Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies definition

Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies means the supply of Marketed Product held or in the possession of Lilly’s employee health services as of the Effective Date.

Examples of Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies in a sentence

  • Lilly shall not sell, distribute, or offer for sale or re-sale any Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies to any Person other than to Lilly’s employee health services.

  • Subject to and in accordance with Section 7.25, Lilly reserves the right, and the rights granted or licensed to ViroPharma are subject to Lilly’s right to utilize all Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies for purpose of dispensing Product to its employees and relatives of employees until such supply is exhausted.

  • Lilly agrees that following the exhaustion of the Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies, it shall not replenish such supplies and shall only purchase Marketed Product from ViroPharma.

  • Subject to and in accordance with Section 7.22, Lilly reserves the right, and the rights granted or licensed to Advancis are subject to Lilly’s right to utilize all Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies.

Related to Lilly Finished Product Health Services Supplies

  • Finished Products means the fully assembled and shrink-wrapped Licensed Products, each including a Game Cartridge, Game Cartridge label and Printed Materials.

  • Finished Product means a cannabis product in its final form to be sold at a retail premises.

  • Manufacturing Services means the manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, stability testing, packaging, and related services, set forth in this Agreement, required to manufacture Product or Products from Active Materials and Components;

  • Tobacco product manufacturer means an entity that after the date of enactment of this act directly (and not exclusively through any affiliate) meets 1 or more of the following:

  • Back Ordered Products If product is not expected to ship within the time provided to the TIPS Member by the Vendor, the Member is to be notified within 3 business days and appropriate action taken based on customer request. The TIPS Vendor Agreement Signature Page is inserted here. TIPS Vendor Agreement Signature Form RFP 220105 Technology Solutions, Products and Services Company Name XxXxxxxxx Essention, LLC Address 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx XX Zip 75244 Phone 000-000-0000 Fax 000-000-0000 Email of Authorized Representative Name of Authorized Representative Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Title Vice President - E&TS South Signature of Authorized Representative Date 2/4/2022 TIPS Authorized Representative Name Xxxxx Xxxxx Title Executive Director Signature TIPS Authorized Representative Signature Approved by ESC Region 8 Date 5-24-2022 NOTICE TO MEMBERS REGARDING ATTRIBUTE RESPONSES TIPS VENDORS RESPOND TO ATTRIBUTE QUESTIONS AS PART OF TIPS COMPETITIVE SOLICITATION PROCESS. THE VENDOR’S RESPONSES TO ATTRIBUTE QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED HEREIN AS “SUPPLIER RESPONSE.” PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DEVIATIONS, IF ANY, IN VENDOR’S RESPONSE TO ATTRIBUTE QUESTIONS MAY NOT REFLECT VENDOR’S FINAL ATTRIBUTE RESPONSE, WHICH IS SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATIONS PRIOR TO AWARD. PLEASE CONTACT THE TIPS OFFICE AT 866-839- 8477 WITH QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS REGARDING VENDOR ATTRIBUTE RESPONSE DEVIATIONS. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT TIPS DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL COUNSEL TO MEMBERS. TIPS RECOMMENDS THAT YOU CONSULT YOUR LEGAL COUNSEL WHEN EXECUTING CONTRACTS WITH OR MAKING PURCHASES FROM TIPS VENDORS. 220105 Addendum 1 McKinstry Essention LLC Supplier Response Event Information Number: 220105 Addendum 1 Title: Technology Solutions, Products and Services Type: Request for Proposal Issue Date: 1/6/2022 Deadline: 2/25/2022 03:00 PM (CT) Notes: I F YO U ALREAD Y HOL D TIP S CONTRAC T 200105 TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (“200105”) OR 210101 TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ("210101"), YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO THIS SOLICITATION UNLESS YOU WISH TO REPLACE 200105 OR 210101 AT THIS TIME. IF YOU HOLD 200105 OR 210101, CHOOSE TO RESPOND HEREIN, AND ARE AWARDED ON THIS CONTRACT, YOUR 200105 OR 2101101 WILL BE TERMINATED AND REPLACED BY THIS CONTRACT. IF YOU HOLD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TIPS CONTRACTS AND YOU DO NOT HOLD 200105 OR 2101101, PER TIPS PRIOR NOTIFICATION, YOU MUST RESPOND TO THIS SOLICITATION BECAUS E YOU R SPECIFI C CONTRAC T I S BEING CONSOLIDATED INTO OR REPLACED BY THIS CONTRACT. ꞏ TIPS 190103 Web and Cloud Computing Services ꞏ TIPS 181203 Management Software and Services ꞏ TIPS 181204 Notification Systems TIPS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ISSUE, REBID, OR CANCEL ANY PLANNED SOLICITATIONS AT ANY TIME AS NECESSARY FO R TH E NEED S O F TIPS , TIP S VENDORS , AN D TIPS MEMBERS. Contact Information Address: Region 8 Education Service Center 0000 XX Xxxxxxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Phone: +0 (000) 000-0000 Email: McKinstry Essention LLC Information Contact: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Address: 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxx, XX 00000 Phone: (000) 000-0000 Fax: (000) 000-0000 Toll Free: (000) 000-0000 Email: Web Address: xxxx:// By submitting your response, you certify that you are authorized to represent and bind your company. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Signature Email Submitted at 2/18/2022 2:01:18 PM

  • API means American Petroleum Institute.

  • Pharmacy services means the practice of pharmacy as defined in chapter 18.64 RCW and includes any drugs or devices as defined in chapter 18.64 RCW.

  • Covered Products means Your Applications, Libraries, Passes, Safari Extensions, Safari Push Notifications, and/or FPS implementations developed under this Agreement.

  • Manufacturing Process means any process for—

  • Product Manufacturer means the entity that assembles the component parts to manufacture the final Product;

  • Diagnostic Services means services provided for the purpose of determining the nature and cause of a condition, ill- ness, or injury.

  • Designated Products means products provided by Motorola to Licensee with which or for which the Software and Documentation is licensed for use.

  • Manufactured products means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum; plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe; aggregates such as concrete; glass, including optical fiber; and lumber.

  • Drug Substance means an active ingredient that is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure or any function of the human body, but does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of such ingredient.

  • processed products means goods placed under a processing procedure which have undergone processing operations;

  • Tobacco products means cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, moist snuff, cavendish, ping and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking.

  • Hemp products means all products made from industrial hemp,

  • Manufacturing Know-How means, with respect to the Product or any Variant thereof, the technology, data, designs, processes, methods, specifications and other know-how used in connection with the formulation, manufacture, labeling, packaging, quality control, release testing, and production of the Product, and all ingredients used therein and portions thereof.

  • Manufacturing Site means the facilities where a Compound is Manufactured by or on behalf of a Party, as such Manufacturing Site may change from time to time in accordance with Section 8.7.