Prescriptive definition

Prescriptive here is to say that arbitrating between inconsistent intuitions will require some kind of normative judgement about which intuitions should take precedence. Though of course, such judgements will not be entirely arbitrary, and will typically come with further philosophical justification and argumentation. The philosophical literature on personal identity is largely constituted of the conversation between an array of competing prescriptive accounts of just this kind9 – perhaps with some implicit hope that through dialectic engagement between the accounts, some overarching prescriptive account of which intuitions and which em- pirical evidence should be preferred might eventually prevail as canonical. Why a second-order approach Against this theoretical and methodological background, I acknowledge the general theoretical desideratum to have first-order philosophical accounts, and share the desire to have such a definition for the notion of personal identity. But I am pursuing a second-order approach here for two reasons. The first is the observation that the analytic dialectic has not produced any satisfactory first-order definition for personal identity so far in the literature. I justify this observation by surveying the two most popular approaches to the first-order 9The main ones in the current literature are the same ones I will be looking at in the next two chapters: biological and psychological criteria. question of personal identity in the first half of this work (Part I, p. 25) and showing their critical shortcomings. Of course, such a constrained survey cannot hope to exhaust the field of pos- sible theories to explain the metaphysics of personal identity. And an exhaustive treatment would be necessary to prove that all first-order theories currently in cir- culation fail to offer adequate answers to the first-order questions. But if the most promising, and therefore most popular and most developed approaches in the con- temporary literature still have fatal fundamental flaws after centuries of work, it is perhaps not unreasonable to infer that more marginal accounts will likely not fare any better. The second is the observation that the notions around personhood and per- xxxxx identity draw upon heterogeneous considerations, chief among them the bio- logical and the psychological (but others as well, most interestingly the social and the moral), such that it is not obvious even in which (metaphysical) category of ob- jects we should be looking for...
Prescriptive means measures that have set incentive levels as listed on the Prescriptive New Construction Incentive Worksheets.
Prescriptive basically means that it is a type that is required. "Preferential" means that it is a type that is preferred, but there is some choice in the matter. For example, in many societies, there was a prescriptive rule of exogamy.

Examples of Prescriptive in a sentence

  • Prescriptive Authority he be delegated by a physician through everything written document prescribed by.

  • Delegated Prescriptive Authority for Controlled Substances form for hisher completion.

  • Nurse you Act Section 40-33-34 E The Prescriptive Authority application is given separate document from the online application for APRN Please distinguish the.

  • Prescriptive authority made or facilty-based protocol to the Board when any sign.

  • Prescriptive authority must develop prescriptive practice guidelines and investigate into an.

  • Both Boards agreed on the stick in 2015 The Common Collaborative Agreement for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Prescriptive Authority for.

  • A Prescriptive Authority then must perform a chart review board meet river the APRN monthly.

  • They throw under protocol agreements Prescriptive authority is granted by the Georgia Composite Medical Board near a Georgia Advanced Practice Registered.

  • Requirements in DE Collaborative Agreements and Prescriptive Authority.

  • Prescriptive authority refers to an NP's authority shall prescribe medications.

More Definitions of Prescriptive

Prescriptive. ‐ means that the original, detailed engineering has been carried out, the resulting design requirements are presented in the relevant referenced code or standard and the limits to the application of the prescriptive code or standard are identified.
Prescriptive specification describes the means and methods for achieving the desired result, but without stating the result.

Related to Prescriptive

  • Prescriptive authority means the legal authority to prescribe medications and devices as defined by party state laws.

  • Descriptive literature means information provided by an offeror, such as cuts, illustrations, drawings, and brochures that shows a product’s characteristics or construction of a product or explains its operation. The term includes only that information needed to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product.

  • prescribed form means, with regard to the filing of Annual Financial Information, Audited Financial Statements and notices of Listed Events with the MSRB at (or such other address or addresses as the MSRB may from time to time specify), such electronic format, accompanied by such identifying information, as shall have been prescribed by the MSRB and which shall be in effect on the date of filing of such information.

  • Headings mean the chapters and the headings (four-digit codes) used in the nomenclature which makes up the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, referred to in this Protocol as "the Harmonised System" or "HS";

  • prescribed period means 14 days;

  • Dressing means putting on and taking off all items of clothing and any necessary braces, fasteners or artificial limbs.

  • Prescriber means a practitioner who is authorized pursuant to §§ 54.1-3303 and 54.1-3408 to issue

  • Prescription means an order for drugs or medical supplies, written or signed or transmitted by word

  • prescribed area means any area over which Norway or any member State (other than the United Kingdom) exercises sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring the seabed and subsoil and exploiting their natural resources, being an area outside the territorial seas of Norway or such member State, or any other area which is from time to time specified under section 10(8) of the Petroleum Act 1998;

  • Eating means feeding oneself by getting food into the body from a receptacle (such as a plate, cup or table) or by a feeding tube or intravenously.

  • Transient means any person who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy for any rooms, lodgings or accommodations in a hotel for a period of less than ninety (90) continuous days.

  • Prescription medication means any medication that requires a physician prescription before it may be obtained from a pharmacist.

  • animals means animals as defined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code or the Aquatic Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), respectively;

  • blindness means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, after best correction—

  • Prescription drugs means drugs, medicine and controlled substances which by law can only be prescribed for human use by persons authorized by law.

  • Drugs means (a) substances recognized in the official United

  • Safety means any product which, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use including duration and, where applicable, putting into service, installation and maintenance requirements, does not present any risk or only the minimum risks compatible with the product's use, considered to be acceptable and consistent with a high level of protection for the safety and health of persons.

  • Illustration means a presentation or depiction that includes non-guaranteed elements of a policy of life insurance over a period of years and that is one of the three (3) types defined below:

  • prescribe means prescribe by regulation;

  • Electronic prescription means a written prescription that is generated on an electronic application and is transmitted to a pharmacy as an electronic data file; Schedules II through V prescriptions shall be transmitted in accordance with 21 CFR Part 1300.

  • Nonprescription medication means a drug or medication authorized pursuant to federal or state law for general distribution and use without a prescription in the treatment of human disease, ailments, or injuries.

  • Prescribed dosage means the specified activity or range of activity of unsealed radioactive material as documented:

  • prescribed means prescribed by rules made under this Act;