Passing a substance test definition

Passing a substance test means passing a drug or alcohol test, as defined in this section.
Passing a substance test means passing a drug and/or alcohol test, as defined below.

Related to Passing a substance test

  • Controlled substance analog means a substance the chemical structure of which is substantially

  • Operational Acceptance Tests means the tests specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan to be carried out to ascertain whether the System, or a specified Sub system, is able to attain the functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan, in accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 27.2 (Operational Acceptance Test).

  • Backflow prevention device means a safety device used to prevent pollution or contamination of the water supply due to the reverse flow of water from the irrigation system.

  • Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

  • Acceptance Test is a test of the Features executed by the Customer to prepare the acceptance.

  • DNS test Means one non-­‐recursive DNS query sent to a particular “IP address” (via UDP or TCP). If DNSSEC is offered in the queried DNS zone, for a query to be considered answered, the signatures must be positively verified against a corresponding DS record published in the parent zone or, if the parent is not signed, against a statically configured Trust Anchor. The answer to the query must contain the corresponding information from the Registry System, otherwise the query will be considered unanswered. A query with a “DNS resolution RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR, will be considered unanswered. The possible results to a DNS test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “DNS resolution RTT” or, undefined/unanswered.

  • COVID-19 test means a viral test for SARS-CoV-2 that is:

  • Backflow Prevention Assembly means any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross connection and is an in-line field-testable assembly.

  • Drug test means a test designed to detect the illegal use of a controlled substance.

  • Acceptance Tests means those tests performed during the Performance Period which are intended to determine compliance of Equipment and Software with the specifications and all other Attachments incorporated herein by reference and to determine the reliability of the Equipment.

  • Substance abuse means the consumption or use of any substance for purposes other than for the treatment of sickness or injury as prescribed or administered by a person duly authorized by law to treat sick and injured human beings.

  • Maintenance Test means the maintenance test set out in Clause 12.1 (Maintenance Test).

  • Penetration Testing means security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system, or network. (NIST SP 800-115)

  • RDDS test Means one query sent to a particular “IP address” of one of the servers of one of the RDDS services. Queries shall be about existing objects in the Registry System and the responses must contain the corresponding information otherwise the query will be considered unanswered. Queries with an RTT 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. The possible results to an RDDS test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the RTT or undefined/unanswered.

  • Invasive species means an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

  • Screening Test means a drug or alcohol test which uses a method of analysis allowed by the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act to be used for such purposes.