OMM Agreement definition

OMM Agreement means the Operating, Management and Maintenance Agreement for the Port of Goderich between GPMC and the Town dated as of January 1, 2020.

Examples of OMM Agreement in a sentence

  • The purpose of this component of the program will be to assist manufacturers in addressing the financing challenges encountered when building new, or expanding existing, ethanol plants Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page The requirements that fuel contain 5% ethanol, or be ethanol-based, by 2007 is of significant interest to the agricultural community in Ontario.

  • By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: I/We have the authority to bind the Corporation SCHEDULES Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page OPERATOR’S AND GUARANTOR’S CORPORATE RESOLUTIONS [DOCUMENTS TO BE INSERTED] Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page SCHEDULE 2 CITY PELLETIZER FACILITY AND BATTERY LIMITS [DOCUMENTS TO BE INSERTED] Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page Exhibit G-1 of the Amendment Description of Enhancement.

  • Regarding microbiological risk, there is less certainty than with the assessment of chemical risk; however, Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page overall, microbiological risk is likely very low.

  • Pellet size will be managed the Schedule to OMM Agreement Schedule , Page through operational process and selected pellet size distribution will be consistent with targeted end markets.

  • Subject to the terms of the OMM Agreement, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, discussions and understandings, written or oral, between the parties.

  • The intent of this term sheet is to inform potential development proposals for the site and facilitate the future development and execution of an Operations, Maintenance and Management (OMM) Agreement with the XXX developer of any proposal accepted by the City of Bellevue.

  • The OMM Agreement will require acceptance by the Sound Transit Board of Directors.

  • In addition to the services rendered by the City to the COG, the Data Center OMM Agreement shall anticipate that the City may, from time to time, obtain materials, supplies, equipment or other goods necessary and ancillary to the services it provides, and the OMM Agreement shall allow the reimbursement of the same from the COG to the City.

  • The Fiber Ring OMM Agreement shall provide for the type and nature of services to be provided by the City to the COG for the operation, management and maintenance of the Fiber Ring, which shall be provided by either City personnel or through contracting with third-party vendors for the provision of services.

  • In the event of any conflicts between the terms of this lease and the terms of the OMM Agreement, the terms of the OMM Agreement shall prevail.

Related to OMM Agreement

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • O&M Agreement means the agreement(s), if any, between the Company and the O&M Contractor for the operation and maintenance of the Facility to be entered into between the Company and the O&M Contractor, as amended or superseded from time to time;

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • Consortium Agreement means this consortium agreement as well as the pre-amble and all annexes hereto;

  • MCIP Agreement means the Agreement for the Development of a Joint County Industrial and Business Park (2010 Park) dated as of December 1, 2010, as amended, between the County and Xxxxxxxx County, South Carolina, as the same may be further amended or supplemented from time to time, or such other agreement as the County may enter with respect to the Project to offer the benefits of the Special Source Revenue Credits to the Company hereunder.

  • SPS Agreement means the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which is a part of the WTO Agreement; Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification number under the HS; Territory means:

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • Services Agreement means an agreement entered into between a Utility and one or more Affiliates for the provision of Shared Services or For Profit Affiliate Services and shall provide for the following matters as appropriate in the circumstances:

  • Use Agreement means a written agreement between a primary licensee and a Type S applicant or licensee that specifies the designated area of the Type S licensee, the days and hours in which the Type S licensee is assigned to use the common-use area, any allocation of responsibility for compliance pursuant to Section 40196, and an acknowledgement that the Type S licensee has sole and exclusive use of the common- use area during the Type S licensee’s assigned time period.

  • Program Agreement means an agreement between the Contractor and DSHS containing special terms and conditions, including a statement of work to be performed by the Contractor and payment to be made by DSHS.

  • Purchase Agreement Assignment means that certain Purchase Agreement Assignment [NW 1997 J], dated as of March 18, 1998, between Lessee and Lessor, as the same may be amended, supplemented or modified from time to time, with a form of Consent and Agreement to be executed by the Manufacturer attached thereto.

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.

  • Licence Agreement means an agreement (whether or not in writing) between the owner of student accommodation and a student giving a licence to the student;

  • Supply Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • Cooperation Agreement means that certain Mortgage Loan Cooperation Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, among Borrower, Lender and Sponsor, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance herewith.

  • Interim agreement means an agreement between a private entity and a responsible public entity that provides for phasing of the development or operation, or both, of a qualifying project. Such phases may include, but are not limited to, design, planning, engineering, environmental analysis and mitigation, financial and revenue analysis, or any other phase of the project that constitutes activity on any part of the qualifying project.

  • Foundation Agreement means the agreement dated the 20th February 1985 made between the Trustee, the Manager, Xxxxxxxx, Genting WA and Tileska providing for the subscription of Units and Options;

  • License Agreement means the agreement between SAP (or an SAP SE Affiliate, or an authorized reseller) under which Customer procured the rights to use SAP Software or a Cloud Service.

  • Construction Agreement as used in this subsection means an agreement between Seller and any contractor or subcontractor to install the System;

  • Joint Agreement means a type of Fund Use Agreement between the Consortium and the Fund Council that sets forth an umbrella set of terms and conditions that govern principally the submission and approval of CRP proposals and the transfer and use of funds from the CGIAR Fund for implementation of CRPs.

  • Non-Disturbance Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.8.9.

  • Reseller Agreement means the separate agreement between Customer and Reseller regarding the Services. The Reseller Agreement is independent of and outside the scope of This Agreement.

  • Xxxxxx Agreement means that certain Contingent Stock Agreement, effective as of January 1, 1996, by The Xxxxx Company in favor of and for the benefit of the Holders (named in Schedule I thereto) and the Representatives (therein defined), as amended.

  • Alliance Agreement has the meaning given to such term in paragraph 11.2 of Schedule 13 (Information and Industry Initiatives);

  • Cross License Agreement means that certain Cross License Agreement between and among Medarex, Cell Genesys, Inc., Abgenix, Inc., Xenotech, L.P. and Japan Tobacco Inc., dated March 26, 1997.

  • Development Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.