La Guitarra Technical Report definition

La Guitarra Technical Report means the NI 43-101 technical report relating to the La Guitarra Mine dated January 29, 2010 prepared by Thor Resources LLC, Glenn R. Clark & Associates Ltd. and Kappes, Cassiday and Associates and entitled “La Guitarra Mine Technical Report”.

Examples of La Guitarra Technical Report in a sentence

  • Reference should be made to the full text of the 2015 La Guitarra Technical Report which is available for review on SEDAR at Description and LocationThe La Guitarra mine is a producing property situated within the Temascaltepec mining district (the “Temascaltepec District”) in the Municipality of Temascaltepec, State of México, México, approximately 130 kilometres southwest of México City.

  • The 2015 La Guitarra Technical Report includes results of an updated resource model for the Coloso area prepared for First Majestic by Amec Foster Wheeler under the supervision of Mr. Gregory Kenneth Kulla P.

  • The 2015 La Guitarra Technical Report has been filed with the securities regulatory authorities in each province of Canada.

  • There were no Measured Mineral Resources estimated at the time of writing the 2015 La Guitarra Technical Report.

Related to La Guitarra Technical Report

  • Technical Report means a report prepared and filed in accordance with this Instrument and Form 43-101F1 Technical Report that includes, in summary form, all material scientific and technical information in respect of the subject property as of the effective date of the technical report; and

  • Geotechnical report means a scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology, the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting, erosion, and other geologic hazards or processes, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions, the adequacy of the site to be developed, the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development, and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical reports shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes.

  • Project Management Report means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;

  • Software Update means a package used to upgrade software to a new version including a change of the configuration parameters.

  • Systems Engineering means preparing specifications, identifying and resolving interface problems, developing test requirements, evaluating test data, and supervising design.

  • Operating Statement Analysis Report format substantially in the form of and containing the information called for therein for the Mortgage Loans, or such other form for the presentation of such information as may be approved from time to time by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.

  • CREFC® Operating Statement Analysis Report The monthly report in the “Operating Statement Analysis Report” format substantially in the form of and containing the information called for therein for the Mortgage Loans, or such other form for the presentation of such information as may be approved from time to time by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.

  • Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database means the primary Government repository for Contractor information required for the conduct of business with the Government.

  • CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report means a report substantially in the form of, and containing the information called for in, the downloadable form of the "Operating Statement Analysis Report" available as of the Closing Date on the CMSA Website or in such other form for the presentation of such information and containing such additional information as may from time to time be approved by the CMSA for commercial mortgage-backed securities transactions generally.

  • GLJ Report means the independent engineering reserves evaluation of certain oil, NGL and natural gas interests of the Company prepared by GLJ dated February 11, 2022 and effective December 31, 2021.

  • Medical record means any document or combination of documents, except births, deaths, and the fact of admission to or discharge from a hospital, that pertains to the medical history, diagnosis, prognosis, or medical condition of a patient and that is generated and maintained in the process of medical treatment.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Medical Records the Study Subjects’ primary medical records kept by the Institution on behalf of the Study Subjects, including, without limitation, treatment entries, x-rays, biopsy reports, ultrasound photographs and other diagnostic images. Zdravotní záznamy: primární zdravotní záznamy Subjektů studie vedené Zdravotnickým zařízením ve vztahu k Subjektu studie, zejména záznamy o poskytnuté péči, zázanym o RTG vyšetřeních, protokoly o provedených biopsiích, snímky z ultrazvukových vyšetření a další snímky diagnostické povahy. Study Data: all records and reports, other than Medical Records, collected or created pursuant to or prepared in connection with the Study including, without limitation, reports (e.g., CRFs, data summaries, interim reports and the final report) required to be delivered to Sponsor pursuant to the Protocol and all records regarding inventories and dispositions of all Investigational Product. Studijní data a údaje: veškeré záznamy, zprávy a protokoly, jež jsou odlišné od Zdravotních záznamů, a které jsou získány, shromážděny či vytvořeny v návaznosti na či připraveny v souvislosti se Studií, zejména zprávy, záznamy a protokoly (např., CRFs, datové přehledy, mezitímní zprávy a protokoly, a závěrečná zpráva), které jsou požadovány, aby byly poskytnuty Zadavateli v souladu s Protokolem a veškerými záznamy ohledně inventurní evidence a nakládání s veškerým množstvím Hodnoceného léčiva.

  • Phase I Environmental Report means a report by an Independent Person who regularly conducts environmental site assessments in accordance with then current standards imposed by institutional commercial mortgage lenders and who has a reasonable amount of experience conducting such assessments.

  • Software Updates means the Software releases, service packs, build updates or emergency fixes released from time to time in accordance with the Vocera’s update policy for such Software.

  • Initial Engineering Report means the engineering report concerning Oil and Gas Properties of Loan Parties dated as of June 30, 2016, prepared internally by the Borrower.

  • Final Report means the report described as a final report in 14 RCW 42.17.080(2).

  • Engineering Reports has the meaning assigned such term in Section 2.07(c)(i).

  • Research record means any data, document, computer file, computer diskette, or any other written or non-written account or object that reasonably may be expected to provide evidence or information regarding the proposed, conducted, or reported research that constitutes the subject of an allegation of research misconduct. A research record includes, but is not limited to, grant or contract applications, whether funded or unfunded; grant or contract progress and other reports; laboratory notebooks; notes; correspondence; videos; photographs; X-ray film; slides; biological materials; computer files and printouts; manuscripts and publications; equipment use logs; laboratory procurement records; animal facility records; human and animal subject protocols; consent forms; medical charts; and patient research files.