Gimv definition

Gimv means Gimv NV, a limited liability company (‘naamloze vennootschap’ / ‘société anonyme’) with registered office at Karel Oomsstraat 37, 2018 Antwerp and registered with the register of legal entities under number 220.324.117.

Examples of Gimv in a sentence

  • Gimv group has no claim whatsoever on the cash balances of its majority shareholdings.

  • Tax risk Currently, Gimv has offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany.

  • Gimv group reports its majority shareholdings at market value based on the exception for investment entities (in line with IFRS 10).

  • The articles of association of Gimv do not stipulate any minimum or maximum number of directors.

  • There are no other particular agreements between Gimv and one or more of the shareholders.

  • No particular rights are attached to the Gimv shares owned by VPM.

  • Among other things, this agreement states that the persons appointed as directors of VPM shall be proposed by VPM in its turn for appointment as directors of Gimv.

  • Statement by the Statutory Auditor concerning the accounting data given in the Gimv NV annual press release The statutory auditor, Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren BCVBA, represented by Mr Ömer Turna, has delivered an unqualified opinion in respect of the statutorily consolidated financial statements.

  • Gimv brought in EUR 250 million as sponsor and core-investor, and the Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij as co-sponsor another EUR 250 million.

  • Date, country and duration of incorporation Gimv was established in Belgium on 25 February 1980, for an indefinite period.

Related to Gimv

  • snippet means the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, in the form of Exhibit E, among Holdings, the Borrower, each Subsidiary Loan Party and the Administrative Agent.","snippetLinks":[{"key":"guarantee-and-collateral-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[10,44]},{"key":"as-amended","type":"definition","offset":[46,56]},{"key":"otherwise- modified","type":"clause","offset":[74,92]},{"key":"from-time-to-time","type":"clause","offset":[93,110]},{"key":"form-of","type":"clause","offset":[119,126]},{"key":"exhibit-e","type":"clause","offset":[127,136]},{"key":"holdings","type":"clause","offset":[144,152]},{"key":"the-borrower","type":"clause","offset":[154,166]},{"key":"subsidiary-loan- party","type":"definition","offset":[173,194]},{"key":"the-administrative-agent","type":"clause","offset":[199,223]}],"hash":"61aabf5edc0e717dd017e870877aba2d","id":5},{"size":55,"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/dcqI4XJ9kpY#collateral-agreement","label":"Credit Agreement (AGA Medical Holdings, Inc.)","score":21},

  • EPFO means Employees' Provident Fund Organization

  • AEOI means one or more of the following, as the context requires:

  • NGO means non-governmental organization;

  • WOj means the lowest performance (expressed as a percentage) among the Indices as determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: Mini = 1 to 2 Where:

  • Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help all Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of the Company, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Participants’ Risk Fund.

  • ESMA means the European Securities and Markets Authority.

  • SLDC means the State Load Dispatch Center as notified by the State Government.

  • snippetLinks [{"key":"specifically","type":"clause","offset":[20,32]},{"key":"provided-herein","type":"clause","offset":[33,48]},{"key":"at-the-closing","type":"clause","offset":[50,64]},{"key":"the-parties-shall","type":"clause","offset":[65,82]},

  • CJA means the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C-43, as amended;

  • CCMA means the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration established in terms of section 112 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995;

  • CCA means the Connecting Care Act, 2019, and the regulations under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • MB means megabyte, which is equal to 1024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes of digital information.

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • hostel means a place of residence for the students of the University, or its colleges, institutions and study centers, established or recognized to be as such by the University;

  • DPWH means the Department of Public Works and Highways of the Government of the Philippines.

  • SoftBank means Softbank Group Corp.

  • POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, as amended from time to time, together with any regulations issued from time to time in terms thereof;

  • PTA means the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, a statutory body corporate established under Section 3 of the Act, and its predecessors and successors;

  • SPEX means Special Licensure Examination prepared by the Federation of State Medical Boards and administered by a licensing authority in any jurisdiction. The passing score on SPEX is 75.

  • AcquisitionCo means Diebold Holding Germany Incorporated & Co. KGaA a German partnership limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien - KGaA) that is a Wholly Owned Restricted Subsidiary of the Company and whose general partner is the Company.

  • MOHLTC means the Minister or the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as the context requires;

  • WURA means the Winding-Up and Restructuring Act (Canada).

  • GLJ means GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.;

  • AMFI means Association of Mutual Funds in India.

  • Subscriber Management System means a system or device which stores the subscriber records and details with respect to name, address and other information regarding the hardware being utilized by the subscriber, channels or bouquets of channels subscribed by the subscriber, price of such channels or bouquets of channels as defined in the system, the activation or deactivation dates and time for any channel or bouquets of channels, a log of all actions performed on a subscriber’s record, invoices raised on each subscriber and the amounts paid or discount allowed to the subscriber for each billing period, and which complies with the requirements as set out under Annexure D of this Agreement;