Know-How Royalties definition

Know-How Royalties has the meaning set forth in Section 4.4(a).
Know-How Royalties. Section 6.2
Know-How Royalties with respect to annual Net Sales in that Jurisdiction. The aggregate of all Patent Royalties and Know-How Royalties that are due to Durect in any Annual Net Sales Period (as defined below) shall be referred to herein as “Royalties.” Confidential treatment has been sought for portions of this Agreement. The copy filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidential treatment request. Omissions are designated as * * *. A complete version of this exhibit has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Examples of Know-How Royalties in a sentence

  • If USL grants a sublicense (which for purposes of this Section 6.10.6 does not include a Third Party private label distributor of USL), any such sublicense shall contain appropriate provisions to obligate the sublicensee to pay Orion the same Know-how Royalty on Net Sales that USL would have to pay on its own Net Sales of the Product, and any such Know-How Royalties in the amount specified in Section 6.9 owed on Net Sales by a sublicense shall be collected by USL and paid to Orion.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, no Know-How Royalties shall be due in any country after the end of the Royalty Term pursuant to Section 4.2 (d) in such country.

  • The first Annual Net Sales Period in which Know-How Royalties are payable shall begin on the first day of the Know-How Royalty Term and continue to the end of the calendar quarter ending on December 31st of that calendar year.

  • Except as otherwise provided in this Section 11.3.4, Patent and Know-How Royalties shall be payable in Dollars and shall be paid by NOVACEA on its account and on account of its Affiliates and sublicensees by wire transfer to XXXXXX XXXXX’x bank account opened at SOCIETE GENERALE in France or at such other financial institution as XXXXXX XXXXX may designate in writing from time to time, the specific wiring instructions with respect to which shall be provided by XXXXXX XXXXX to NOVACEA from time to time.

  • In a Jurisdiction where the Know-How Royalty Term is in effect, Alpharma shall owe Durect Know-How Royalties with respect to calendar year Net Sales of Product in such Jurisdiction.

  • Know-How Royalties shall accrue, on a Jurisdiction-by-Jurisdiction basis, on Net Sales in the Jurisdiction during any portion of the applicable Royalty Term that remains after the expiration of the applicable Patent Royalty Term (the “Know-How Royalty Term”).

  • Upon the expiration of sixty (60) months following the end of any Commercial Year, the calculation of Patent and Know-How Royalties payable with respect thereto shall be binding and conclusive on XXXXXX XXXXX and NOVACEA, its Affiliates and its permitted sub-licensees shall be released from any liability or accountability with respect to Patent and Know How Royalties for such Commercial Year.

  • In the event that (i) RevitaLid or any Sublicensee brings a patent challenge against Licensor, or assists others in bringing a patent challenge against Licensor (except as required under a court order or subpoena), and (ii) Licensor does not choose to exercise its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 4.2.2, then the Know-How Royalties and the Patent Royalties (collectively, the “Royalties”) due hereunder shall be [***] for the remainder of the term of this Agreement.

  • If at any time legal restrictions prevent the prompt remittance of part or all of the Patent and Know-How Royalties with respect to any country of the NOVACEA Territory where the Licensed Product or an Improvement is sold, NOVACEA shall have the right and option to make such payments by depositing the amount thereof in local currency to XXXXXX XXXXX’x account in a bank or other depository in such country.

  • The first Annual Net Sales Period in which Know-How Royalties are payable in a Jurisdiction shall begin on the first day of the Know-How Royalty Term and continue to the end of the calendar quarter ending on December 31st of that calendar year.

More Definitions of Know-How Royalties

Know-How Royalties means royalties payable by Endo to Durect during any Know-How Royalty Term pursuant to Section 5.3(b).

Related to Know-How Royalties

  • Royalties means all royalties, fees, expense reimbursement and other amounts payable by a Loan Party under a License.

  • Sublicense Fees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3 below.

  • Third Party Royalties means royalties payable by either Party to a Third Party in connection with the manufacture, use or sale of Franchise Products.

  • Royalty Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.1.

  • License Fees means the license fees, including all taxes thereon, paid or required to be paid by Licensee for the license granted under this Agreement.

  • Sublicense Income means any payments that Company receives from a Sublicensee in consideration of the sublicense of the rights granted Company under Section 2.1., including without limitation license fees, royalties, milestone payments, and license maintenance fees, but excluding the following payments: (a) payments made in consideration for the issuance of equity or debt securities of Company at fair market value, and (b) payments specifically committed to the development of Licensed Products.

  • CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee With respect to each Mortgage Loan (including any REO Mortgage Loan) and for any Distribution Date, the amount accrued during the related Interest Accrual Period at the CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee Rate on, in the case of the initial Distribution Date, the Cut-Off Date Balance of such Mortgage Loan and, in the case of any subsequent Distribution Date, the Stated Principal Balance of such Mortgage Loan as of the close of business on the Distribution Date in the related Interest Accrual Period; provided that such amounts shall be computed for the same period and on the same interest accrual basis respecting which any related interest payment due or deemed due on the related Mortgage Loan is computed and shall be prorated for partial periods. For the avoidance of doubt, the CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee shall be payable from the Lower-Tier REMIC.

  • Sublicense Revenues means [***].

  • Sublicense Revenue means [***].

  • Royalty means an interest in an oil and gas lease that gives the owner of the interest the right to receive a portion of the production from the leased acreage (or of the proceeds of the sale thereof), but generally does not require the owner to pay any portion of the costs of drilling or operating the wells on the leased acreage.

  • Milestone Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.

  • Licensed Know-How means any and all unpatented and/or non-patentable technical data, documents, materials, samples and other information and know‐how that is Controlled by LICENSOR or any of its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or thereafter during the Term that relates to, or is otherwise reasonably necessary or reasonably useful for, the use, Development, manufacture, or Commercialization of the Product. Licensed Know-How shall not include Licensed Patents.

  • Sublicensing Revenue means all (i) cash, (ii) sublicensing fees and (iii) all other payments and the cash equivalent thereof, which are paid to LICENSEE by the Sublicensees of its rights hereunder, but excluding the following payments:

  • Know-How means all know-how, trade secrets, inventions, data, processes, techniques, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulas, protocols and information, whether or not patentable, which are not generally publicly known, including, without limitation, all chemical, biochemical, toxicological, and scientific research information, whether in written, graphic or video form or any other form or format.

  • CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee Rate With respect to each Mortgage Loan, a rate equal to 0.0005% per annum.

  • Royalty Rate means the percentage defined in Exhibit B.

  • Royalty Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Licensor Know-How means any and all Know-How that (a) is Controlled by Licensor or any of its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or at any time thereafter during the Term and (b) pertains to the Manufacture, use or sale of Licensed Products, including Research Inventions (other than Research Patents).

  • Licensee Know-How means all Information and Inventions Controlled by Licensee or its Affiliates (other than the Takeda Know-How and Joint Know-How) during the Term that are necessary to Exploit a Licensed Compound or a Licensed Product. Licensee Know-How excludes any Information contained within or Inventions Covered by a published Licensee Patent Right.

  • Royalty Fee means a royalty fee in the amount of $0.00 of Actual Production payable by BC Hydro to the Province for each year of the Term in accordance with Article 6 of the Master Agreement.

  • Collaboration Know-How means all Know-How and Materials discovered, created, conceived, developed or reduced to practice in the course of performing activities under the Collaboration Program (whether solely by one Party or jointly by the Parties, in each case with their Affiliates or any Third Parties or any employees, consultants or agents of any of the foregoing which perform activities under the Collaboration Program).

  • License Fee means the amount payable by the licensee to DMRC as per rates offered by the Selected Bidder for utilization of licensed space and accepted by DMRC to be paid by the Licensee along with other charges and any kind of Central or State Taxes, local levies, statutory dues, etc. that may be payable by the licensee as per prevalent law.

  • Sublicense means any agreement to Sublicense.

  • Manufacturing Know-How means, with respect to the Product or any Variant thereof, the technology, data, designs, processes, methods, specifications and other know-how used in connection with the formulation, manufacture, labeling, packaging, quality control, release testing, and production of the Product, and all ingredients used therein and portions thereof.

  • License year means the period of time for which a

  • Net Sales means [***].