Electronic monitoring device definition

Electronic monitoring device means any of the following:
Electronic monitoring device means a camera or other
Electronic monitoring device means a camera or other device that captures, records, or broadcasts audio, video, or both, that is placed in a resident's room or private living unit and is used to monitor the resident or activities in the room or private living unit.

Examples of Electronic monitoring device in a sentence

  • Electronic monitoring device event modelling on an individual-subject basis using adaptive Poisson regression.

  • Electronic monitoring device — Video surveillance cameras and audio devices installed in a resident's room, designed to acquire communications or other sounds that occur in the room.

  • Electronic monitoring device (pressure transmitter) has been installed in June 2017. Dam real-time water levels and V-notch weir flow are monitored & recorded in the SCADA system.

  • On April 3, 2020, the County implemented the Temporary Telework Policy by adding the addendum to the Marion County Personnel Rules.

  • Electronic monitoring device as a condition of bail – 12-month trial in five locations2.

More Definitions of Electronic monitoring device

Electronic monitoring device means a camera or other device that captures, records,
Electronic monitoring device means a surveillance
Electronic monitoring device means a camera or other electronic device that uses video, but not audio, recording capabilities to monitor the activities taking place in the area where the device is installed.
Electronic monitoring device means a video surveillance camera or audio device installed in the room of a resident designed to acquire communications or other sounds occurring in the room but does not include an electronic, mechanical, or other device that is used specifically for the nonconsensual interception of wire or electronic communications.
Electronic monitoring device means the same as defined in
Electronic monitoring device means a surveillance instrument used to broadcast or record activity or sound occurring in a room, but not to intercept wire or electronic communications; and
Electronic monitoring device means a surveillance instrument with a fixed position video camera or an audio recording device, or a combination thereof, that is installed in a resident's room under the provisions of this Act and broadcasts or records activity or sounds occurring in the room.