IAMGold Permitted Transactions definition

IAMGold Permitted Transactions means certain proposed transactions disclosed in writing by IAMGold to Gold Fields concurrently with the execution of the Purchase Agreement.

Related to IAMGold Permitted Transactions

  • Permitted Transactions has the meaning set forth in Section 13(B).

  • Permitted Transaction means any transaction involving (i) a Swap that is not a Required Transaction or (ii) a Required Transaction that is a component of a Covered Package Transaction.

  • Excluded Transactions means:

  • Acquisition Transactions means the transactions contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement.

  • Related Transactions means the initial borrowing under the Revolving Loan on the Closing Date, the Refinancing, the payment of all fees, costs and expenses associated with all of the foregoing and the execution and delivery of all of the Related Transactions Documents.

  • Formation Transactions means the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Formation Transaction Documentation.

  • Excluded Transaction means any transaction in which assets are transferred to: (A) a shareholder of the Company (determined immediately before the asset transfer) in exchange for or with respect to its stock; (B) an entity, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company (determined after the asset transfer); (C) a Person, or more than one Person Acting as a Group, that owns, directly or indirectly, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of all the outstanding stock of the Company (determined after the asset transfer); or (D) an entity at least fifty percent (50%) of the total value or voting power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by a Person described in clause (C) (determined after the asset transfer).

  • Exempt Transactions means the transactions described in the section hereof titled “Exempt Transactions.”

  • Exempted Transaction means a securities transaction listed in Section D.2. The purchase or sale of a security through an Exempted Transaction generally IS exempted from the prohibition on purchases in Section D.1., and the sale pre-approval requirements in Section D.3., UNLESS otherwise noted in Section VI. An Exempted Transaction generally IS NOT exempted from the general conduct guidelines in Section C, or the reporting requirements in Section E.1.

  • Material Permitted Acquisition means any Permitted Acquisition the consideration for which exceeds, on the closing date of the Permitted Acquisition, 10% of the Holdings Total Capitalization on such date.

  • Designated Transaction means a Transaction which fulfils the following requirements:

  • Required Transaction means any transaction involving a Swap that is subject to the trade execution requirement of Section 2(h)(8) of the Act.

  • Acquisition Transaction means any transaction or series of transactions involving:

  • Completed Transaction means two counter deals of the same size (opening a position and closing a position): buy then sell and vice versa.

  • Terminated Transactions means with respect to any Early Termination Date (a) if resulting from a Termination Event, all Affected Transactions and (b) if resulting from an Event of Default, all Transactions (in either case) in effect immediately before the effectiveness of the notice designating that Early Termination Date (or, if "Automatic Early Termination" applies, immediately before that Early Termination Date).

  • Related Transactions Documents means the Loan Documents and all other agreements or instruments executed in connection with the Related Transactions.

  • Closing Transactions has the meaning set forth in Section 11.8(a)(i) of these Bylaws.

  • Company Acquisition Transaction means any transaction or series of transactions involving:

  • Roll-Up Transaction means a transaction involving the acquisition, merger, conversion or consolidation either directly or indirectly of the Company and the issuance of securities of a Roll-Up Entity to the holders of Common Shares. Such term does not include:

  • Permitted Acquisition Documents means with respect to any acquisition proposed by the Borrower or any Subsidiary Guarantor, final copies or substantially final drafts if not executed at the required time of delivery of the purchase agreement, sale agreement, merger agreement or other agreement evidencing such acquisition, including, without limitation, all legal opinions and each other document executed, delivered, contemplated by or prepared in connection therewith and any amendment, modification or supplement to any of the foregoing.

  • Limited Condition Transaction means any Acquisition Transaction or any other acquisition or Investment permitted by this Agreement, in each case whose consummation is not conditioned on the availability of, or on obtaining, third party financing.

  • Restricted Transaction means any of the following transactions or transmit- tals involving any credit, funds, instru- ment, or proceeds that the Act pro- hibits any person engaged in the busi- ness of betting or wagering (which does not include the activities of a financial transaction provider, or any inter- active computer service or tele- communications service) from know- ingly accepting, in connection with the participation of another person in un- lawful Internet gambling—

  • Financing Transactions means (a) the execution, delivery and performance by each Loan Party of the Loan Documents to which it is to be a party, (b) the borrowing of Loans hereunder and the use of the proceeds thereof and (c) the issuance, amendment or extension of Letters of Credit hereunder and the use of proceeds thereof.

  • Proposed Acquisition Transaction means a transaction or series of transactions (or any agreement, understanding or arrangement within the meaning of Section 355(e) of the Code and Treasury Regulations Section 1.355-7, or any other regulations promulgated thereunder, to enter into a transaction or series of transactions), whether such transaction is supported by SpinCo management or shareholders, is a hostile acquisition, or otherwise, as a result of which SpinCo (or any successor thereto) would merge or consolidate with any other Person or as a result of which one or more Persons would (directly or indirectly) acquire, or have the right to acquire, from SpinCo (or any successor thereto) and/or one or more holders of SpinCo Capital Stock, respectively, any amount of stock of SpinCo, that would, when combined with any other direct or indirect changes in ownership of the stock of SpinCo pertinent for purposes of Section 355(e) of the Code and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, comprise forty percent (40%) or more of (i) the value of all outstanding shares of SpinCo as of the date of such transaction, or in the case of a series of transactions, the date of the last transaction of such series, or (ii) the total combined voting power of all outstanding shares of voting stock of SpinCo as of the date of such transaction, or in the case of a series of transactions, the date of the last transaction of such series. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Proposed Acquisition Transaction shall not include (i) the adoption by SpinCo of a customary shareholder rights plan or (ii) issuances by SpinCo that satisfy Safe Harbor VIII (relating to acquisitions in connection with a person’s performance of services) or Safe Harbor IX (relating to acquisitions by a retirement plan of an employer) of Treasury Regulations Section 1.355-7(d). For purposes of determining whether a transaction constitutes an indirect acquisition, any recapitalization resulting in a shift of voting power or any redemption of shares of stock shall be treated as an indirect acquisition of shares of stock by the non-exchanging shareholders. This definition and the application thereof are intended to monitor compliance with Section 355(e) of the Code and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder and shall be interpreted and applied accordingly. Any clarification of, or change in, the statute or regulations promulgated under Section 355(e) of the Code shall be incorporated in this definition and its interpretation.