Examples of Incremental Auction Revenue Rights in a sentence
Pursuant to Section 231 of the Tariff, Interconnection Customer shall have Incremental Auction Revenue Rights in the following quantities: None.
Identification, evaluation and analysis of upgrades to support Incremental Auction Revenue Rights requested pursuant to the Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 7.8.
To ensure revenue sufficiency, the powerflow model used for simultaneous feasibility determinations is a markets model that uses flows caused by sources and sinks of requested Auction Revenue Rights (including Incremental Auction Revenue Rights) or Financial Transmission Rights, as well as market limits (as described in section (b) below) to determine the capability available to accommodate financial rights that are simultaneously feasible.
Pursuant to Section 231 of the Tariff, Interconnection Customer shall have Incremental Auction Revenue Rights in the following quantities: Quantities of Incremental Auction Revenue Rights will be determined pursuant to the timeframes and procedures set forth in Section 231 of the Tariff.
If Merchant D.C. Transmission Facilities or Controllable A.C. Merchant Transmission Facilities, specify whether Applicant elects to receive (1) Firm or Non-Firm Transmission Injection Rights (TIR) and/or Firm or Non-Firm Transmission Withdrawal Rights (TWR) or (2) Incremental Delivery Rights, Incremental Auction Revenue Rights, and/or Incremental Capacity Transfer Rights.
Except as they may be limited by paragraph 9.4(v) below, each member of the Appropriative Pool will have, in their discretion, a right to purchase its pro-rata share of the supply made available from the Overlying (Non- Agricultural) Pool at the price at which the water is being offered.
The upgrades required for the Incremental Auction Revenue Rights request must achieve additional incremental capability over and above any planned baseline or Supplemental Project upgrades, including upgrades related to a Supplemental Project with a projected in-service date later than the applicable planning case year.
Gideon Rachman, “France braces itself for a stiff dose of Thatcherism,” The Financial Times (8 May 2007).
The New Service Customer may request Transmission Provider to provide a non-binding estimate in the Facilities Study of the Incremental Auction Revenue Rights associated with the required facilities or upgrades for which the New Service Customer has cost responsibility on up to three (3) pairs of point-to-point combinations.
Can I ask her Ladyship to have a copy of that Rule of front of her.