Modified source definition

Modified source means any stationary source (or portion of it), the modification of which commenced on or after March 17, 1972.
Modified source means a stationary source on which modification commences after November 15, 1992.
Modified source means any stationary source, the modification of which is commenced after the date of enactment of the Act.

Examples of Modified source in a sentence

  • Further Research46 Appendix A 47Interview Questions 47A.1 Adam Uytendaal, Freshwater Scientist at Otago Regional Council 47A.2 Dr Don Robertson, Chairperson of Guardians of Lake Wanaka 47Appendix B Letters 48B.1 Letter to the Minister for the Environment 48B.2 Letter to the Otago Daily Times 49References 50List of Tables Table 4-1: Lake Snow Timeline from 2003 to 2017 16Table 4-2: List of Interviews 18Table 5-1Otago Regional Council Priority Research question (Modified source: ORC, 2017a).

  • Dated Attorney Signature * This form is not to be used for defendants who are in custody without prior judicial approval.

  • Facilities exempted by subsection B of this section shall not be included in the determination of potential to emit of a stationary source for purposes of exempting sources under this subsection.E. Modified source exemption levels by emission rate.

  • The loss-averse investors try to follow and invest in Environmental practicing firms and individuals Investor always attempt to mitigate the risk in their decision making regarding investment.

  • Unfortunately, the existing method [11] per se is not de- signed to retain facial expression, and the mixed face image Target imageWeighted maskProtected image PSource image Modified source imageFig.

  • If, on the other hand, a federal plaintiff asserts as a legal wrong an allegedly illegal act or omission by an adverse party, Rooker-Feldman does not bar jurisdiction.112 Here, with regard to Judge Barial, it is clear that Plaintiff’s asserted legal wrong falls into the first camp, in that she seeks relief from the judge’s allegedly erroneous decision.

  • Modified source data: no adaptation of application necessary; PRISM provides modified or reduced packet traces, flow data, or other traffic summaries to the application; this source data i s specifically modified or reduced to mitigate privacy risk.

  • Modified source code must still pass the individual benchmark’s validation criteria.All modifications to the NWSC-3 benchmarks shall be documented within the technical volume of the Offeror’s proposal, and modified source files are to be returned to UCAR with the requested benchmark output files in compressed tar files.

  • The experiences were once in a lifetime, and I use what I’ve learned from them to navigate my life now.” DEAL Model Critical Thinking Standards Rubric (excerpt) (Ash & Clayton, 2009; various) [Modified source: Paul, R & Elder, L.

  • Conclusion91References 94 List of figures‌ Figure 1: The Central European inland waterway network with its main transport corridors (Modified source: German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Fachstelle für Geoinformation Süd, Regensburg, Germany) 16Figure 2: Number of daily users of the operational low flow forecast for the River Rhine at gauge Kaub (black dots) and simulated transport costs for two representative vessels (blue dots) both plotted against the absolute water-level.

More Definitions of Modified source

Modified source means a facility for which an application to modify, as defined in ARM Title 17, chapter 8, subchapter 7, is submitted to the department.

Related to Modified source

  • Sole Source means a Trade Contractor or Supplier or Subcontractor specified by name in a Bulletin as the exclusive source from which conforming goods or services may be obtained. Designation of goods or services by reference to a named source accompanied by the qualification “or equal” or similar language is not a designation of a Sole Source as that term is defined herein.

  • Single Source means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, labor organization, or any other organization or group of persons which is not a political committee or political party.

  • Certified system means any X-ray system which has one or more certified component(s).

  • Certified service provider means an agent certified:

  • Classified service means all employment positions in the City that are not excluded by ordinance, City Charter or State law from the provisions of Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 4.04 or the Personnel Rules adopted pursuant thereto.

  • Modified EDFR means a reference rate equal to the EDFR plus the EDFR Spread;

  • Sealed source means any radioactive material that is encased in a capsule designed to prevent leakage or escape of the radioactive material.