caused from overtopping, provide adequate spillway, which meets current design standards.

  • Meetings and Event packages include:• Audio and visual equipment is available including overhead projectors and laptop computers.• Professional event staff to set up and tear down tables and chairs.

  • Professional event managers are educated and trained personnel in the field of event management.

  • Professional event security will be stationed at bar areas and will also be patrolling.

  • Dawn Arnold• Thanked the Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to provide the tri-community State of the City Address.• Spoke of the Hub City Young Professional event ‘Mean Tweets’ featuring the Mayors of Riverview, Moncton and Dieppe.• Attended the State of the Province Address.• Spoke of the Leaving Your Mark event presented by the Greater Moncton Women’s Progress Club.

More Definitions of Professional event

Professional event means a series of boxing or sparring bouts in which only a series of professional bouts occur.
Professional event means an event with one or more professional contests.
Professional event means a series of unarmed combat bouts in which only professional unarmed competitors participate.
Professional event means a series of boxing or sparring bouts in which only professional boxers participate.

Related to Professional event

  • professional diligence means the standard of skill and care that a Member would be reasonably expected to exercise towards a Client, commensurate with-

  • Professional experience means the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession concerned;

  • Professional Client means a client meeting the criteria laid down in Annex II;

  • Professional development means training programs for

  • Professional Engineer means a person entitled to practise as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario under a licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act;

  • Professional counselor means a person trained in the application of principles, standards, and

  • Professional counseling means the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions by a licensed professional counselor.

  • continuing professional development means the continuing professional development contemplated in section 32;

  • Licensed professional counselor means a counselor licensed by a member state, regardless of the title used by that state, to independently assess, diagnose, and treat behavioral health conditions.

  • Professional service means the same as defined under RCW 18.100.030.

  • Professional athlete means an athlete who performs services in a professional athletic event for wages or other remuneration.

  • Licensed Professional Engineer means a person acceptable to Buyer in its reasonable judgment who (a) is licensed to practice engineering in California, (b) has training and experience in the power industry specific to the technology of the Project, (c) has no economic relationship, association, or nexus with Seller or Buyer, other than to meet the obligations of Seller pursuant to this Agreement, (d) is not a representative of a consultant, engineer, contractor, designer or other individual involved in the development of the Project or of a manufacturer or supplier of any equipment installed at the Project, and (e) is licensed in an appropriate engineering discipline for the required certification being made.

  • Licensed health care professional means a person who possesses a professional medical license that is valid in Oregon. Examples include, but are not limited to, a registered nurse (RN), nurse practitioner (NP), licensed practical nurse (LPN), medical doctor (MD), osteopathic physician (DO), respiratory therapist (RT), physical therapist (PT), physician assistant (PA), or occupational therapist (OT).

  • professional user shall have the meaning given it in the Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry.

  • Professional means an Entity: (a) employed pursuant to a Bankruptcy Court order in accordance with sections 327, 363, or 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code and to be compensated for services rendered prior to or on the Confirmation Date, pursuant to sections 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (b) awarded compensation and reimbursement by the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to section 503(b)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Participating Clinical Professional Counselor means a Clinical Professional Counselor who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Professional Sports means a sport, which would remunerate a player in excess of 50% of his or her annual income as a means of their livelihood.

  • Professional person means a mental health professional,

  • Nonprofessional services means any services not specifically identified as professional services in

  • Qualified professional means, for the purposes of OAR 411-320- 0080, any of the following licensed professionals trained to make a diagnosis of a specific intellectual or developmental disability:

  • Professional employer organization means any person that enters into a written agreement with a

  • Professional entertainer means a person who performs services in the professional performing arts for wages or other remuneration on a per-event basis.

  • Professional Services means those services within the scope of the practice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping, as defined by the laws of Florida, or those services performed by any architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, or registered surveyor and mapper, in connection with the firm's or individual's professional employment or practice.

  • Qualified mental health professional means a licensed medical practitioner or any other person meeting the qualifications specified in OAR 309-019-0125.

  • professional body means a body of, or representing,

  • Professional sports services contract means an agreement under which an individual is employed, or agrees to render services, as a player on a professional sports team, with a professional sports organization, or as a professional athlete.