Gas disposal well definition

Gas disposal well means, for the purpose of this subarticle, any well that is used for the subsurface injection of natural gas for disposal.

Examples of Gas disposal well in a sentence

  • Gas disposal well not currently under review by the Division of Oil and Gas and Geothermal Resources.

  • Gas disposal well not currently under review bythe Division of Oil andGas and Geothermal Resources CalGEM.

Related to Gas disposal well

  • Gas well means a well producing gas or natural gas from a common source of gas supply as determined by the commission.

  • Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and refined products (other than petrochemicals which are subject to the provisions of Annex II of the present Convention) and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes the substances listed in Appendix I to this Annex.

  • Horizontal well means a well bore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty (80) degrees to the vertical or with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred (100) feet measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of supply.

  • Gas Transporter means the licensed operator of the transportation network through which gas is transported to you;

  • Natural Gas Liquids means those hydrocarbon components that can be recovered from natural gas as a liquid including, but not limited to, ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes plus, and condensates;

  • CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.

  • Deep well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock at least 5 feet thick located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Injection well means a well into which fluids are injected. (See also “underground injection”.)

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • Exploration Well means a well that is not a development well, a service well or a stratigraphic test well.

  • Petroleum refinery means each facility engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, or other products through distillation of petroleum or through redistillation, cracking, extracting, or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives.

  • Disposal facility means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is intentionally placed into or on any land or water, and at which waste will remain after closure. The term disposal facility does not include a corrective action management unit into which remediation wastes are placed.

  • Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.

  • Petroleum liquids means crude oil, condensate, and any finished or intermediate products manufactured or extracted in a petroleum refinery.

  • Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of all volatile compounds measurable by a flame ionization detector (FID).

  • Appraisal Well means a Well drilled pursuant to an Appraisal Programme.

  • Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.

  • Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.

  • Natural Gas or "Gas" shall mean natural gas, processed, unprocessed, vaporized liquid natural gas, synthetic gas, propane-air mixture or any mixture of these gases.

  • Condensate means hydrocarbon liquid separated from natural gas which condenses due to changes in the temperature or pressure and remains liquid at standard conditions.

  • Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC means the sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane.

  • Liquefied petroleum gas means a mixture of light hydrocarbons (predominantly propane, butane) that is gaseous under conditions of ambient temperature and pressure and that is maintained in a liquid state by an increase of pressure or lowering of temperature;