Nonstandard definition

Nonstandard means a boiler or pressure vessel that does not bear ASME and National Board stamping and registration.
Nonstandard means an insured policyholder who is unable to procure insurance through the standard market and whose premium charge is in excess of the premium charged by the Delaware Automobile Insurance Plan ("DAIP") for similar (though not identical) coverage.

Examples of Nonstandard in a sentence

  • Non-standard or custom Products or Products which cannot be configured online will be subject to minimum order quantities and lead times as specified by Xxxxxxx.

  • Non-standard work schedule assignments shall not be arbitrary or capricious.

Related to Nonstandard

  • Contract Standard means such standard as complies in each and every respect with all relevant provisions of the Contract;

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7 means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Performance Standard means the acceptable range of performance for a Performance Indicator or a Service Volume that results when a Performance Corridor is applied to a Performance Target;

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Building Standard means the type, grade, brand, quality and/or quantity of materials Landlord designates from time to time to be the minimum quality and/or quantity to be used in the Building.

  • Control Performance Standard or “CPS” shall mean the reliability standard that sets the limits of a Balancing Authority’s Area Control Error over a specified time period.

  • Uniform Network Code means the uniform network code as defined in Standard Special Condition A11(6) of National Grid’s transporters licence, as such code may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.

  • Base flood means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.

  • HVAC means heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

  • Standard Methods means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation.

  • Reliability Standard means a requirement to provide for reliable operation of the bulk power system, including without limiting the foregoing requirements for the operation of existing bulk power system facilities, including cybersecurity protection, and the design of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary for reliable operation of the bulk power system, but shall not include any requirement to enlarge bulk power system facilities or to construct new transmission capacity or generation capacity.

  • Disturbance Control Standard or “DCS” shall mean the reliability standard that sets the time limit following a disturbance within which a balancing authority must return its Area Control Error to within a specified range.

  • Substance use disorder means a cluster of cognitive,

  • Selective Routing is a service which automatically routes an E911 call to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the telephone that dialed 911, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries.

  • Standard Software means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Standard Software.

  • voltage means the root-mean-square value of electrical potential between two conductors.

  • Electric System Upgrades means any Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, or Interconnection Facilities that are determined to be necessary by the CAISO or Participating Transmission Owner, as applicable, to physically and electrically interconnect the Project to the Participating Transmission Owner’s electric system for receipt of Energy at the Point of Interconnection (as defined in the CAISO Tariff) if connecting to the CAISO Grid, or the Interconnection Point, if connecting to a part of the Participating TO’s electric system that is not part of the CAISO Grid.

  • Continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS means all of the equipment that may be required to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this section, to sample, condition (if applicable), analyze, and provide a record of emissions on a continuous basis.

  • Terms of Service means those Support Services and Professional Services terms posted at xxxx://, which are incorporated herein. Client acknowledges and agrees it has read, understands and agrees to be bound by the Terms of Service.

  • Standard Service means Facilities which meet good economic electric industry practice including safety, reliability and operating criteria and standards consistent with the particular characteristics of service as determined by FortisAlberta acting reasonably;

  • Community-Wide Standard means the standard of conduct, maintenance or other activity generally prevailing in the Community. Such standard may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. Such determination, however, must be consistent with the Community-Wide Standard originally established by the Declarant.