O-Tex Agreements definition

O-Tex Agreements means, collectively, the O-Tex Cementing Agreement and the O-Tex Fracing Agreement.

Related to O-Tex Agreements

  • PJM Agreements means the PJM OATT, PJM Operating Agreement, PJM RAA and any other applicable PJM manuals or documents, or any successor, superseding or amended versions thereof that may take effect from time to time.

  • Lockbox Agreements means collectively, the Lockbox Account Agreement and the Lockbox Processing Agreement.

  • VIE Agreements means the Exclusive Service Agreement, the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Shareholder Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and the Equity Pledge Agreement entered into by and among some or all of the Parties hereto on the same day this agreement is entered, including any supplemental agreements or amendments to such agreements, and any other agreements, contracts or legal documents executed or issued by one or more Parties and/or Party C’s affiliated enterprises from time to time to ensure the performance of the aforesaid agreements, signed or accepted by Party A in writing.

  • Program Agreements means, collectively, this Agreement, the Guaranty, the Custodial Agreement, the Pricing Side Letter, the Electronic Tracking Agreement, the Power of Attorney, the Servicing Agreement, if any, the Servicer Notice, if entered into and, with respect to each Exception Mortgage Loan, a Purchase Confirmation.

  • Supply Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • License Agreements shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.11 hereof.

  • Acquisition Agreements means the Nexstar Acquisition Agreement and the Mission Acquisition Agreement, and “Acquisition Agreement” means the applicable agreement in the context used.

  • Seller Agreements means those agreements between Seller and third parties, including Artists and/or PRO, wherein Seller is entitled to receive the Percentage Interest of all Assets.

  • Existing Agreements means the [*****].

  • Interconnection Agreements means, collectively, (a) an agreement by and among Owner, TransÉnergie and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the U.S. Border of the NECEC Transmission Line with the Québec Line and (b) an agreement by and between Owner and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the Delivery Point of the NECEC Transmission Line with certain transmission facilities operated by ISO-NE. The Interconnection Agreements shall address cost responsibilities among entities other than the Distribution Company and the other RFP Sponsors and shall include provisions, both technical and otherwise, for safe and reliable interconnected operations of the HVDC Transmission Project following Commercial Operation (including use of the HVDC Transmission Project for the delivery of electric power in emergency circumstances).

  • Company License Agreements means any license agreements granting any right to use or practice any rights under any Intellectual Property (except for such agreements for off-the-shelf products that are generally available for less than $25,000), and any written settlements relating to any Intellectual Property, to which the Company is a party or otherwise bound; and the term “Software” means any and all computer programs, including any and all software implementations of algorithms, models and methodologies, whether in source code or object code.

  • Sale Agreements This Agreement, the Current Excess Servicing Spread Acquisition Agreement for FHLMC Mortgage Loans, the Current Excess Servicing Spread Acquisition for GNMA Mortgage Loans and the Current Excess Servicing Spread Acquisition Agreement for Non-Agency Mortgage Loans.

  • Development Agreements means all development, utility or similar agreements included in the Permitted Encumbrances.

  • Assignment Agreements The following Assignment, Assumption and Recognition Agreements, each dated as of March 29, 2006, whereby certain Servicing Agreements solely with respect to the related Mortgage Loans were assigned to the Depositor for the benefit of the Certificateholders:

  • Services Agreements means the Outsourcing Master Services Agreements between MBL and MGL dated November 15, 2007, and between the Non-Banking Holdco and MGL dated December 10, 2007, and any supplements or amendments thereto;

  • Company IP Agreements means all licenses, sublicenses, consent to use agreements, settlements, coexistence agreements, covenants not to xxx, permissions and other Contracts (including any right to receive or obligation to pay royalties or any other consideration), whether written or oral, relating to Intellectual Property to which the Company is a party, beneficiary or otherwise bound.

  • Master Services Agreement means that master services agreement among the Limited Partnership, the Company, Teekay Corporation and Brookfield XX XXXX L.P. dated as of the date hereof.

  • Lock-Up Agreements means the lock-up agreements that are delivered on the date hereof by each of the Company’s officers and directors, in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto.

  • IP Agreements means all material Copyright Licenses, Patent Licenses, Trademark Licenses, and all other agreements, permits, consents, orders and franchises relating to the license, development, use or disclosure of any material Intellectual Property to which a Pledgor, now or hereafter, is a party or a beneficiary, including, without limitation, the agreements set forth on Schedule III hereto.

  • Escrow Agreements means one or more of the agreements between the Company, the Partnership and one or more of the Performance Investors, dated as of the closing of the date of the initial public offering of the common stock of the General Partner, pursuant to which the Performance Investors have deposited their Performance Shares in escrow for possible transfer to the General Partner or the Partnership (as applicable).

  • Service Agreements means the agreements in the agreed form to be entered into between the Company and each of the Founders;

  • Property Agreements means all agreements, grants of easements and/or rights-of-way, reciprocal easement agreements, permits, declarations of covenants, conditions and restrictions, disposition and development agreements, planned unit development agreements, parking agreements, party wall agreements or other instruments affecting the Property, including, without limitation any agreements with Pad Owners, but not including any brokerage agreements, management agreements, service contracts, Space Leases or the Loan Documents.

  • Trade Agreements means any applicable trade agreement to which Ontario is a signatory.

  • Lockbox Agreement means each agreement between a Borrower and a Clearing Bank concerning the establishment of a Lockbox for the collection of Receivables.

  • Assignment of Management Agreement means the Assignment of Management Agreement and Subordination of Management Fees, dated the same date as this Loan Agreement, among Borrower, Lender and Property Manager, including all schedules, riders, allonges and addenda, as such Assignment of Management Agreement may be amended from time to time, and any future Assignment of Management Agreement and Subordination of Management Fees executed in accordance with Section 6.09(d).