IOF Sum definition

IOF Sum means the sum of $1,800,000.00.

Related to IOF Sum

  • Provisional Sum means a sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

  • Minimum Charge means the higher of the rate minimum and the rate applied to the Contracted Minimum Demand;

  • Miscellaneous Charges mean charges that apply for miscellaneous services provided at CLEC's request or based on CLEC's actions that result in miscellaneous services being provided by CenturyLink, as described in this Agreement.

  • Acceptance Certificate (11/18) means a written instrument by which the City notifies Contractor that a Deliverable has been Accepted or Accepted with exceptions, and Acceptance Criteria have been met or waived, in whole or in part.

  • Contract Sum means the sum named in the letter of acceptance including Physical contingencies subject to such addition thereto or deduction there-from as may be made under the provisions hereinafter contained.

  • Additional Rent means all amounts payable by the Tenant under this Lease except Base Rent, whether or not specifically designated as Additional Rent elsewhere in this Lease;

  • Default Interest Rate is two percent above the base lending rate of Barclays Bank PLC, as varied from time to time;

  • Installation Charges means those Charges set out in the Order in relation to installation of the Service and/or any Purchased Equipment, Customer Equipment and/or BT Equipment as applicable.

  • Late Charge shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.09 hereof.

  • Default Interest means interest chargeable in terms of this Agreement to unpaid amounts or outstanding obligations which interest shall be calculated, from the due date until date of payment, on a daily balance and compounded monthly in arrear at an annual rate of two percent (2%) above the prevailing, variable prime rate publicly quoted by ABSA Bank Limited from time to time.

  • Yield Maintenance Amount means, with respect to any Note, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the Discounted Value of the Called Principal of such Note over the sum of (i) such Called Principal plus (ii) interest accrued thereon as of (including interest due on) the Settlement Date with respect to such Called Principal. The Yield-Maintenance Amount shall in no event be less than zero.

  • Rent and Charges Reserve means the aggregate of (a) all past due rent and other amounts owing by a Loan Party to any landlord, warehouseman, processor, repairman, mechanic, shipper, freight forwarder, broker or other Person who possesses any Collateral or could assert a Lien on any Collateral; and (b) a reserve equal to three months rent and other charges that could be payable to any such Person, unless it has executed a Collateral Access Agreement.