Fossil fuel-fired steam generator definition

Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means a device, furnace, or boiler used in the process of burning fossil fuel for the primary purpose of producing steam by heat transfer.
Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means furnace or boiler, or both, used in the process of burning fossil fuel for the primary purpose of providing steam by heat transfer.
Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means a device, furnace, or boiler used in the process of burning fossil

More Definitions of Fossil fuel-fired steam generator

Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means a device,
Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means a furnace or boiler used in the process of burning fossil fuel for the primary purpose of producing steam by heat transfer.Author: Ronald W. GoreChapter 335-3-12 Environmental Management Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §§22-28-14, 22-22A-5, 22-22A-6, 22-22A-8.History: Effective Date: October 26, 1976. Amended: 335-3-12-.02 Emission Monitoring And Reporting Requirements.
Fossil fuel-fired steam generator means a furnace or boiler, and appurte­ nances thereto, used in the process of burning fossil fuel for the primary pur­ pose of producing steam by heat transfer.

Related to Fossil fuel-fired steam generator

  • Fossil fuel-fired means the combustion of fossil fuel or any derivative of fossil fuel, alone or in combination with any other fuel, independent of the percentage of fossil fuel consumed in any calendar year (expressed in mmBtu).

  • X-ray high-voltage generator means a device which transforms electrical energy from the potential supplied by the x-ray control to the tube operating potential. The device may also include means for transforming alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for the x-ray tube(s), high-voltage switches, electrical protective devices, and other appropriate elements.

  • Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.

  • Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material.

  • Generator means a device that produces electricity.

  • Water supply system means a water distribution system, piping, connection fittings, valves and appurtenances within a building, structure, or premises. Water supply systems are also referred to commonly as premise plumbing systems.

  • Co-generation means the sequential production of electricity

  • Compression Ignition Engine means an internal combustion engine with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretical diesel combustion cycle. The regulation of power by controlling fuel supply in lieu of a throttle is indicative of a compression ignition engine.

  • heat pump means a machine, a device or installation that transfers heat from natural surroundings such as air, water or ground to buildings or industrial applications by reversing the natural flow of heat such that it flows from a lower to a higher temperature. For reversible heat pumps, it may also move heat from the building to the natural surroundings;

  • Aviation gasoline means fuel designed for use in the operation of aircraft other than jet aircraft,

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.

  • Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.