Eligible Encumbered Property definition

Eligible Encumbered Property means Property (other than CIP or Eligible Ground Leases) that secures Indebtedness with a ratio of the unpaid balance of said Indebtedness to the Pool Value of said Property that is less than or equal to forty percent (40%) (such calculation to be made upon initial inclusion of the Property in the Pool and on the last day of each calendar quarter thereafter for so long as the Property is to be included in the Pool).

Related to Eligible Encumbered Property

  • Unencumbered Property means any one of the Unencumbered Properties.

  • Unencumbered Properties means each Acceptable Property that either (a) is an Initial Unencumbered Property or (b) becomes an Unencumbered Property pursuant to Section 4.03, and “Unencumbered Property” means any one of the Unencumbered Properties.

  • Eligible Property means property beneficially owned by a person or entity other than the Fund and held in a bank account maintained by BNYM for or on behalf of the Fund, or property held in a Fund shareholder account, which is (x) subject to reporting or escheat under an Unclaimed Property Law, (y) of a nature or type or classification reasonably related to the services performed by BNYM under this Agreement (such as cash amounts representing non-negotiated dividend checks and shares in abandoned shareholder accounts), and (z) under the control of BNYM.

  • Qualified Property has the meaning set forth in Section 313.021(2) of the TEXAS TAX CODE and as interpreted by the Comptroller’s Rules and the Texas Attorney General, as these provisions existed on the Application Review Start Date.

  • Covered Property is the address stated on your Agreement Coverage Summary Page. • “Domestic-grade” Items are those that were designated by the manufacturer, manufactured and marketed solely for installation and use in a residential single family dwelling.

  • Borrowing Base Property means Eligible Property and/or Commercial Land that the Administrative Agent has agreed to include in calculations of the Borrowing Base pursuant to Section 4.1. A Property shall be excluded from the determination of the Borrowing Base if at any time such Property shall cease to be an Eligible Property.

  • Contractor-acquired property means property acquired, fabricated, or otherwise provided by the Contractor for performing a contract, and to which the Government has title.

  • Mortgaged Real Property means (a) each Real Property identified on Schedule 1.01(a) hereto and (b) each Real Property, if any, which shall be subject to a Mortgage delivered after the Closing Date pursuant to Section 5.11(c).

  • Eligible Real Property means, as to each Borrower, Real Property owned by such Borrower in fee simple and included in an appraisal of such Real Property received by Agent in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and in each case acceptable to Agent in good faith based on the criteria set forth below. Eligible Real Property shall not include: (a) Real Property which is not owned and operated by a Borrower; (b) Real Property subject to a security interest, lien or mortgage or other encumbrance in favor of any person other than Agent, except those permitted under Sections 9.8(b), (d) and (i) hereof; (c) Real Property that is not located in the United States of America; (d) Real Property that is not subject to the valid and enforceable, first priority, perfected security interest, lien and mortgage of Agent; (e) Real Property where Agent determines that issues relating to compliance with Environmental Laws materially adversely affect the value thereof or the ability of Agent to sell or otherwise dispose thereof (but subject to the right of Agent to establish Reserves after the date hereof to reflect such material adverse affect); (f) except as Agent may otherwise determine, Real Property improvements located on land which is not owned in fee simple by such Borrower; and (g) Real Property improved with residential housing. The criteria for Eligible Real Property set forth above may only be changed and any new criteria for Eligible Real Property may only be established by Agent acting in good faith based on either: (1) an event, condition or other circumstance arising after the date hereof, or (2) an event, condition or other circumstance existing on the date hereof to the extent Agent has no written notice thereof from any Borrower prior to the date hereof, in either case under clause (i) or (ii) which adversely affects or could reasonably be expected to adversely affect such Real Property in any material respect in the good faith determination of Agent.

  • Substitute Property shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.6 hereof.

  • Mortgaged Property shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the recitals.

  • Eligible Ground Lease means a ground lease that (a) has a minimum remaining term of twenty-five (25) years, including tenant controlled options, as of any date of determination, (b) has customary notice rights, default cure rights, bankruptcy new lease rights and other customary provisions for the benefit of a leasehold mortgagee or has equivalent protection for a leasehold permanent mortgagee by a subordination to such leasehold permanent mortgagee of the landlord’s fee interest, and (c) is otherwise acceptable for non-recourse leasehold mortgage financing under customary prudent lending requirements. The Eligible Ground Leases as of the date of this Credit Agreement are listed on Schedule EG.

  • Restricted Property means (a) any property of the Company located within the United States of America that, in the opinion of the Company’s board of directors, is a principal manufacturing property or (b) any shares of capital stock or Debt of any Subsidiary owning any such property.

  • Unencumbered Asset means any Project which as of any date of determination, (a) is not subject to any Liens other than Permitted Liens set forth in Sections 9.5(i) through 9.5(v), (b) is not subject to any agreement (including any agreement governing Indebtedness incurred in order to finance or refinance the acquisition of such asset) which prohibits or limits the ability of the Borrower, or its Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries, as the case may be, to create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any Lien upon any assets or Capital Stock of the Borrower, or any of its Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries other than a Permitted Negative Pledge, (c) is not subject to any agreement (including any agreement governing Indebtedness incurred in order to finance or refinance the acquisition of such asset) which entitles any Person to the benefit of any Lien (but not subject to any Liens other than Permitted Liens set forth in Sections 9.5(i) through 9.5(v)) on any assets or Capital Stock of the Borrower or any of its Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries or would entitle any Person to the benefit of any Lien (but excluding the Permitted Liens set forth in Sections 9.5(i) through 9.5(v)) on such assets or Capital Stock upon the occurrence of any contingency (including, except in the case of a Material Credit Facility, pursuant to an “equal and ratable” clause), (d) is not the subject of any material architectural/engineering issue, as evidenced by a certification of the Borrower, and (e) is materially compliant with the representations and warranties in Article VI below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Project is a “Superfund” site under federal law or a site identified in writing by the jurisdiction in which such Project is located as having significant environmental contamination under applicable state law, the Borrower shall so advise the Lenders in writing and the Required Lenders shall have the right to request from the Borrower a current detailed environmental assessment (or one which is not more than two years old for Unencumbered Assets owned as of the Agreement Execution Date), and, if applicable, a written estimate of any remediation costs from a recognized environmental contractor and to exclude any such Project from Unencumbered Assets at their election. No Project of a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary shall be deemed to be unencumbered unless such Project and all Capital Stock of such Wholly-Owned Subsidiary or any other intervening Wholly-Owned Subsidiary between the Borrower and such Wholly-Owned Subsidiary is unencumbered and neither such Wholly-Owned Subsidiary nor any other intervening Wholly-Owned Subsidiary between the Borrower and such Wholly-Owned Subsidiary has any Indebtedness for borrowed money (other than Indebtedness due to the Borrower).

  • Qualified Ground Lease means each of the ground leases or ground subleases set forth on Schedule 1.01(d) hereto and for a Future Property means any ground lease (a) which is a direct ground lease or ground sublease granted by the fee owner of real property or a master ground lessee from such fee owner, (b) which may be transferred and/or assigned without the consent of the lessor (or as to which the lease expressly provides that (i) such lease may be transferred and/or assigned with the consent of the lessor and (ii) such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) or subject to certain reasonable pre‑defined requirements, (c) which has a remaining term (including any renewal terms exercisable at the sole option of the lessee) of at least twenty (20) years, (d) under which no material default has occurred and is continuing, (e) with respect to which a Lien may be granted without the consent of the lessor (but subject to customary requirements regarding the nature of the holder of such Lien and prior notice to the lessor), (f) which contains customary and reasonable lender protection provisions, including, without limitation, provisions to the effect that (i) the lessor shall notify any holder of a Lien in such lease of the occurrence of any default by the lessee under such lease and shall afford such holder the option to cure such default, and (ii) in the event that such lease is terminated, such holder shall have the option to enter into a new lease having terms substantially identical to those contained in the terminated lease and (g) which otherwise contains no non-customary terms that are material and adverse to the lessee.

  • Released Mortgaged Property Proceeds As to any Mortgage Loan, proceeds received by the Servicer in connection with (a) a taking of an entire Mortgaged Property by exercise of the power of eminent domain or condemnation or (b) any release of part of the Mortgaged Property from the lien of the related Mortgage, whether by partial condemnation, sale or otherwise, which are not released to the Mortgagor in accordance with applicable law and mortgage servicing standards the Servicer would use in servicing mortgage loans for its own account and this Agreement.

  • New property means (i) the assessed value, after final

  • Undeveloped Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Taxable Property which are not Developed Property.

  • Excluded Property shall have the meaning set forth in the Security Agreement.

  • Additional Mortgaged Property has the meaning assigned to that term in subsection 6.9.

  • Permitted Real Property Encumbrances means (i) those liens, encumbrances and other matters affecting title to any Mortgaged Property listed in the applicable title policy in respect thereof (or any update thereto) and found, on the date of delivery of such title policy to the Administrative Agent in accordance with the terms hereof, reasonably acceptable by the Administrative Agent, (ii) as to any particular real property at any time, such easements, encroachments, covenants, restrictions, rights of way, minor defects, irregularities or encumbrances on title which do not, in the reasonable opinion of the Administrative Agent, materially impair such real property for the purpose for which it is held by the mortgagor or owner, as the case may be, thereof, or the Lien held by the Administrative Agent, (iii) municipal and zoning laws, regulations, codes and ordinances, which are not violated in any material respect by the existing improvements and the present use made by the mortgagor or owner, as the case may be, of such real property, (iv) general real estate taxes and assessments not yet delinquent, and (v) such other items as the Administrative Agent may consent to.

  • Unimproved Real Property means Property in which the Company has an equity interest that was not acquired for the purpose of producing rental or other operating income, that has no development or construction in process and for which no development or construction is planned, in good faith, to commence within one (1) year.

  • School property means in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public elementary or secondary school, or in or on a school bus, as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law §142.

  • Qualified Replacement Mortgage A Home Equity Loan substituted for another pursuant to Section 3.04, 3.05(b) or 3.06(b) hereof, which (i) has a Coupon Rate at least equal to the Coupon Rate of the Home Equity Loan being replaced, (ii) is secured by Property that is of the same or better property type as, or is a single family dwelling and the same or better occupancy status as, the Property securing the Home Equity Loan being replaced or is a primary residence, (iii) shall mature no later than the latest Final Scheduled Distribution Date with respect to the related Home Equity Loan Group, (iv) has a Loan-to-Value Ratio as of the Replacement Cut-Off Date no higher than the Loan-to-Value Ratio of the replaced Home Equity Loan at such time, (v) shall be of the same or higher credit quality classification (determined in accordance with the Seller’s credit underwriting guidelines set forth in the Seller’s underwriting manual) as the Home Equity Loan which such Qualified Replacement Mortgage replaces, (vi) shall be a First Mortgage Loan if the Home Equity Loan which such Qualified Replacement Mortgage replaces was a First Mortgage Loan and shall be a First Mortgage Loan or Second Mortgage Loan if the Home Equity Loan which such Qualified Replacement Mortgage replaces was a Second Mortgage Loan, (vii) has an outstanding principal balance as of the related Replacement Cut-Off Date equal to or less than the outstanding principal balance of the replaced Home Equity Loan as of such Replacement Cut-Off Date, (viii) shall not provide for a “balloon” payment if the related Home Equity Loan did not provide for a “balloon” payment (and if such related Home Equity Loan provided for a “balloon” payment, such Qualified Replacement Mortgage shall have an original maturity of not less than the original maturity of such related Home Equity Loan), (ix) shall be a fixed rate Home Equity Loan if the Home Equity Loan being replaced is in Group I or an adjustable rate Home Equity Loan if the Home Equity Loan being replaced is in Group II, (x) satisfies the criteria set forth from time to time in the definition thereof at Section 860G(a)(4) of the Code (or any successor statute thereto) and applicable to the Trust, (xi) satisfies the representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.04(b) hereof, (xii) shall not be 30 days or more Delinquent and (xiii) if such Home Equity Loan being replaced is in Group II, shall adjust based on the same index as, have no lower margin than, have the same interval between adjustment dates as and have a maximum Coupon Rate no lower than, and a minimum Coupon Rate no lower than, the Home Equity Loan being replaced.

  • Underlying Mortgaged Property With respect to each Co-op Loan, the underlying real property owned by the related residential cooperative housing corporation.

  • Acquired Property shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.10(h)(i) hereof.