Expected Taxable Property definition

Expected Taxable Property means any Parcel within Improvement Area No. 1 that: (i) pursuant to the Development Approval Documents, was expected to be a Taxable Parcel, (ii) based on the Expected Land Uses and as determined by the Administrator, was assigned Expected Maximum Facilities Special Tax Revenues and/or Expected Maximum Services Special Tax Revenues, and (iii) subsequently falls within one or more of the categories that would otherwise be exempt from the Facilities Special Tax and/or Services Special Tax, as set forth in Section H below.
Expected Taxable Property means any Parcel within Improvement Area No. 1 that: (i) pursuant to the Development Approval Documents, was expected to be a Taxable Parcel, (ii) based on the Expected Land Uses and as determined by the Administrator, was assigned Expected Maximum Facilities Special Tax Revenues, and (iii) subsequently falls within one or more of the categories that would otherwise be exempt from the Special Tax as set forth in Section H below.
Expected Taxable Property means any Parcel within Improvement Area No. 2 that: (i) pursuant to the Development Approval Documents, was expected to be a Taxable Parcel, (ii) based on the Expected Land Uses and as determined by the Administrator, was assigned Expected Maximum Facilities Special Tax Revenues, and (iii) subsequently falls within one or more of the categories that would otherwise be exempt from the Special Tax as set forth in Section H below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Parcels owned by TIDA within the Tidelands Trust Overlay Zone will not be Expected Taxable Property, and such Parcels shall only be taxed as Expected Taxable Property if an LDDA or other leasehold interest with a term of twenty (20) years or more is in place on the Parcel.

Examples of Expected Taxable Property in a sentence

  • In such a case, the Administrator shall determine how many Authority Housing Units must be subject to the Special Tax in order to maintain Required Coverage, and TIDA shall determine which Authority Housing Lots will be Expected Taxable Property, and the Administrator shall update Attachment 2 accordingly.

  • BCIPA is based on the premise that payment flow in construction matters should be rapid, cost effective and not final.

  • The separated electrons are used to reduce NADP+ to regenerate NADPH, which in turn reduces CO2 to form simple sugars.

  • Services Special Tax Prior to the Transition Year, there shall be no Services Special Tax levied on Expected Taxable Property.

  • In the Transition Year and each Fiscal Year thereafter, no Facilities Special Tax shall be levied on Expected Taxable Property.

  • Therefore, Parcel 2Y is not Expected Taxable Property and no Expected Maximum Special Tax Revenues can be expected from the parcel unless and until TIDA enters into an LDDA with a vertical developer or Parcel 2Y is developed with a Hotel Project.

  • In the Transition Year and each Fiscal Year thereafter, the Maximum Services Special Tax assigned to any Parcel of Expected Taxable Property shall be determined by the Administrator by applying the Base Services Special Tax to each Land Use Category that is built on each Parcel of Expected Taxable Property, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding.

  • If the academic-staff member agrees with the new description of duties, s/he will sign it, and it will be effective on the date to which s/he and the dean/director/vice- president agree.

  • In the Transition Year and each Fiscal Year thereafter, the Maximum Services Special Tax assigned to any Parcel of Expected Taxable Property shall be determined by the Administrator by applying the Base Services Special Tax to each LandUse Category that is built on each Parcel of Expected Taxable Property, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding.

  • If, at any time after issuance of the first series of Bonds, it is determined that an increase in the number of Inclusionary Units will decrease Maximum IA1 Revenues to a point at which Required Coverage cannot be maintained, then some or all of the Inclusionary Units that were not originally part of the Expected Land Uses shall be designated as Expected Taxable Property and shall be subject to the levy of the Facilities Special Tax pursuant to Step 4 in Section F below.

More Definitions of Expected Taxable Property

Expected Taxable Property means, in any Fiscal Year, any Parcel within the STD that: (i) pursuant to the Development Approval Documents, was expected to be a Taxable Parcel; (ii) is not a Port-Owned Development Parcel; (iii) based on the Expected Land Uses, was assigned Expected Maximum Facilities Special Tax Revenues or Expected Maximum Arts Building Special Tax Revenues; and (iv) subsequently falls within one or more of the categories that would otherwise be exempt from Special Taxes pursuant to Section H below.
Expected Taxable Property means any Parcel within Improvement Area No. 1 that: (i) pursuant to the Development Approval Documents, was expected to be a Taxable Parcel, (ii) based on the Expected Land Uses and as determined by the Administrator, was assigned Expected

Related to Expected Taxable Property

  • Taxable Property means all Assessor’s Parcels which are not Exempt Property.

  • Contributed Property means each property or other asset, in such form as may be permitted by the Delaware Act, but excluding cash, contributed to the Partnership. Once the Carrying Value of a Contributed Property is adjusted pursuant to Section 5.5(d), such property or other asset shall no longer constitute a Contributed Property, but shall be deemed an Adjusted Property.

  • Taxable Public Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Public Property that are not exempt pursuant to Section E below.

  • Distributed Property shall have the meaning specified in Section 14.04(c).

  • Affected Property means all real property at the Site and any other real property where EPA determines, at any time, that access or, land, water, or other resource use restrictions, and/or Institutional Controls are needed to implement the removal action, including, but not limited to, the following properties [insert property descriptions].

  • Straddle Tax Period means a Tax period that begins on or before the Closing Date and ends thereafter.

  • Adjusted Property means any property the Carrying Value of which has been adjusted pursuant to Section 5.5(d).

  • Tax Period means, with respect to any Tax, the period for which the Tax is reported as provided under the Code or other applicable Tax Law.

  • Base taxable value means the agreed value specified in a resolution or interlocal agreement under Subsection 17C-1-102(8) from which tax increment will be collected.

  • Seller’s Taxes shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.4(a) hereof.

  • Qualified Property has the meaning set forth in Section 313.021(2) of the TEXAS TAX CODE and as interpreted by the Comptroller’s Rules and the Texas Attorney General, as these provisions existed on the Application Review Start Date.

  • Applicant’s Qualified Property means the Qualified Property of the Applicant to which the value limitation identified in the Agreement will apply and as more fully described in EXHIBIT 4 of this Agreement.

  • Qualifying Property means a primary residence that a qualified applicant owned and occupied

  • Protected Property means each property identified on Exhibit A hereto and each property acquired in Exchange for a Protected Property as set forth in Section 2.1(b).

  • Income Property means, in respect of each Sub-Fund, (a) all interest, dividends and other sums deemed by the Trustee, (after consulting the auditors either on a general or case by case basis), to be in the nature of income (including taxation repayments, if any) received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of the Deposited Property of the relevant Sub-Fund (whether in cash or, without limitation, by warrant, cheque, money, credit or otherwise or the proceeds of sale or transfer of any Income Property received in a form other than cash); (b) all interest and other sums received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of (a), (c) or (d) of this definition; (c) all cash payments received or receivable by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund in respect of an Application; and (d) all Cancellation Compensation received by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund; (e) any payments to be received or are receivable by the Trustee under any contractual agreements in the nature of investments for the benefit of the relevant Sub-Fund but excluding (i) the Deposited Property; (ii) any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund or previously distributed to Unitholders; (iii) gains for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund arising from the realisation of Securities; and (iv) any sums applied towards payment of the fees, costs and expenses payable by the Trust from the Income Property of the relevant Sub-Fund;