[I]nnocent definition

[I]nnocent or “Innocence” means the established facts clearly and convincingly prove with certainty that a Student did not violate of the Academic Integrity Code, not just that the facts could not establish by a Preponderance of the Evidence that the Student violated the Code as alleged in a Complaint.
[I]nnocent means “free from guilt,” and “[o]ur court has stated flatly that a spouse who is guilty of an offense against the other spouse, which would be grounds for divorce, cannot himself obtain” a divorce under RSA 458:7.
[I]nnocent. ’ means ‘‘free from guilt,’’ and ‘‘[o]ur court has stated flatly that a spouse who is guilty of an offense against the other spouse, which would be grounds for divorce, cannot himself obtain’’ a divorce under RSA 458:7. [citation omitted] ‘‘In other words, recrimination is a defense against a spouse who is not innocent.’’

Related to [I]nnocent

  • Innocent Party means, in relation to a breach of an obligation under this contract, the party who is not in breach of that obligation; "Insolvency Event", in relation to either of the parties, has occurred where:

  • Intentional for purposes of this Agreement, no act or failure to act on the part of the Executive shall be deemed to have been intentional if it was due primarily to an error in judgment or negligence. An act or failure to act on the Executive’s part shall be considered intentional if it is not in good faith and if it is without a reasonable belief that the action or failure to act is in the best interests of the Bank.

  • Breach of system security means unauthorized acquisition of computerized data that compromises the security, confidentiality, or integrity of sensitive personal information maintained by a person, including data that is encrypted if the person accessing the data has the key required to decrypt the data. Good faith acquisition of sensitive personal information by an employee or agent of the person for the purposes of the person is not a breach of system security unless the person uses or discloses the sensitive personal information in an unauthorized manner. Business and Commerce Code 521.053(a)

  • Intentional Wrongdoing means an act or omission taken or omitted by a Party with knowledge or intent that injury or damage could reasonably be expected to result.

  • Breach of Contract means the failure of a Party to perform any of its obligations in accordance with this Contract, in whole or in part or in a timely or satisfactory manner. The institution of proceedings under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar law, by or against Contractor, or the appointment of a receiver or similar officer for Contractor or any of its property, which is not vacated or fully stayed within 30 days after the institution of such proceeding, shall also constitute a breach. If Contractor is debarred or suspended under §24-109-105, C.R.S. at any time during the term of this Contract, then such debarment or suspension shall constitute a breach.

  • Intentional Breach means, with respect to any agreement or covenant of a party in this Agreement, an action or omission taken or omitted to be taken by such party in material breach of such agreement or covenant that the breaching party intentionally takes (or fails to take) with actual knowledge that such action or omission would, or would reasonably be expected to, cause such material breach of such agreement or covenant.

  • Homelessness or "homeless" means a condition where an

  • Felonious Assault means a violent or criminal act reported to the local authorities which was directed at you during the course of, or an attempt of, a physical assault resulting in serious injury, kidnapping, or rape.

  • Serious Breach means any breach defined as a Serious Breach in the Agreement or any breach or breaches which adversely, materially or substantially affect the performance or delivery of the Services or compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement or the provision of a safe, healthy and supportive learning environment or a breach of security that adversely affects the Personal Data or privacy of an individual. Failure to comply with Law, or actions or omissions by the Provider that endanger the Health or Safety of Learners, Provider Personnel, and all other persons including members of the public would constitute a Serious Breach;

  • Hijack means any unlawful seizure or exercise of control, by force or violence or threat of force or violence and with wrongful intent, of Common Carrier in which the Insured is traveling.

  • Grave means a burial place formed in the ground by excavation and without any internal wall of brickwork or stonework or any other artificial lining.

  • aerodrome means a defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft;

  • Serious assault means an act that constitutes a felony violation of chapter XI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81 to 750.90h, or that constitutes an assault and infliction of serious or aggravated injury under section 81a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81a.

  • Fault means a default, breach, or wrongful act or omission.

  • Knowing and "knowingly" means that a person is in possession of facts under which he or she is aware or should be aware of the nature of his or her conduct and that his or her conduct is substantially certain to cause the payment of a medicaid benefit. Knowing or knowingly includes acting in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of facts or acting in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of facts. Proof of specific intent to defraud is not required.

  • Breach of Agreement provisions of Section 5(a)(ii) will apply to Party A and will not apply to Party B.

  • Malice means conduct which is intended by the defendant to cause injury to the plaintiff or despicable conduct which is carried on by the defendant with a willful and conscious disregard of the rights or safety of others.

  • Tampering means the unauthorized connecting, disconnecting, or causing to be connected or disconnected, or in any other manner interfering with the operation of the Company’s meters, pipes, conduits, other equipment or attachments, or as otherwise provided by this Tariff (see Sections 6.6, 6.13, and 6.15).

  • Fraud means any offence under Laws creating offences in respect of fraudulent acts or at common law in respect of fraudulent acts in relation to the Contract or defrauding or attempting to defraud or conspiring to defraud the Crown.

  • Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.

  • Violent student means a student under the age of 21 who:

  • Arrest the Ship is arrested, confiscated, seized, taken in execution, impounded, forfeited, detained in exercise or purported exercise of any possessory lien or other claim or otherwise taken from the possession of the Borrower and the Borrower shall fail to procure the release of the Ship within a period of fourteen (14) days thereafter; or

  • Bias (gyro) (7) means the average over a specified time of gyro output measured at specified operating conditions that has no correlation with input rotation or acceleration. "Bias" is typically expressed in degrees per hour (deg/hr). (IEEE Std 528-2001).

  • Computer Fraud means the unauthorized entry of data into, or the deletion or destruction of data in, or change of data elements or programs within, a Covered Computer System which:

  • Essential functions means the fundamental job duties of the employment position the individual with a disability holds or desires. "Essential functions" does not include the marginal functions of the position.

  • Trauma means damage to teeth, gingival tissues or alveoli caused by a force arising outside the mouth resulting in mobility, luxation, sub-luxation or fracture of the hard tissues or injury to the soft tissues, but excludes in the case of treatment for which a dentist is remunerated in accordance with Section X of this Determination tooth fracture which only involves enamel or enamel and dentine in the incisal two-thirds of the clinical crown of the tooth; and