Macro definition

Macro computer programs or other “cheat” or “hack” programs or software applications for this Product (whether in an online multiplayer game or in a single player game over the internet or in local area network); (iv) remove, alter, disable or circumvent any copyright and trademark indications or other authorship and origin information, notices or labels contained on or within this Product and (v) export or re-export this Product or any copy of adaptation in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.
Macro means large or aggregate (total). Macroeconomics is thus, a branch of economics which deals with the aggregate behaviour of the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics is essentially an aggregate economics. It makes a study of the economic system in general. Macroeconomics perceives the overall dimensions of economic affairs of a country. it looks at the total size, shape and functioning of the economy as a whole, rather than working of articulation or dimensions of the individual parts. To use Marshall’s metaphorical language, macroeconomics views the forest as a whole, independently of the individual trees composing it.
Macro means large. It deals with the behaviour of the large aggregates in the economy. The large aggregates are total saving, total consumption, total income, total employment, general price level, wage level, cost structure, etc. Thus macro-economics is aggregative economics.

Examples of Macro in a sentence

  • Macro chaining will also work with most spreadsheet programs (including Lotus 123) which will allow you to make logical decisions or chart graphs using data received from your serial input device.

More Definitions of Macro

Macro means the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office, and unit within the Administrative Office of the Courts.
Macro. . A macro means a command in a computer or dictation application that automatically generates pre-determined text that is not edited by the user.
Macro indicators provide the means of monitoring overall progress at the global level, of benchmarking the main trends in Aid for Trade and of making comparisons across countries and regions. There is a good range of off-the-shelf indicators of this kind available from databases collected and published by intergovernmental organizations, that can be accessed in a relatively easy and consistent way.
Macro is a Greek word that means “large,” which, in the context of nutrition, relates to the size of the nutrient and its importance in energy balance. In basic terms, this balance can be defined as “energy in” (calories taken into the body through food and drink) versus “energy out” (calories being used in the body for daily energy requirements). Energy (or calories) is the core of nutrition and health, and the foundation for this energy comes from the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Macro macrohypothese: chronische activering van het systeem voor de stressrepons (de hPa-as) onderdrukt de werking van het immuunsysteem. 370 larttzlzrirgzr bij hzt ordzrzozl ra ar PsychoPathologiz Diagrammen Wetenschappelijke vooruitgang wordt bevorderd door statistische analyses van samenhangen tussen variabelen of factoren, maar als het daarbij blijft, en factoranalyses niet worden opgevolgd door mechanismische analyses, ontstaat stagnatie. Met behulp van de door Bunge voorgestelde presentatietech- niek van mechanismen (zie figuur 6.3)5 kunnen theorieën of hy- pothesen over psychische stoornissen in kaart gebracht worden. In figuur 9.1 zijn als voorbeeld enkele niveaus afgebeeld waarop zich zowel horizontaal als verticaal (tussen niveaus) processen afspelen. Alleen gebeurtenissen kunnen andere gebeurtenissen voortbren- gen, maar wat zich concreet afspeelt op niveaus en tussen niveaus (en in welke richting ‘pijltjes’ moeten worden geplaatst) is de uit- komst van diepgaand interdisciplinair wetenschappelijk onder- zoek. De opgave voor onderzoekers is om per niveau geen schakels over te slaan, tussen niveaus geen niveau over te slaan en dualisti- sche benaderingen6 te overstijgen. Te verklaren verschijnsel Manifeste gedragingen Psychische processen (functies) Processen in neutrale netwerken Cellulaire processen Moleculaire processen
Macro means Macro International Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Macro means Macro Plastics, Inc.