I don definition

I don t know what that means.”
I don t know what the word means."
I don t know” means you haven’t heard of it or don’t agree or disagree with it.

Examples of I don in a sentence

  • A t th e same time, we don' t want to p r e clude t h e f ree enterprise system, and I don' t think this r ea l l y d oe s .

  • I don 't w ant to preclude what this kind of bill, the responsibility we all have when we s p end p u b l ic f unds t o offer th e o p p ortunity t o people for bidding.

  • I don' t know what parliamentary problem that creates, but I' ll figureout a way to s raighten it out and offer a motion in the norn-ing.

  • I a p p r eciate the argument S e n a tor Schmi t h a soffered t o it , b u t I don' t think that that is going to correct the problem we have.

  • And the teacher can check the completion of assignments in the FiF oral language training system and find some typical problems.

More Definitions of I don

I don t even know what that means.”
I don t know what that means but it should mean that all people have warm houses. They should be able to get into that house safely and what not. If you’ve got a problem with either where you are or anything in the vicinity around you that is causing a problem, you should have the right to speak up about it and have someone actually listen and help try to sort it out.” (Interview #16)
I don t know what the professor means by this…”
I don t understand what that means," said Dominic. He watched the enormous white figures fighting each other. Now that Vidre had mentioned it, he couldn’t help but see the flaws in how the fighters moved.
I don t get what the author means when she says, 'Arriving in America was a milestone in my grandmother's life.'"
I don t even know what a bubble means. These words have become popular. I don’t think they have any meaning.”
I don t exactly know what this term means but I know that all decisions should consider