Fouled definition

Fouled means the existence, movement or placement of equipment and/or personnel on the Track or within twenty-five (25) feet vertically or laterally of the centerline Track, or any other activity which in Railroad’s sole opinion may interfere with any operations of Railroad.

Examples of Fouled in a sentence

  • Fouled surfaces must be immediately cleaned with suitable solvents, Useable as such (flammable): water 45 vol.% ethanol or i-propanol 50 vol.

  • Fouled filter information is indicated in the control panel by standard installed differential pressure switches however pressure transmitter is also available optionally to observe fouling.

  • Whitman, How Negotiability Has Fouled Up the Secondary Mortgage Market, and What to Do About It, Pepperdine Law Review, Vol.

  • Fouled boards (twice duplicated) 3.1 Twice Duplicated Boards Where the boards have been duplicated so as to provide one set for the Open Room and a second set for the Closed Room - this Regulation C.3 shall apply.

  • Maintenance 00744.60 Correction of Defects - Correct all defects in materials and work, as directed, at no additional cost to the Agency, according to the following: (a) Fouled Surfaces - Repair, clean, and retack fouled surfaces that would prevent full bond between successive lifts of mixture.

  • White, supra note 3, at 473 (citing a case from Massachusetts and Dale Whitman, How Negotiability Has Fouled up the Secondary Mortgage Market, and What to Do About It, 37 PEPP.

  • Fouled resins and membranes are inefficient at removing and transporting ions.

  • Morphogenetic movements underlying eye field formation require interactions between the FGF and ephrinB1 signaling pathways.

  • Fouled strainer baskets will reduce water flow, increasing vacuum on pump suction.

  • Fouled boards A board is considered “fouled” if the Tournament Director determines that one or more cards were misplaced in the board in such a manner that contestants who should have direct comparison did not play the board in identical form.

Related to Fouled

  • Ash means all species of the genus Fraxinus.

  • Solids means the nonvolatile portion of the coating that after drying makes up the dry film.

  • Recycled water or “reclaimed water” means treated or recycled waste water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation and water features. This water is not intended for human consumption.

  • Recycled means recovered wood that prior to being supplied to the Authority had an end use as a standalone object or as part of a structure. The term "recycled" is used to cover the following categories: pre-consumer recycled wood and wood fibre or industrial by products but excluding sawmill co-products (sawmill co-products are deemed to fall within the category of virgin timber), post-consumer recycled wood and wood fibre, and drift wood. It also covers reclaimed timber which was abandoned or confiscated at least ten years previously. Documentary evidence and independent verification also apply to recycled materials, but will focus on the use to which the timber was previously put rather than the forest source.

  • Grease means an organic substance recoverable by procedures set forth in "Standard Methods" and includes but is not limited to hydrocarbons, esters, fats, oils, waxes and high molecular carboxylic acids;

  • recyclable waste means the waste that is commonly found in the MSW. It is also called as "Dry Waste". These include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, electronics goods, etc.

  • E-cigarette means any electronic oral device, such as one composed of a heating element and battery or electronic circuit, or both, which provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substances, and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, and e-pipe or under any other product, name, or descriptor.

  • Pilot or "Payment in Lieu of Tax" shall mean any payment made to the Agency or an affected tax jurisdiction equal to all or a portion of the real property taxes or other taxes which would have been levied by or on behalf of an affected tax jurisdiction with respect to a project but for tax exemption obtained by reason of the involvement of the Agency in such project, but such term shall not include Agency fees.

  • Grab sample means an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes in conjunction with an instantaneous flow measurement.

  • Peak Season means the weeks containing the 24th through 36th Wednesdays of the calendar year. Each such week shall begin on a Monday and end on the following Sunday, except for the week containing the 36th Wednesday, which shall end on the following Friday.